The Onion

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Onion Embarks on Quest to Snag Itself a Pulitzer

Push for respectability comes with publication's 1,000th issue

(Newser) - With its 1,000th issue (more or less) coming out this week, the Onion isn't just content to be America's top satirical newspaper: It wants a Pulitzer. It's not fussy at all about which Pulitzer—editors have submitted articles to the Pulitzer Board in categories like commentary...

Blog Tracks Down Real, Onion-Worthy Headlines

Example: 'God Caught Backing Multiple Candidates'

(Newser) - First came Literally Unbelievable , the blog devoted to people who mistakenly believe that Onion stories are actually true. So it was only a matter of time before Onion-Like popped up. The still-pretty-new blog is devoted to news headlines that are attached to true stories (really!) but sound tailor-made for...

Onion's 'Abortionplex' Gets Yelp Page

It's 'fun fun fun,' users rave

(Newser) - The Abortionplex started out as a whopper of an Onion tale , but took on a life of its own when a few Facebook users, believing it was true, got hilariously angry about it . Now it has spawned a Yelp page, complete with a 3.5-star rating based on more than...

These Facebook Users Think Onion Stories Are Real

'Literally Unbelievable' blog delights in people who think the 'news' is legit

(Newser) - The Onion bills itself as "America's Finest News Source," and lots of Facebook users agree. But we're referring here to those who don't quite get the whole satire thing: The Literally Unbelievable blog is devoted to people who take Onion stories as gospel (Planned...

Onion Punks Times With Tiger Beat Goof
 Onion Dupes New York Times 

Onion Dupes New York Times

Apparently Times ' editors don't read the teen-girl tabloid

(Newser) - Remember the time Barack Obama graced the cover of Tiger Beat magazine accompanied by the news that he had won the "slumber party" vote? Oh, wait a minute, that was a "news" story published by the Onion . Apparently, someone forgot to tell the New York Times, which included...

'Gray Lady' Profiles Onion, Blogosphere Points, Laughs
'Gray Lady' Profiles Onion,
Blogosphere Points, Laughs
media pile-on

'Gray Lady' Profiles Onion, Blogosphere Points, Laughs

Bloggers poke fun of 'NYT' article about Joe Biden parodies

(Newser) - The Onion likes writing parodies about Joe Biden, Biden reportedly likes reading them, and the New York Times takes note of it all with a story today headlined "The Onion Strikes Comic Gold With Biden Spoofs" that you can read here . Or you can read the bewildered reaction from...

Comedy Central Picks Up Onion Sports Network

10-episode test run will begin next year

(Newser) - The Onion will soon be making fun of the world of sports on cable TV. Comedy Central will run a 10-episode batch of shows beginning early next year from the Onion Sports Network, reports Mashable . Athletes, nutso fans, and sportscasters are sure to be fair game. "If I were...

The Decade's Best Quotes
 The Decade's Best Quotes 

The Decade's Best Quotes

(Newser) - With the end of the decade near, Newsweek has rounded up the top 10 most important quotes from 2000 to 2009. A selection:
  • "Brownie, you’re doing a heck of a job": President George W. Bush, Sept. 2, 2005. In one line to then-FEMA director Michael Brown, Bush summed

How the Onion Writes Headlines

New book Our Front Pages explores the evolution

(Newser) - The Onion's writers have a backward way of generating stories: They come up with the headlines first. The staff devotes the first two days of each week to rejecting headlines like “Quick and Painless Overthrow of Taliban Enters Eighth Year” in favor of “US Continues Quagmire-Building Effort in...

Onion Peels Into Greeting Card Business

Yesterday's fake headlines become today's salutations

(Newser) - Real newspapers take note: The Onion has found a way to squeeze some money out of its back issues. A new line of greeting cards based on its parody articles has hit Target, giving Americans the perfect way to convey sentiments like "Search for Self Called Off After 38...

Oops: Onion Dupes Bangladeshi Papers on Fake Moon Landing

(Newser) - Satire just doesn't translate well. Two Bangladeshi newspapers have apologized to readers after breathlessly reporting a US scoop: Neil Armstrong thinks the moon landing was a hoax! Problem is, the story appeared in the Onion. "We've since learned that the fun site runs false and juicy reports based on...

The Onion's Favorite Procrastination Sites

(Newser) - When the editors and writers at the Onion AV Club aren’t working—which appears to be often—they have their own “favorite time-wasting” websites to frequent. A sampling:
  • CNN: "They’ve got some news there that you can read and junk," Nathan Rabin writes. "As

Onion to Slice SF, LA Editions: Source

(Newser) - Not even satirical daily paper the Onion can escape the woes of the print industry—it's shutting down its San Francisco and Los Angeles editions tomorrow, a source tells Gawker’s Ryan Tate. The Onion launched the editions in 2005 and 2006, respectively, well into the newspaper crisis, notes Tate,...

YouTube, SNL Receive Peabody Awards

Organization honors new media for first time

(Newser) - YouTube, Lost, and CNN were all honored with a 2008 Peabody Award for contributions to broadcasting, the Hollywood Reporter writes. For news, NPR’s coverage of the earthquake in Chengu, China, and CNN’s 2008 election coverage were recognized, along with Saturday Night Live for the razor-sharp political satire it...

Satirical Paper Thrives in Tough US Market

The Onion feeds the public's need for satiric news coverage

(Newser) - As newspapers lay off workers and struggle to survive, the Onion is adding staff and circulating in new markets, the Washington Post reports. Riding the crest of America's love for Jon Stewart-style satirical news, the 20-year-old paper pays writers well and holds down a New York City office. "It's...

Onion Preps Timely Election Coverage—No, Really

(Newser) - The Onion, bucking a 20-year trend, plans to cover tomorrow's election results in something resembling real time, the AP reports. The "satirical newspaper of record" and its website have prepared articles and videos in advance, requiring long hours unfamiliar to its writers. “It has become sort of necessary...

All the News That's Fit to Invent: The Onion Hits 20

From a Wisconsin dorm to a NYC highrise, satirical newspaper's key lies in lies

(Newser) - When a wisecracking newspaper was born in a Wisconsin dorm room in 1988, no one predicted it would one day be installed in sleek Manhattan offices, producing fake print and television news, and rolling in dough. But the Onion's president isn’t surprised, CBS reports. The paper “attracts this...

Onion Atlas Redraws the World
Onion Atlas Redraws
the World

Onion Atlas Redraws the World

No corner of the globe is safe from the masters of satire

(Newser) - You may never look at the world in quite the same way after reading the new atlas from the Onion, says a Newsweek reviewer. Our Dumb World is the best parody in 30 years, writes Malcolm Jones, with its mix of laugh-out-loud goofball humor and darker satire. The Iraq map,...

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