town hall meeting

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Carter: Wilson's Heckling of Obama 'Based on Racism'

(Newser) - Former President Jimmy Carter says Rep. Joe Wilson's outburst during President Obama's speech last week was an act "based on racism." Carter says Wilson's comment was part of an "inherent feeling" of some that a black man should not be president. In responding to a question at...

House Dems Back to Work in Same Quagmire

Public health insurance option still splitting party after hectic summer break

(Newser) - House Democrats returned to work yesterday in the same position they were in before they spent their summer break getting an earful from the public, the Washington Post reports. House lawmakers are still expected to move first on the health care bill. But while broad support remains for some kind...

Town Hall 'Paranoia and Violence' a Liberal Fantasia

(Newser) - To listen to the Obama camp and the liberal media, the anti-Obamacare protesters at last month’s town halls are a grave threat to our way of life, Mary Katharine Harn writes in the Weekly Standard. But “the climate of paranoia and violence that enveloped our political system this...

Fringe Baptist Minister Is New American Taliban

(Newser) - The Rev. Steven Anderson—he's the Arizona preacher praying for the president's death—is positioning himself nicely to take up a new title, writes Jeffrey Weiss for Politics Daily: American Taliban. Anderson isn't a terrorist. But he is a "man with an absolute belief in a particular interpretation of...

Rural States Would Gain Most From Health Reform...

...but their vehement residents want it least

(Newser) - With some of the highest percentages of uninsured citizens, rural states like Wyoming and Iowa stand to benefit the most from health care reform—but they’re also home to its most vocal detractors, the Los Angeles Times reports. Such states tend to have lower personal incomes, more small businesses...

Dems Plan Rallies to Counteract Ugly Town Halls

Health care reform advocates look to Obama '08 playbook

(Newser) - Obama supporters will try to recapture the energy of his presidential campaign with a two-week health care reform push featuring a bus tour, rallies, and more than 2,000 house parties. Organizing for America, the network of Obama supporters now run by the Democratic National Committee, aims to show lawmakers...

America: Why So Furious?
 America: Why So Furious? 

America: Why So Furious?

Terrorism, recession, economy drive nationwide rage

(Newser) - With town halls gone mad and anti-Obama protesters toting guns, this is America’s angriest summer in recent memory, McClatchy reports. The fury of voters has deep roots, from a long history of hate groups to anti-Vietnam marches to rage against George W. Bush when he left office—but it’...

GOP Candidates Hold Own Town Halls

Republicans jump on Democrats' reluctance to host ugly meetings

(Newser) - Republican candidates across the country are staging their own health care town halls in a bid to upstage Democratic incumbents, Politico reports. With many Democrats declining to host the rowdy events, GOP challengers have seized on town halls as easy tickets to voter connection and press coverage. “By the...

Gun-Toter's Pastor Prayed for Obama's Death

Ariz. preacher called prez 'socialist devil'

(Newser) - The man who brought an assault rifle to an Obama town hall in Arizona last week had attended a sermon the day before during which the pastor said he would “pray for Barack Obama to die and go to hell,” TPM reports. “I’d like Barack Obama...

Sorry, Mr. President, Nobody Likes Change

Let's reform health care, as long as it can stay the same

(Newser) - If you listen to pandering politicians or ranting radio hosts, you’d think Americans want big, far-reaching change right away. They might disagree on what change, but nobody likes the way things are. Well, you’d be wrong, writes Michael Kinsley for the Washington Post. As the health care debate...

Angry Crowd Greets McCain at Ariz. Town Hall

(Newser) - John McCain met with an angry crowd at a town hall meeting about health care reform yesterday, sometimes having to fight to talk and telling one woman who wouldn't stop shouting that she had to leave. The senator hadn't yet opened the meeting to questions when one audience member continuously...

If He's a Fascist, Then You're a Moron
If He's a Fascist, Then You're
a Moron

If He's a Fascist, Then You're a Moron

Let's not belittle the actual victims of fascism: McArdle

(Newser) - Every few months, some hyped-up protester decides someone they don’t like is a fascist. It’s “beyond moronic,” writes Megan McArdle of the Atlantic, whether you’re talking about George W. Bush or Barack Obama. “The Bush administration did many bad things. But to call his...

Randall Terry Booted From Va. Town Hall

Crowd chants 'kick him out' at antiabortion activist

(Newser) - Theatrical antiabortion protester Randall Terry was escorted from a town hall last night as he hammered Howard Dean for "baby-killing," Salon reports. Terry has been protesting outside town halls, but last night, he came indoors as the former DNC chair and Rep. Jim Moran met with constituents in...

Town Hall Gun-Toters in Same Righty Group

(Newser) - Two men who brought guns to events featuring President Barack Obama belong to the same right-wing organization, Talking Points Memo reports. Chris Broughton, who carried an assault rifle into an Arizona town hall this week, and William Kostric, who brought a handgun to a New Hampshire forum last week, are...

NRA Shouldn't Tolerate Gun-Toting Protesters
NRA Shouldn't Tolerate Gun-Toting Protesters

NRA Shouldn't Tolerate Gun-Toting Protesters

It's just not a safe way to use a firearm

(Newser) - If the National Rifle Association is really, to quote its website “dedicated to the lawful, effective, responsible, and above all safe use of firearms,” then it should loudly discourage people from carrying those firearms to political rallies, writes Stephen Stromberg of the Washington Post. Politics aside, it’s...

Rush to Barney Frank: Oh Yeah? You Live on Uranus

Finds town hall protester 'fabulous and hilarious'

(Newser) - Rush Limbaugh is eating up the town hall protests. Covering the Barney Frank town hall last night, Rush said it was “fabulous and fantastic and hilarious” that a woman showed up with a poster of Obama as Adolf Hitler and asked why Frank supported a Nazi health care policy,...

Grassley: Town Halls Telling Us to Scale Back

(Newser) - Chuck Grassley, the leading Republican senator negotiating health care reform, said yesterday that Congress should pass a substantially narrower bill in the face of town hall anger. The Iowa legislator said baying crowds at public meetings had convinced him that the public has rejected "a government takeover of health...

Woman to Pro-Health Reform Jewish Guy: 'Heil Hitler!'

(Newser) - In the latest health care-related video to go viral, a woman at a Las Vegas town hall on health care shouted “Heil Hitler!” at an Israeli man as he spoke to a local TV station about Israel’s “fantastic” national health care program, ThinkProgress reports. “Did...

Frank Rumbles With Town Hall Wacko

(Newser) - Town hall crazies, you have met your match. Rep. Barney Frank had no time for a woman who asked why he supported Barack Obama's "Nazi" policies, calling it "vile, contemptible nonsense" and asking, "On what planet do you spend most of your time?" When the questioner...

Rifle-Toting Protester Part of Staged Radio Interview

(Newser) - An anti-reform protester who showed up near President Obama's town hall event in Phoenix with a semiautomatic assault rifle did so as part of a staged radio event, reports Talking Points Memo. The man who conducted the seemingly random interview with the gun-toting "Chris" is conservative talk radio host...

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