State Department

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US Envoys Try to Soothe Angry Turks
US Envoys
Try to Soothe
Angry Turks

US Envoys Try to Soothe Angry Turks

Upset over rebel strikes, Turkey may attack Kurdish Iraq

(Newser) - Two US envoys flew to Ankara today to urge Turkey not to strike back against Kurdish militants, the BBC reports. Relations between the NATO allies remain strained after US lawmakers accused Turkey this week of waging a WWI-era genocide campaign against Armenians. Turkey reacted by recalling its ambassador from Washington.

US Ignored Blackwater Warnings
US Ignored Blackwater Warnings

US Ignored Blackwater Warnings

Immunity for guards was 'a bomb that could go off at any time'

(Newser) - The White House ignored signals about Blackwater and other private mercs for years, rejecting the idea that they were "a bomb that could go off at any time," the Los Angeles Times reports. One official says that contract guards blatantly smashed property and scared Iraqis, then argued that...

Iraq Embassy Costs Skyrocket
Iraq Embassy Costs Skyrocket

Iraq Embassy Costs Skyrocket

Project delayed for months due to shoddy workmanship, planning

(Newser) - Shoddy workmanship and poor planning have left construction of the new US embassy in Iraq—the biggest in the world—months behind schedule, and tacked $144 million onto what was originally a $592-million project. Scheduled to open last month, it won't be fully habitable until 2009. The State Department, already...

Rice Orders Blackwater Chaperones
Rice Orders Blackwater Chaperones

Rice Orders Blackwater Chaperones

Convoys will also be monitored with video cameras, radio logs

(Newser) - Condoleezza Rice has ordered all private security convoys in Iraq to be accompanied by at least one US diplomatic security agent. The Secretary of State acted on an internal review sparked by the recent Blackwater shooting incident that left 17 civilians dead. Contractors will also be monitored by video cameras...

House Bids to Put Contractors Under US Law

Landslide passage for bill to bring private firms into civilian courts

(Newser) - The House of Representatives passed a bill today that would make private security firms accountable to US civilian courts; the vote was 389 to 30, with opposition coming only from Republicans. The White House and Pentagon want contractors kept under military jurisdiction, but if the Senate passes similar legislation by...

Feds Fly 1st Class on Your Dime
Feds Fly 1st Class on Your Dime

Feds Fly 1st Class on Your Dime

$146M wasted in premium travel

(Newser) - Federal employees wasted $146 million in a single year flying business or first class, according to a government investigation. Some 67% of premium-class travel is unauthorized or unnecessary, and the biggest abusers are Pentagon, Justice and State Department officials, according to a report by the Government Accountability Office.

Letter Chides Rice on Summit Planning

Former diplomats call for more leadership, talks with Hamas

(Newser) - As Condoleezza Rice prepares for next month's Mideast peace summit, a group of former diplomats have warned her that the opportunity may be squandered by poor planning and weak strategy. The Guardian reports on an unprecedented letter to Rice from top former State Department figures, saying that "the chances...

195 Blackwater Shootings Bared
195 Blackwater Shootings Bared

195 Blackwater Shootings Bared

Guards fired first in 80% of incidents since 2005

(Newser) - Private security firm Blackwater USA has been involved in shooting incidents nearly every week since 2005, according to an investigation by the Democratic congressional staff. While Blackwater is contracted to use force only defensively, company guards used force at least 195 times, firing first 80% of the time, the report...

Passport Regs Kick Back In
Passport Regs Kick Back In

Passport Regs Kick Back In

As summer rush abates, tighter restrictions on North American air travel return

(Newser) - The deluge of passport applications that forced a suspension of new rules has eased, and starting Monday, US airline passengers must carry a passport when traveling to Canada, Mexico, the Caribbean or Bermuda. And after Jan. 31, documentation requirements for those destinations will apply to travelers on water and land...

Blackwater Blamed for Fallujah Bloodshed

Murder of unprepared patrol sparked battle

(Newser) - Blackwater, the private security firm under investigation for a dozen civilian deaths in Iraq last week, is now being faulted for actions that led to a 2004 battle in which 36 US soldiers and 600 civilians were killed.  Blackwater is charged with sending a disorganized, unprepared four-man team into...

Blackwater 'Cowboys' Faster on Trigger

Have been in twice as many shootings as other security firms in Iraq

(Newser) - The US security firm being investigated in an Iraqi operation earlier this month that killed at least 11 civilians has been involved in twice as many shootings as other companies providing protection to American officials in Iraq, the New York Times reports. Guards working for Blackwater killed 10 and wounded...

State Dept. Stonewalls Blackwater Investigation

House panel: Firm ordered not to disclose information without White House OK

(Newser) - Documents revealed yesterday show that the State Department ordered Blackwater USA, the private security firm accused of shooting Iraqi civilians last week, not to disclose information about its Iraq operations without White House approval. The State Department order has interfered with a congressional probe into Blackwater, angering the reps investigating...

Rudy Less Than Thrilled to Be $9.11 Candidate

Calls suggested donation amount ‘unfortunate’

(Newser) - A spokeswoman for presidential hopeful Rudy Giuliani is calling an appeal from private fundraisers for $9.11 donations “an unfortunate choice.” During tomorrow’s national house party night, top GOP rainmaker Abraham Sofaer will host an event aiming to net that telltale amount from attendees, the AP reports.

Blackwater Prior Shootings Show Pattern, Iraqis Say

Accuse security firm of brutality, lawlessness

(Newser) - In the ongoing controversy over Blackwater USA's role in Iraq, the Los Angeles Times details several earlier incidents in which civilians were killed by the private security firm used to guard American diplomats. One of the men wounded Sunday, when 11 Iraqis were killed at a busy Baghdad intersection, reports...

US Reinstates Blackwater in Iraq
US Reinstates Blackwater in Iraq

US Reinstates Blackwater in Iraq

Despite government opposition, State Department returns company to streets

(Newser) - American convoys began emerging from the Green Zone again today, protected by Blackwater USA  guards, just four days after an Iraqi ban on the private security firm halted all such travel. Iraqis remain outraged over the deaths of 11 civilians in a Blackwater shooting incident Sunday, but a Maliki aide...

Blackwater Played by Its Own Rules
Blackwater Played by Its Own Rules

Blackwater Played by Its Own Rules

State Dept exempted security firm from Iraqi and US military oversight

(Newser) - Blackwater, the private security firm involved in the shooting of 10 civilians in Baghdad Sunday, has operated outside US military regulations governing other security contractors in Iraq, the Washington Post reports. Deployed and protected by the State Department, they were exempted from oversight by the Iraqi Interior Ministry, and not...

After Attack, Iraq Bans US Security Firm

Baghdad blames civilian deaths on Blackwater, threatens prosecution

(Newser) - The Iraqi government has revoked an American security contractor's license to do business in the country and is weighing criminal charges against employees who allegedly opened fire on civilians yesterday, the AP reports. Blackwater USA personnel were escorting a State Department convoy through Baghdad when they opened fire, killing eight...

US Will Screen Charity Workers for Terror Ties

To keep funding AID funding, groups will get background checks

(Newser) - A new Bush administration plan will require personnel of some charities and NGOs to register with the government to ensure they are not associated with terrorists. The Washington Post reports that organizations that receive funding from the Agency for International Development will have to provide the phone numbers and e-mail...

US Envoy Visits Libya; Rice May Be Next

Rice would be first secretary of state to visit since 1953

(Newser) - A leading State Department official has arrived in Libya, laying the groundwork for a probable visit by Condoleezza Rice later in the year. The envoy, David Welch, will discuss improvements to US-Libyan relations and compensation for victims of the 1988 Lockerbie bombing, the BBC reports. Since 2003, when the Gaddafi...

Pro-Democracy Campaign Falters
Pro-Democracy Campaign Falters

Pro-Democracy Campaign Falters

Second-term initiative stalls, battered from within and without

(Newser) - President Bush has announced his intention to end "tyranny in our world," but promoting democracy is proving as unpopular among Republicans as Democrats. His plans have met internal opposition, even from Dick Cheney, but a more formidable roadblock is the plan's close association with the unpopular chief executive,...

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