State Department

Stories 241 - 260 | << Prev   Next >>

US Warns Hundreds Named in WikiLeaks Cables

Some activists moved to safer locations

(Newser) - The State Department is working overtime to warn hundred of people whose names appear in some of the 99% of diplomatic cables obtained by WikiLeaks that haven't been published yet. After combing through a majority of the still-under-wraps cables, dozens of staff in Washington and in embassies around the world...

State Dept. to Staffers: Don't Read WikiLeaks at Home

Cables still aren't declassified, department warns

(Newser) - The State Department is reminding staffers that just because everybody can read its leaked cables, it doesn't mean they're declassified. Employees in the department's Consular Affairs-Passport division yesterday received a memo telling them that if they don't need to access the information for the performance of official duties, they should...

Envoy Richard Holbrooke in Critical Condition

He had surgery to repair torn aorta

(Newser) - Richard Holbrooke, the president's special envoy for Afghanistan and Pakistan, is in critical condition at a Washington hospital after surgery this morning to repair a tear in his aorta. He fell ill at the State Department yesterday. The veteran diplomat, 69, is perhaps best known for helping broker the 1995...

Columbia to Students: OK, You Can Discuss WikiLeaks

Oh yeah, we are for freedom of speech, school clarifies

(Newser) - Columbia University has apparently remembered it's supposed to be a defender of free speech and has dropped its warning to students not to discuss WikiLeaks on Facebook or Twitter. Following a warning from an alumnus at the State Department, the career counseling office of the university's School of International and...

WikiLeaks' Real Scoop: Diplomats Doing Nice Job

Op-ed: The cables are more noteworthy for what they don't show

(Newser) - Wading through the new WikiLeaks dump, James Rainey is struck more by what's not there than what it is. As in, the leaked cables don't show evidence of "unauthorized war, fraudulent procurement practices or unexpected assassination," he writes in the Los Angeles Times . Nor do they "show...

Assange: Hillary Clinton Should Resign

... If she ordered staffers to engage in 'espionage'

(Newser) - WikiLeaker Julian Assange doesn't have much sympathy for the diplomatic heat Hillary Clinton is taking over the sometimes embarrassing cables leaked from her State Department. Asked by Time whether she should resign, he responded: "I don't think it would make much of a difference either way. But she should...

What the Heck Is a 'Cable' Anyway?

No, the State Department isn't sending telegraphs

(Newser) - When WikiLeaks released 250,000 classified State Department cables, it raised an inevitable question: The State Department still sends cables? Fear not; our diplomats aren’t actually communicating in Morse code, Slate’s Explainer column assures us. Though “cables” used to refer to telegraphs, these days they’re basically...

Hillary Clinton: Leaks an 'Attack' on America

But she refuses to comment on 'stolen' cables

(Newser) - The US “strongly condemns” WikiLeaks’ disclosure of confidential State Department cables, Hillary Clinton said today, calling it an “attack on America’s foreign policy interests” and on the international community. Though she refused to comment specifically on “what are alleged to be stolen State Department cables,”...

WikiLeaks Dump: The '9/11 of Diplomacy'?

Experts debate fallout

(Newser) - What will WikiLeaks’ treasure trove of State Department cables mean for the world? Before their release, Italy’s foreign minister told Reuters they'd be the "9/11 of diplomacy" and would "blow up the trust between states." And now that they're out? "This won’t restrain" diplomats'...

Wikileaks 'Hacked Before Document Release'
 Hackers Mess With WikiLeaks 

Hackers Mess With WikiLeaks

Denial-of-service attack took site offline yesterday

(Newser) - WikiLeaks says it came under cyberattack yesterday as it prepared to release huge numbers of classified American diplomatic cables. "We are currently under a mass denial-of-service attack," it said on its Twitter feed, adding that the information in the cables would be published in newspapers including the Guardian...

Your Guide to WikiLeaks' Latest Dump
 Your Guide 
 to WikiLeaks' 
 Latest Dump 
it's here

Your Guide to WikiLeaks' Latest Dump

The New York Times offers an extensive preview

(Newser) - The Obama administration’s last-ditch attempt to stop WikiLeaks from releasing its latest batch of documents didn’t work: More than a quarter-million American diplomatic cables will be made public beginning today, and the New York Times has already seen some of them. It offers a preview of what the...

US to WikiLeaks: New Leak Risks 'Countless' Lives

State Dept. urges Assange to hold diplomatic cables

(Newser) - The Obama administration is urging WikiLeaks not to follow through on the expected release of secret diplomatic cables, saying the move would threaten “the lives of countless innocent individuals,” damage counterterrorism work, and rattle relations with US allies, the AP reports. A State Department lawyer calls the release...

US Warns Allies of WikiLeaks Release
US Warns Allies of WikiLeaks Release

US Warns Allies of WikiLeaks Release

Classified cables from State Department could be out today

(Newser) - With a potentially harmful WikiLeaks release on the horizon, the US is doing some preemptive damage control. Embassies are warning American allies that diplomatic cables could expose “sensitive information” and analysis as well as the sources of such information, reports the Washington Post . Outing officials who offer embarrassing details...

WikiLeaks Plans Release of State Department Cables

Pentagon warns Congress it could happen this week

(Newser) - A Pentagon email sent yesterday to Congressional Armed Services Committee members warned that WikiLeaks will soon release thousands of classified State Department cables. Coordinating the release with Wikileaks are the New York Times, the UK's Guardian and Germany's Der Spiegel, reports Bloomberg . These organizations also had advance notice of Wikileaks'...

Yet Another Blackwater Case Collapses

Issues with evidence, immunity make prosecution tough

(Newser) - Legal cases against Blackwater employees accused of committing murder and other violent crimes in Iraq and Afghanistan have been collapsing one by one, the New York Times reports. This week, the Justice Department dropped a case against an armorer accused of killing a guard to an Iraqi official; the move...

US Issues Europe Alert
 US Issues Europe Alert 

US Issues Europe Alert

Urges Americans to be vigilant in crowded places

(Newser) - The State Department formally issued a travel alert to Americans living and traveling in Europe today, urging them to be vigilant, particularly in crowded places. The alert is a notch below a formal warning against foreign travel, reports the AP, but the feds are clearly taking seriously reports of a...

US Plans Travel Alert for Americans in Europe

It will ask them to be 'vigilant' because of terror threats

(Newser) - Threats about a terror attack in Europe are real enough that the State Department is expected to issue a "travel alert" tomorrow asking Americans to be wary about visiting tourist sites overseas. In the semantics of government-speak, it's expected to be a notch below a "warning"—...

Clinton: Our Foreign Policy Is Working

 Clinton: Our 
 Foreign Policy 
 Is Working 
'new american moment'

Clinton: Our Foreign Policy Is Working

It's time to seize 'New American Moment'

(Newser) - The Obama administration's approach to foreign policy is beginning to pay important dividends, Hillary Clinton asserted today, in a speech to the Council on Foreign Relations. "We are advancing America's interests," she said. "Today we can say with confidence that this model of American leadership works, and...

Blackwater Settles With US for $42M
 Settles With 
 US for $42M 


Blackwater Settles With US for $42M

Security firm still faces other charges

(Newser) - No stranger to controversy, Blackwater has settled a laundry list of transgressions with the State Department to the tune of $42 million. The deal treats violations—which include illegally exporting weapons to Afghanistan and offering to train Sudanese troops without authorization—as an administrative matter, and allows Blackwater, now...

Karzai to Kick Contractors Out of Afghanistan

Catches NATO unprepared with tough 4-month deadline

(Newser) - Afghan President Hamid Karzai enraged the US and his other NATO allies today by ordering all private security contractors to leave the country within four months. Though NATO had been working on its own plan to register and regulate the mercenaries, they weren’t prepared for the move, or the...

Stories 241 - 260 | << Prev   Next >>