
Stories 21 - 32 | << Prev 

Harry Reid to GOP: 'Stop Crying Over Reconciliation'

Won't rule out using legislative tactic for health reform

(Newser) - Harry Reid sounds less than sympathetic to Republican complaints that he's threatening to pass health-care reform through the process known as budget reconciliation. "They should stop crying about reconciliation as if it's never been done before," he said, adding that Republicans have been happy to use the tactic...

Karzai Seeks Saudi Help in Taliban Talks

Afghan president arrives in Riyadh

(Newser) - Hamid Karzai arrived in Riyadh today, hoping to secure Saudi Arabia’s help in peace negotiations with the Taliban. Karzai and his entourage will first make a pilgrimage to Mecca, then meet with King Abdullah tomorrow to discuss the reconciliation process. Abdullah has said his government won’t participate as...

Tyson, Holyfield Make Up
 Tyson, Holyfield Make Up 
happy ending

Tyson, Holyfield Make Up

Boxers reconcile 12 years after bizarre championship bout

(Newser) - Evander Holyfield forgives Mike Tyson for biting his ear during their heavyweight title fight in 1997, he said during a joint appearance with his former opponent on today's Oprah Winfrey Show. The boxers—who knew each other as teens—shook hands, and Holyfield said the famous bite “wasn't really...

Yea or Nay, How Health Bill Hinges on Snowe's Vote
Yea or Nay, How Health Bill Hinges on Snowe's Vote

Yea or Nay, How Health Bill Hinges on Snowe's Vote

Either way, Maine Republican will likely preserve leverage going to the floor

(Newser) - The day is finally here: Olympia Snowe will have to vote one way or another on the Senate Finance Committee’s health reform bill. The Maine Republican has been coy—“It’s all about what I’m comfortable doing at the end of the day”—but that doesn’...

Daschle: Leave Whiny GOP in the Dust if Necessary

Democrats may need to use reconciliation

(Newser) - It’s essential that Congress act on health care, and if that means working without bipartisan support, so be it, writes Tom Daschle in the Wall Street Journal. If we fail, 60 million people will be uninsured in 10 years, and typical families will have to pay $25,000 a...

Iraq Spurns Baathists Despite US Prodding

(Newser) - Despite entreaties from Washington, Iraq’s majority-Shiite government is hardening its stance against the outlawed Sunni-dominated Baath party, the New York Times reports. Blamed by some for recent bombings of Shiites, Baathists are “filled with hate from head to toe," Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki said this week, after...

15 Years Later, Rwanda Moves Toward Forgiveness

Rwandan wants his country to inspire world

(Newser) - When Bishop John Rucyahana heard of the genocide wracking his native Rwanda in 1994, he did something unexpected: He returned home from Uganda. Since then, he has built schools for orphans and “reconciliation villages” where the genocide’s victims and perpetrators live together, Newsweek reports. “If Rwanda can...

Senate Dems Are Tanking the Party... Again
Senate Dems Are Tanking
the Party... Again

Senate Dems Are Tanking the Party... Again

Why the left can't seem to govern

(Newser) - Congressional Democrats killed Bill Clinton’s agenda, and Jimmy Carter’s agenda, and it looks like they’re gunning for Barack Obama’s, too, writes Jonathan Chait in the New Republic. George Bush didn’t win the popular vote and had just 50 GOP Senators, but was still able to...

Don't Use Budget Process for Big Reform: GOP to Obama

Procedure would allow Democrats to pass agenda with 51 votes

(Newser) - To circumvent a likely 60-vote minimum in the Senate for big-ticket bills like health reform, President Obama is considering pursuing proposals through a budgetary tactic known as reconciliation, where just 51 votes are needed and no filibustering is allowed. But Republicans are having none of it, Politico reports. Senate Republican...

About-Face on Wright 'No Way to Start a Dialogue'

Obama called for discussion on race, then ran from it, columnist argues

(Newser) - Coming together “isn’t all it’s cracked up to be,” Gregory Rodriguez writes in the LA Times, and Barack Obama's attempt to start a national dialogue on race was foiled by an unlikely actor: Barack Obama. Jeremiah Wright "didn't really say anything new last week,"...

Surge: Success or Standstill?
Surge: Success or Standstill?

Surge: Success or Standstill?

Post columnists stake out opposing stances

(Newser) - The year-old troop surge in Iraq has Washington Post op-ed columnists at odds, with Charles Krauthammer saying it’s unreasonable to call it a failure and Michael Kinsley arguing it can’t be deemed a success. The former points to changed hearts and minds, anecdotes of emotional reconciliation, legislation that...

Wife of 'Dead' Canoeist Behind Bars
Wife of 'Dead' Canoeist Behind Bars

Wife of 'Dead' Canoeist Behind Bars

Awaiting trial for insurance fraud, mom pleads for reconciliation with her sons

(Newser) - The wife of back-from-the-dead canoeist John Darwin was sent to prison yesterday shortly after she issued a plea through her attorney for a reconciliation with her sons, who publicly disowned their parents after the scandal broke. Anne Darwin is charged with dishonestly obtaining life insurance benefits and a mortgage policy....

Stories 21 - 32 | << Prev