
Stories 61 - 77 | << Prev 

California Bans Collecting Welfare at Strip Club ATMs

State debit cards no longer work ithere

(Newser) - Californian authorities learning that thousands of taxpayer dollars meant for needy families may have ended up being stuffed into thongs have banned collecting welfare at strip clubs. The establishments have been scratched from the official list of places where welfare recipients can use state-issued ATM cards to withdraw cash, the...

Critics Warn Jobless Benefits Becoming Welfare

Extensions up to 99 weeks too much, they say

(Newser) - The unemployment benefit program designed to help workers in the short term is turning into an expensive form of welfare as extensions continue, complain critics in Congress and elsewhere. Workers in the hardest-hit states can now claim benefits for 99 weeks, the longest period since the program began in the...

SC Lt. Gov. Compares Poor People to 'Stray Animals'

Andre Bauer refuses to back off remarks about welfare recipients

(Newser) - Mark Sanford is no longer the most embarrassing politician in South Carolina: His lieutenant governor, Andre Bauer, is in hot water after comparing government assistance for the poor to "feeding stray animals." Said Bauer, who is running to succeed Sanford as governor: "You're facilitating the problem if...

States Ignoring $5B in Stimulus Cash for Needy

Say they can't afford matching funds, despite benefits

(Newser) - About half of US states are passing on a $5 billion pool of federal stimulus funds because of a requirement they put up 20% of the money, ProPublica reports. Only 27 states have applied for money under the program, which gives them wide discretion on how to distribute it—some...

Soros: Time for Philanthropists to Step Up in Public Sphere

Gives $200 to every underprivileged NY kid

(Newser) - George Soros is giving $200 to each and every underprivileged kid in New York state, the billionaire announced today, for a total $35 million bill that will make the state eligible for another $140 million in stimulus money. Some have criticized it as a welfare-style handout, but Soros tells Time...

Food-Stamp Funding Boost Gives Economy Quick Lift

Money gets spent fast; $5 in stamps yields $9.20 in activity

(Newser) - The boost in food-stamp funding included in President Obama’s stimulus bill is pumping cash into the economy, the Wall Street Journal reports. In April, families of four on food stamps started getting about an extra $80 a month. Every $5 spent in food-stamp money means a quick $9.20...

Welfare Rolls Soar Along With Unemployment

Many make shift as jobless benefits run out

(Newser) - Welfare rolls are on the rise nationwide for the first time since President Clinton signed a bill overhauling the system in 1996, the Wall Street Journal reports. Welfare recipients’ ranks fell in some areas at the beginning of the recession, but now 23 of the 30 biggest US states are...

Against Economic Tide, Norway Thrives

Often standing in contrast to Europe, strict state control puts Norway in good stead

(Newser) - While the rest of the world struggles with recession, Norway’s socialist-leaning government looks pretty smart, the New York Times reports. Norway enjoys a budget surplus of 11% and is free of debt (the US owes $11 trillion), and its economy grew 3% last year. Oil revenues are pouring in—...

German Town Docks Beggars' Welfare Checks

National outcry forces officials to refund panhandlers' money

(Newser) - Beggars can’t be choosers, and in Germany, they also have trouble being charity cases. One unemployed welfare recipient in the college town of Göttingen learned that lesson last week after officials discovered he was panhandling and threatened to yank $161 out of his monthly $470 welfare payment. The...

Our Family Can Raise Octuplets: Gramps

Nadya won't take taxpayer money

(Newser) - The grandfather of the California octuplets says he'll fight for his daughter Nadya Suleman’s right to raise her kids, ABC News reports. "I will stop anybody from taking my grandchildren away," Ed Doud said in an interview with Good Morning America, responding to reports that the hospital...

What Disdain for Octuplet Mom Says About Us

(Newser) - All the outrage over Nadya Suleman and her octuplets is a little disingenuous, Raina Kelley writes in Newsweek. “Because, in truth, we created Octomom. With our glorification of bizarre behavior, we dare the emotionally needy to shock and appall us,” Kelley writes. “And then we slam them....

Octuplets Will Likely Cost Taxpayers Millions

Broke family already racking up $10K a day

(Newser) - Nadya Suleman says she plans to raise her 14 kids without relying on welfare but the reality is that the bill to taxpayers will likely run into the millions, the Los Angeles Times reports. Suleman has no job, no income, owes $50,000 in student loans, and her octuplets have...

Stimulus to Bulk Up Food Stamps

Caseloads up dramatically; bill to offer $16B to $20B in support

(Newser) - The stimulus package set to pass Congress contains a measure to boost food stamp benefits by billions of dollars, reports NPR. The $16 billion to $20 billion increase—which would mean up to $79 more a month for a family of four—is a response to a drastic rise in...

Welfare Rolls Rising for First Time Since '90s

Tide of middle-class jobless could seriously strain program

(Newser) - Welfare numbers are rising in many states for the first time since public assistance was redefined more than a decade ago, the Washington Post reports. The numbers are still small compared to the days before welfare was retooled to steer people into jobs, but at least a dozen states say...

Who Are You Calling a Socialist?
Who Are You Calling a Socialist?

Who Are You Calling a Socialist?

McCain: Obama's tax cut plan is 'welfare'; Dem: Mac 'out of touch'

(Newser) - Values and socialism dominated the sharp rhetoric on the campaign trail yesterday, as the presidential candidates exchanged fire over Barack Obama’s plan for middle-class tax cuts, Politico reports. At rallies in North Carolina and Virginia, two traditionally red states where Obama has made inroads, John McCain accused him of...

Nixonland Gets 'Excellent' Prez Utterly Wrong
Nixonland Gets 'Excellent' Prez Utterly Wrong
Book review

Nixonland Gets 'Excellent' Prez Utterly Wrong

Conrad Black, author of rival bio, scorns hit job, recites strong points

(Newser) - The biography Nixonland is a hatchet job on an “excellent president,” media mogul Conrad Black (from behind bars) writes in the New York Sun, picking apart author Rick Perlstein’s slights—and reminding of the profound accomplishments of the 37th president. Beyond crediting Nixon with coarsening the political...

Resource-Rich Greenland Looks to Break Free

Another consequence of climate change may be independence

(Newser) - Global warming has put Greenland’s mineral and oil deposits within reach, raising the volume on long-simmering chatter about independence. Denmark supplies much of the island's budget—including a substantial welfare system—but the self-sufficiency offered by melting ice means Greenlanders may no longer need the Danes at all, reports...

Stories 61 - 77 | << Prev