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Fla. Rep. Pleads Guilty to Coke Charges

Judge gives Florida's Trey Radel a year of probation

(Newser) - Congressman Henry "Trey" Radel pleaded guilty to cocaine possession today, but will avoid jail time. A DC Superior Court judge sentenced the freshman Republican from Florida to one year of probation, and ordered him to receive drug treatment in his home state, the Washington Post reports. Radel had already...

Lousy Fast-Food Pay Costs $7B a Year in Gov&#39;t Aid
The Hidden Cost of Cheap Fast Food: $7B in Aid
in case you missed it

The Hidden Cost of Cheap Fast Food: $7B in Aid

Maybe those burgers aren't such a bargain, after all

(Newser) - Think that dollar menu is a bargain? All that cheap fast food comes with a hidden cost to taxpayers, according to a new report. Researchers at UC Berkley have found that low-paid burger-flippers cost US taxpayers $7 billion a year in social welfare programs, the San Francisco Chronicle reports. A...

New Argentine Rule: Welfare Money Goes to Mom, Not Dad

Too many guys were skipping out on family

(Newser) - A new decree by Argentina's female president is designed to help women abandoned by husbands who skip out after fathering a family. From now on, mothers will collect welfare payments instead of fathers. The measure by President Cristina Fernandez is a victory for the Argentine housewives union, underscoring the...

NJ Sent $24M in Benefits— to Prisoners

Agencies didn't check databases to see if recipients were in prison

(Newser) - New Jersey sent nearly $24 million in taxpayer money to prisoners in the form of unemployment, welfare, pension, and other benefits, reports the New York Times . An audit released yesterday uncovered 20,000 prisoners who received benefit money between July 2009 and April 2011, including tales such as one man...

Tsarnaevs Got $100K in State Benefits: Report

Between 2002 and 2012

(Newser) - The Boston Herald may have had its request for records denied, but that hasn't stopped the paper from managing to learn the extent of the public assistance received by the Tsarnaevs: more than $100,000 between 2002 and 2012, including cash, food stamps, and housing, the paper reports. "...

Officials Won't Release Tsarnaev's Welfare Records

Tamerlan's family received some benefits

(Newser) - Tamerlan Tsarnaev's family received some welfare aid up until last year, but the Patrick administration is refusing the Boston Herald's request for details, citing Tsarnaev's right to privacy. The state wouldn't give out information on any unemployment compensation either, nor would the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth...

14% of Michigan Lottery Winners Still on Welfare

State looks to close loopholes for winners claiming benefits

(Newser) - Winning the lottery isn't necessarily the golden ticket many believe: 3,544 Michigan lottery winners last year received—or lived with someone who received—public assistance, the AP reports. It's perhaps not as egregious as it sounds; on average, those people won about $6,800, which is hardly...

Food Stamps Shouldn't Pay for Junk Food

Congress needs to change the rules: Charles Lane

(Newser) - The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, you'll notice, has the word "nutrition" in the title. So why is it that SNAP debit cards, aka food stamps, can be used to purchase such decidedly non-nutritious items as Cheetos and Fanta orange soda? The Agriculture Department itself states, on its website,...

Lawmaker: Let's Cut Welfare When Kids Get Bad Grades

Tennessee state senator sparks debate with new bill

(Newser) - Tough news for Tennessee parents on welfare: Republican state Sen. Stacey Campfield introduced legislation last week that would slash welfare benefits for parents whose kids get crummy grades, Fox News reports. Critics call it an unfair proposal that will ultimately hurt children, but Campfield says the bill will inspire parents...

Cory Booker&#39;s Food Stamp Regret: I Didn&#39;t Buy Eggs
Cory Booker's Food Stamp
Regret: I Didn't Buy Eggs
weeklong challenge

Cory Booker's Food Stamp Regret: I Didn't Buy Eggs

Newark mayor thinks he should have clipped coupons, too

(Newser) - Cory Booker began his food stamp challenge yesterday, showing off his decidedly modest grocery haul for the week to the New Jersey Star-Ledger . The vegetarian mayor spent $29.78 on an assortment that included 17 cans of beans, seven yams, two bags of frozen vegetables, and two apples. "If...

Jon Stewart: Romney's Own Dad Wouldn't Vote for Him

George Romney spent early years on welfare

(Newser) - Jon Stewart weighed in on Mitt Romney's 47% controversy last night —or, as he described it, Romney "talking to rich people about poorer people in a manner you would imagine cartoon rich people talk about cartoon poorer people." The first problem with Romney's position: Almost...

'War on Women'? Yes, But Democrats Are Waging It

Meghan Clyne: Women are not 'reducible to ovaries'

(Newser) - Democrats accuse the GOP of waging a "war on women," but really it's the Dems who demean women and limit their opportunities, writes Meghan Clyne at The Weekly Standard . The liberal argument—that opposing abortion and federally funded contraception is "anti-woman"—makes women "reducible...

Now Obama Ad Gets in on 'Taxless Mitt' Narrative

Plus, ad discusses Romney role in huge tax avoidance scheme

(Newser) - Did Mitt Romney pay no taxes for 10 years, as Harry Reid has been alleging ? Well, the Obama campaign doesn't know, but it certainly implies that's a possibility in its latest ad. "Did Romney pay 10% in taxes? Five percent? Zero? We don't know,"...

Romney's New Target: Obama's Welfare Waivers

Ad attacks state waivers plan

(Newser) - Mitt Romney is opening up a new front in the war for the White House. A new ad accuses President Obama of overhauling Bill Clinton's welfare reform, resulting in a program that doesn't require recipients to work. "Under Obama's plan, you wouldn't have to work...

Limbaugh: Don't Remind Welfare Users About Election

Shock jock doesn't want them at the polls

(Newser) - Rush Limbaugh would rather have people on welfare hear about the election when it best suits him—say, on Nov. 7. “Ninety-nine days, folks,” the conservative shock jock said on the air today. "Ninety-nine days before the election. If you are a welfare recipient, that’s just...

2 Massachusetts Men Won Lottery, Stayed on Welfare

Authorities say men now face larceny charges

(Newser) - Authorities say winning hundreds of thousands of dollars in the state lottery wasn't enough for two Massachusetts men: They also allegedly collected welfare benefits at the same time, and now they face larceny charges. James Casey Jr. of Waltham allegedly did not tell welfare officials that he has won...

More People With PhDs Going on Food Stamps

Number of advanced degree holders on public assistance doubles

(Newser) - Melissa Bruninga Matteau has a PhD in medieval history, and a job as an adjunct professor, but she's still relying on food stamps and Medicaid to get by. "I am not a welfare queen," she tells the Chronicle of Higher Education . But with take home pay of...

Welfare Drug Tests Cost Florida $46K

And didn't uncover all that many drug users, either: new data

(Newser) - Remember that controversial Florida law requiring welfare seekers to submit to drug tests ? Turns out it didn't save taxpayers any money, didn't affect the number of applications, and didn't even ferret out very many drug users, the New York Times reports. During the four months the...

$1M Lotto Winner Charged With Welfare Fraud

'I've got bills to pay,' Amanda Clayton explained

(Newser) - Some people decide not to quit their jobs after a lottery win. Amanda Clayton apparently decided not to stop collecting welfare . The 25-year-old Michigan woman, who won a $1 million jackpot last year, has been charged with felony welfare fraud for failing to report her winnings while receiving $5,475...

Romney: Welfare Moms Need 'Dignity of Work'

Pundits see holes in attacks on Hilary Rosen

(Newser) - New twists in the saga on working moms: The Romney campaign has hammered Democrats over Hilary Rosen's comment that stay-at-home mom Ann Romney had never worked—a comment Ann Romney called an "early birthday gift." But MSNBC unearths video of Mitt Romney himself arguing that parents on...

Stories 21 - 40 | << Prev   Next >>