House Judiciary Committee

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Trump Aide to Testify, but Not in Public
Hope Hicks 
to Testify
Next Week

Hope Hicks to Testify Next Week

Former Trump aide agrees to answer committee questions behind closed doors

(Newser) - The House Judiciary Committee, which subpoenaed Hope Hicks for public testimony, will hear from her—but it will happen behind closed doors. The former aide to President Trump "understands that the Committee will be free to pose questions as it sees fit," Chairman Jerrold Nadler said in a...

House Panel Can Now Sue Barr, Other Officials If Needed

To force compliance with congressional subpoenas

(Newser) - Brushing back calls for impeachment, Speaker Nancy Pelosi said Tuesday "it's not even close" to having enough support in the House, while Democrats pushed forward on other fronts to investigate President Trump, the AP reports. The House voted 229-191 Tuesday to approve a resolution that will allow Democrats...

Justice Department Will Turn Over Mueller Evidence

House panel will not hold attorney general in contempt, for now

(Newser) - A House panel will get to see some of Robert Mueller's most crucial files after all. The Justice Department has struck a deal to turn over to the House Judiciary Committee "key evidence" used in the investigation into whether President Trump obstructed justice, reports the Washington Post . “...

White House Tells Hope Hicks to Defy Subpoena

Annie Donaldson given the same instruction

(Newser) - Just say no. That was the White House's line to former Trump aide Hope Hicks and the former chief of staff for Don McGahn, both of whom had faced a Tuesday deadline to turn over documents to the House Judiciary Committee as part of its investigation into potential corruption,...

House Panel Ramps Up Fight With 2 More Subpoenas

This time for Hope Hicks and a former McGahn aide

(Newser) - The House Judiciary Committee has subpoenaed former White House communications director Hope Hicks and a former aide in the White House counsel's office as Democrats continue their investigations of President Trump. The committee subpoenaed Hicks for documents and for testimony at a public hearing, the AP reports. It subpoenaed...

McGahn Is a No-Show, and Now Come the Consequences

'We will hold this President accountable—one way or the other,' says House Judiciary chair

(Newser) - The lines were drawn Tuesday as former White House counsel Don McGahn defied a subpoena to testify in front of the House Judiciary committee, as expected . Also as expected, House Democrats indicated they would move to hold him in contempt. "Let me be clear. This committee will hear Mr....

Dems Talk Impeachment After McGahn Defies Subpoena

Nadler slams Trump's 'lawless conduct'

(Newser) - House Democrats are facing yet another attempt by President Trump to stonewall their investigations, this time with former White House counsel Donald McGahn defying a subpoena for his testimony on orders from the White House, the AP reports. A lawyer for McGahn said he would follow the president's directive...

Don McGahn Could Be a Glaring No-Show Tomorrow

'NYT' reports Trump may tell him to defy a House subpoena

(Newser) - Former White House counsel Don McGahn is slated to appear before the House Judiciary Committee Tuesday, but that may not come to pass. The New York Times is reporting by way of a source that the president intends to tell McGahn to defy the subpoena—and arm him with a...

Trump Calls Executive Privilege Before Barr Contempt Vote

Fight over the unredacted version of the Mueller report rages on

(Newser) - The House Judiciary Committee gathered Wednesday morning for its vote on holding Attorney General William Barr in contempt of Congress over the DOJ's refusal to comply with a subpoena for an unredacted version of the Mueller report. Big news came just beforehand: A letter delivered Tuesday night to committee...

Don McGahn Defies House Subpoena

McGahn Defies House Subpoena

Former White House counsel won't comply with Tuesday deadline

(Newser) - Don McGahn won't be complying with the House Judiciary Committee's subpoena. The AP reports that the Trump administration ordered the former White House counsel to defy the subpoena, and Politico confirms that McGahn's lawyer said McGahn would not provide the documents the committee wants to review. The...

Democrat Taunts Attorney General With Chicken

Rep. Steve Cohen mocks William Barr's decision not to appear before House panel

(Newser) - Attorney General William Barr opted not to appear Thursday before the House Judiciary Committee, after his lengthy testimony before a Senate panel on Wednesday. As a result, Democrats are now taunting him as a chicken. Toward that end, Rep. Steve Cohen not only placed a toy chicken by Barr's...

DOJ to House Committee: Don't Hold Your Breath

William Barr may not show up Thursday as expected

(Newser) - The Justice Department has informed the House Judiciary Committee that Attorney General William Barr may not attend a Thursday hearing to review special counsel Robert Mueller's report due to objections over the panel's format, according to a Democratic senior committee aide. The department has balked at the panel'...

House Panel OKs Subpoenas for Full Mueller Report

Rep. Nadler said he would issue them if AG Barr doesn't change his position

(Newser) - The House Judiciary Committee approved subpoenas Wednesday for special counsel Robert Mueller's full Russia report as Democrats pressure the Justice Department to release the document without redactions. The committee voted 24-17 to give Democratic Judiciary Chairman Jerrold Nadler permission to issue subpoenas to the Justice Department for the final...

Democrats Aim to Force Hand of Attorney General

Panel readies subpoena for the full Mueller report, without redactions

(Newser) - The attorney general plans to give Congress the full Mueller report , with redactions, in the next two weeks . Not good enough, House Democrats said Monday. They want it now, without any redactions. The chairman of the House Judiciary Committee said the panel will vote Wednesday to subpoena the report from...

Standout Number in House Committee's Trump Probe: 81

That's how many individuals and entities the Judiciary Committee wants documents from

(Newser) - Eighty-one individuals and entities on Monday heard from the House Judiciary Committee, which made its opening move in its sweeping investigation into President Trump by requesting documents from them. The broad list encompasses Trump's administration, businesses, campaign, and family, with those on the list including the White House, the...

Comey: 'Happy Thanksgiving. Got a Subpoena'

Loretta Lynch is in the same boat

(Newser) - Reports that House Republicans probing alleged bias against President Trump at the FBI and Justice Department were preparing to subpoena former FBI Director James Comey and former Attorney General Loretta Lynch proved to be true. "Happy Thanksgiving. Got a subpoena from House Republicans," Comey tweeted Thursday, noting he'...

Countering Trump's Attacks, FBI Director Backs the 'Brave'

Tens of thousands of agents are 'working their tails off,' says Christopher Wray

(Newser) - FBI Director Christopher Wray on Thursday countered strident attacks on his agency by President Trump, saying, "There is no finer institution than the FBI." Wray testified before the House Judiciary Committee as Democrats and Republicans clashed over the significance of Trump's attacks, reports the AP . In a...

Jeff Sessions: I Never Lied About Russia
Jeff Sessions: Don't
Call Me a Liar
the rundown

Jeff Sessions: Don't Call Me a Liar

But attorney general clarifies that he now remembers meeting at which Russia was raised

(Newser) - Attorney General Jeff Sessions testified before a House panel Tuesday, with Democrats grilling him on Russia's role in the campaign and Republicans pressing him to go after Hillary Clinton. The Russian angle has been a thorn for Sessions because he previously testified under oath that he knew of no...

House Probes Whether Holder Lied Under Oath

AG claimed he 'never heard of' potential press prosecutions

(Newser) - Did Eric Holder lie under oath when he testified before the House Judiciary committee on the surveillance of reporters earlier this month? The committee is probing the attorney general, who said the "potential prosecution of the press for the disclosure of material" is "not something I’ve ever...

Obama: Acting IRS Chief Is Out
 Obama: IRS Chief Is Out 

Obama: IRS Chief Is Out

Acting commissioner Steven Miller resigns amid scandal

(Newser) - The IRS mess has its first high-profile casualty: President Obama today announced the resignation of the agency's acting commissioner. "I am angry about it," declared Obama, who has been criticized for appearing passive in his response to the matter. He said the American people had a right...

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