blood tests

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Maine Gov. Wants Nurse's Blood

Paul LePage suggests blood test could resolve Kaci Hickox's situation

(Newser) - Maine is seeking a court order to force nurse Kaci Hickox to remain in quarantine for Ebola, but the whole issue "could be resolved" with a simple blood test, Gov. Paul LePage told ABC News yesterday as Hickox was spotted out for a bike ride ; her boyfriend later accepted...

Youngest Female Billionaire, 30, Revolutionizes Blood Tests

Elizabeth Holmes dropped out of college at 19

(Newser) - Elizabeth Holmes dropped out of college when she was 19; now, she's just 30. She's also the founder of a $9 billion company that's making medical treatment more accessible, and she's the youngest female billionaire in the US, reports Forbes . (She's the third-youngest billionaire overall....

Calif. Patient Tested for Ebola
 Calif. Patient Tested for Ebola 

Calif. Patient Tested for Ebola

Health officials confident they can prevent disease spread

(Newser) - A patient in Sacramento is being tested for Ebola, but health experts still say there is little chance the disease will spread in the US. "We should take this one case not as something to inspire fear but to tell us the system is working,” one expert tells...

Blood Test Might Reveal Suicide Risk

Gene key to our stress response: researchers

(Newser) - Scientists say they have a new way of determining suicide risk, and it's based on genetics—requiring only a blood test. Researchers running postmortem genome scans of brain samples found that the brains of those who'd committed suicide had less of a gene called SKA2, as well as...

Will You Die in 5 Years? New 'Death Test' Predicts

Body's biomarkers may show chance of death: study

(Newser) - Researchers have announced a rather morbid find: a "death test," as the Telegraph puts it, which may predict the likelihood of a seemingly healthy person biting the dust within five years. The blood test looks at the levels of four of the body's "biomarkers," molecules...

Expert Panel: PSA Screening No Good for Men

Prostate cancer test does more harm than good: advisory panel

(Newser) - A federal panel's advice to American men: Forget about that prostate cancer screening, which does more harm than good, ABC News reports. The announcement by the United States Preventive Services Task Force today may have settled a longstanding debate about PSA blood tests, the most common screening for prostate...

Depression: It's in Your Blood, Can Be Tested

Researchers develop test that can look for key markers

(Newser) - Soon, you may not have to sit down with a therapist to know if you have depression. A team of researchers has developed a blood test that can identify the markers of major depressive disorder in teens, they say in a study published yesterday in Translational Psychiatry. The researchers focused...

Blood Test Determines Fetus' Sex at 7 Weeks

New testing technology is highly accurate, study finds

(Newser) - Blood tests that promise to determine a baby's sex just seven weeks into pregnancy are highly accurate if used properly, a new study finds. Researchers found that the tests, which analyze fetal DNA in the mother's blood, are 95% accurate at seven weeks and 99% accurate at 20...

HIV-Testing Program Finds 18K New Cases

But more than 200K have infection without knowing it

(Newser) - An estimated 240,000 people in America have HIV without knowing it, but that figure is dropping after three years of targeted testing among high-risk populations, the Washington Post reports. The $111 million program, carried out in ERs, venereal disease clinics, and drug-treatment centers around the US found 18,000...

New Blood Test Checks for Depression

It measures phosphoric acid level in blood

(Newser) - Soon, diagnosing someone with clinical depression might involve a needle instead of a couch. Researchers in Tokyo have developed a blood test that can diagnose depression by measuring phosphoric acid levels, the Telegraph reports. An earlier study demonstrated that people with depression tend to have less ethanolamine phosphate in their...

Simple Blood Test May Detect Alzheimer's

But there's still no cure

(Newser) - Researchers say they've found another possible way to detect Alzheimer's, this time through a blood test that looks for antibodies. Though still under development, a diagnostic kit could be available within the year, reports Reuters . The catch: While scientists are getting better at detecting Alzheimer's with such discoveries, they still...

New Blood Test Could Sniff Out Single Cancer Cell

Johnson and Johnson begins development of new procedure

(Newser) - Johnson and Johnson today touted a new experimental blood test that they believe could find even a single cancer cell lurking in the bloodstream. Two Johnson and Johnson companies are teaming up with Massachusetts General Hospital to develop and market the test, which searches out cells that have detached from...

'CSI' Test Can Tell Age From Drop of Blood

New method works on stains that were made years ago

(Newser) - A new blood test from the Netherlands can determine an individual's age within a range of 9 years, the Telegraph reports. The method works by looking at a genetic feature of T cells that diminishes at a constant rate over time. The test can work with a very small amount...

New Test May Predict Timing of Menopause

Breakthrough could help women schedule childbearing

(Newser) - Doctors could one day use a blood test to predict decades in advance when women will go into menopause, scientists say. The preliminary study could be a first step toward developing a tool to help women decide when they want to have children, Iranian experts say. "This is not...

Heart Risk Linked to Obesity—in Preschoolers

Definitive connection can't be made due to lack of relevant study

(Newser) - Levels of a marker tied to adult heart disease were twice as high in the blood of obese children as in the blood of average-weight kids in a recent study. The twist is that the research subjects were 3 to 5 years old, sparking concerns about the cumulative health effects...

Semenya Tests Reveal 'Triple Testosterone'

(Newser) - Pre-race World Championship blood tests on super South African runner Caster Semenya revealed testosterone levels three times typical female rates, a source tells the Telegraph. The results of the tests, carried out in South Africa, contributed to a decision by sports officials to call for "gender verification" tests on...

Food Allergies? 75% Are Bogus
Food Allergies? 75% Are Bogus

Food Allergies? 75% Are Bogus

Inaccurate testing results in huge number of misdiagnoses, experts say

(Newser) - Food allergies are on the rise, but faulty tests are behind much of that increase, the Los Angeles Times reports. Eating controlled amounts of a certain food under medical supervision is the only way of knowing whether you’re allergic to it, but primary-care doctors are more likely to employ...

Cycling Battles Doping With 'Biological Passports'

Blood profiling case could determine the future of antidoping

(Newser) - A landmark doping case being pursued by cycling authorities could help the sport pull ahead of the pack in the fight against performance-enhancing drugs, the New York Times reports. Cycling's governing body is preparing a case using blood profiles—or "biological passports"—that show telltale changes in the...

Key Olympic Drug Test Could Be Unreliable

False negatives for blood-boosting agent raise fears of cheating

(Newser) - Labs that test athletes for evidence of doping could be letting cheaters slip through, the BBC reports. Negative results for samples an anti-doping scientist deems suspicious have raised doubts about the fairness of the field at next month's Olympic Games. With some versions of a blood-boosting drug available cheaply and...

Olympians Adjust to Tougher Drug Tests

Athletes must keep agency up to speed on their whereabouts

(Newser) - Many US professional athletes aren't accustomed to giving blood and urine samples during their off seasons, but with the Olympics approaching, that's all been changing, writes USA Today. The US Anti-Doping Agency requires all potential competitors to comply with a "whereabouts program" and submit to random screenings for HGH...

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