Total Music

2 Stories

Labels Want to Beat iTunes but Feds Say, Slow Down

Justice Department begins inquiry into 'Total Music' plan

(Newser) - The latest music industry initiative to beat iTunes, Universal’s Total Music plan, is facing a Justice Department inquiry before it’s even out of the concept stage. Universal and Sony have gotten DOJ letters of inquiry, reports the Wall Street Journal. It’s uncertain what aspect of Total Music...

Labels Team Up to Bruise iTunes
Labels Team Up to Bruise iTunes

Labels Team Up to Bruise iTunes

Universal leads effort against Apple's control of prices; new store part of plan

(Newser) - Universal Music is acting on industry-wide anger toward iTunes’ policies, teaming with Sony and potentially Warner on a new subscription service that could make music essentially free. Still a prototype, Total Music would charge makers of music players $5 a month, PC World reports; they would then offer unlimited downloads...

2 Stories
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