
Stories 21 - 24 | << Prev 

Big Biz Slams 'Buy American' Stimulus Clause

Exporters warn of foreign backlash if package erects free-trade barriers

(Newser) - American exporters are fighting to ditch "Buy American" provisions from the economic stimulus package, the Washington Post reports. The House version bars most foreign iron and steel from stimulus projects, while a Senate version calls for only American-made equipment and goods to be used in nearly all projects to...

Obama Advisers Please the Right, But Not Much
Obama Advisers Please the Right, But Not Much

Obama Advisers Please the Right, But Not Much

Two 'pro-free-trade' centrists guide him, up to a point

(Newser) - If Barack Obama takes office, conservatives can take a small measure of comfort knowing that  two of his top economic advisers have generated angst on the left for being "centrist, pro-free-traders," writes Cesar Conda in the Weekly Standard. Austan Goolsbee and Jason Furman—the latter a Wal-Mart defender—...

Canada Could Hurt Firms It Tries to 'Protect'
Canada Could Hurt Firms It Tries to 'Protect'

Canada Could Hurt Firms It Tries to 'Protect'

Blocking US purchase of space division is 'significant risk'

(Newser) - A move last month by the Canadian government to block the country's top space-tech firm from selling one of its divisions to a US buyer illustrates a tricky balancing act, Christopher Sands writes in the American: How far should Ottawa go to appease nationalist sentiment if it eats into economic...

Bush Vows Free Trade Push
Bush Vows Free Trade Push

Bush Vows Free Trade Push

Slams executive compensation as 'unfair'

(Newser) - President Bush believes many Americans have lost confidence that they can compete in the world economy and he plans to champion his free trade agenda in the final months of his presidency, he told the Wall Street Journal. Bush also criticized excessive executive compensation, saying some salaries "send a...

Stories 21 - 24 | << Prev 
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