Judge Gladys Kessler

3 Stories

Anguished Judge Lets Gitmo Resume Forced Feedings

Gladys Kessler criticizes Pentagon but says she has no choice

(Newser) - A federal judge today allowed the US military to resume force-feeding a detainee at Guantanamo Bay, but Gladys Kessler made clear she is not happy about it, reports the McClatchy News Service . Kessler criticized the Pentagon for refusing to budge over how it administers the force-feeding and urged authorities to...

Judge Tosses Christians' Obamacare Suit

Plaintiffs argued God provided only health insurance they wanted

(Newser) - A federal judge has chucked a lawsuit filed on behalf of people who claimed health reform was against their religion. The Christian plaintiffs argued that requiring all Americans to buy health insurance or pay a penalty violated their religious freedom because they believe God will heal them and they wish...

Judge Halts Gitmo Transfer Back Home to Torture

First ruling of its kind in favor of detainee

(Newser) - In the first ruling of its kind, a federal judge has blocked plans by US officials to send a Guantanamo Bay terror suspect back home to risk torture and even death in a Tunisian prison. The order by a DC judge presents a major roadblock to the Bush administration's plans...

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