obesity epidemic

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Animals Face Obesity Epidemic, Too
Face Obesity Epidemic, Too

Animals Face Obesity Epidemic, Too

Pets, wild animals, even research animals gaining weight

(Newser) - America is suffering from an obesity epidemic —and not just among the humans. A new study of more than 20,000 animals shows that even family pets, wild critters that live close to humans, and research animals are getting fatter, Scientific American reports. The biostatistician who published the study...

The 10 Fattest Countries
 The 10 Fattest Countries 

The 10 Fattest Countries

U-S-A! U-S-A!

(Newser) - Hey, America, you're not even the best at being the fattest: The US does, however, make GlobalPost's top 10 list of fattest countries, according to 2010 WHO statistics. The breakdown, by percentage of population classified as overweight (more than 25% BMI):
  1. Nauru (95%)
  2. Micronesia (92%)
  3. The Cook Islands

1 in 4 Applicants Too Fat to Be in the Army Now

Standards aren't that extreme, either

(Newser) - US military recruiters have a big fat problem: "Almost one in four applicants to the military are rejected for being overweight," says a Cornell researcher. Some 6 million men and 17 million women were rejected as too porky for combat between 2007 and 2008, reports LiveScience. It's the...

USA Is Fattest Nation
 USA Is Fattest Nation 

USA Is Fattest Nation

Of 33 with developed economies, we're No. 1

(Newser) - The US is ranked the fattest nation among those with developed economies in a new survey. With two-thirds of Americans either overweight or obese, the US tops the analysis by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, USA Today reports. Mexico and Chile are the second and third fattest.

We Think We're Skinnier Than We Are

30% of overweight Americans ... say they're 'normal'

(Newser) - What weight problem? According to a new poll, a hunk chunk (ahem) of Americans think they're much slimmer than they are. The poll used nearly 2,500 respondents' height and weight to calculate their BMIs, then asked them which weight category they fell into. Of those who were overweight, 30%...

Genetics No Excuse for Obesity: Scientists

Exercise can easily offset predisposition

(Newser) - The idea that your genetics might doom you to obesity is a “myth,” a team of scientists has concluded. Yes, some people are genetically predisposed to being overweight, but after examining the genes and habits of 20,000 subjects, researchers at the Medical Research Council in Cambridge found...

Americans' Favorite Snack Brand: Ritz Crackers

Wheat Thins Second, Orville Redenbacher Third

(Newser) - Americans who can afford brand-name snacks have a clear-cut favorite, a new survey reveals: Ritz crackers. "Butter and salt is a pretty good combination for most Americans and most anybody," an exec with the survey firm tells the New York Post . Wheat Thins finished second and Orville Redenbacher...

Krispy Kreme Burger Sweeps the Nation

Wisconsin State Fair adds chocolate-covered bacon

(Newser) - Have you ever thought to yourself, “Self, you are not doing enough to ensure you die of a heart attack before you have to deal with that nasty growing old nonsense”? Then maybe you should see if your local state fair is selling the Krispy Kreme Cheeseburger. It’...

Introducing the Footlong Burger
 Introducing the 
 Footlong Burger 
thanks, carl's jr.

Introducing the Footlong Burger

Sadly, it's not as exciting as it sounds

(Newser) - Just in case KFC’s Double Down isn’t sufficiently artery-clogging for you, Carl’s Jr. has the solution: A footlong cheeseburger. Creatively dubbed the “Footlong Cheeseburger,” the $4 sandwich is being tested in at least one California restaurant, the Orange County Register reports. The good news: The...

Mississippi Again the Fattest State in the Union

South has 10 of 11 porkiest states

(Newser) - The South continues to rise. Or at least expand. For the sixth year in a row, Mississippi tipped the scales as the most obese state in the union, according to the Trust for America's Health. Some 34% of its residents are classified as obese, and 10 of the 11 states...

To Fight Fat, Make Junk Food as Taboo as Tobacco

US must get a handle on public health crisis

(Newser) - A widespread vice has a negative effect on Americans' health, and it's up to the government to do something about it. That approach worked for tobacco, David Lazarus writes for the LA Times , and it can work for obesity, too. "The answer seems obvious," he argues. "If...

The 50 States' Grossest Dishes
 The 50 States' Grossest Dishes 
that's a doughnut bun

The 50 States' Grossest Dishes

From reindeer fat ice cream to 2-foot-long hot dogs

(Newser) - Some states are pudgier than others—here's looking at you, Texas—but none escapes this list of beloved yet fat-filled dishes. Health.com tracked down the worst offender in each of the flabby 50:
  • Alaska: Eskimo Ice Cream, a mix of blackberries and salmon berries—in reindeer fat and seal

Gut Bacteria Is Making You Fat
 Gut Bacteria Is Making You Fat 
in case you missed it

Gut Bacteria Is Making You Fat

But so are all those Big Macs

(Newser) - Your ill-considered Cheetos-and-bacon diet isn’t the only reason you’re fat. Scientists believe that advanced networks of bacteria and other microbes in our intestines and colons have an incredible influence on obesity, the LA Times reports. These 10 to 100 trillion little guys work together almost like an organ,...

Why Carrying an Extra 10 Pounds Might Not Hurt - WSJ.com
 10 Extra Pounds 
 Might Be Good 
in case you missed it

10 Extra Pounds Might Be Good

New research is focusing less on the bathroom scale

(Newser) - Those carrying 10 to 15 extra pounds might be able to stop feeling guilty about the bathroom scale. A spate of studies show a little extra weight isn't such a bad thing, the Wall Street Journal concludes. In fact, it might even ward off diseases such as osteoporosis and help...

School Lunches Threaten National Security: Ex-Officers

They're making our kids so fat, they won't be able to serve

(Newser) - Calorie-laden school lunches may do more than create a nation of tubby kids: They may create a nation that's too fat to fight, says a group of retired military officers. They contend unhealthy school cafeteria food is fattening kids to the point that fewer and fewer will be able to...

Kirstie Alley's New Show Is 'Dated, Whiny'

Do we really need to tune in to Alley's weight loss struggle?

(Newser) - Kirstie Alley’s Big Life is the actress’s second shot at losing weight on reality TV, and enough is enough. Maybe once “everyone thought it was cool that you weren't afraid to play an insecure, self-involved, overly-catered-to celebrity,” writes Mary McNamara in an open letter, but “...

Pepsi Will Pull Sugary Drinks From World's Schools

Company targets 2012, will offer low-cal alternatives

(Newser) - Pepsi said today it will pull its sugary drinks from schools worldwide by 2012, a move the company says was prompted in part by concerns over youth health. Pepsi will add low-calorie alternatives, a move one marketing analyst tells the Los Angeles Times is shrewd: “If they can keep...

Panera Will Post Calorie Counts

Gets the jump on potential calorie posting law

(Newser) - Panera Bread customers around the country soon will be able to tally calories for their smokehouse turkey panini and broccoli cheddar soup with just a glance at the menu board. The firm announced today that it will be the first nationwide chain to voluntarily post calorie information at all of...

How to Stop Obesity, Starting Before Birth

Researchers find links to problems later from prenatal to 3 years old

(Newser) - A kid's path to fat camp may begin even before conception, and, as one doctor tells the Los Angeles Times , “during pregnancy and the first two years of life, mothers and their infants are seen by physicians more often than any other time. It's kind of a golden opportunity”...

Heart Risk Linked to Obesity—in Preschoolers

Definitive connection can't be made due to lack of relevant study

(Newser) - Levels of a marker tied to adult heart disease were twice as high in the blood of obese children as in the blood of average-weight kids in a recent study. The twist is that the research subjects were 3 to 5 years old, sparking concerns about the cumulative health effects...

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