campaign finance

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Change Has Already Been Delivered—to Campaigning

The '08 version redrew the political map and ruptured the financing system, and more

(Newser) - We can't be sure what kind of change the next president will bring, but we do know that presidential campaigns themselves will never be the same, writes Gerald F. Seib in the Wall Street Journal. Among this year’s innovations:
  • The campaigns have redrawn the political map, making previously locked

Nonprofit Workers Favor Dems
 Nonprofit Workers Favor Dems 

Nonprofit Workers Favor Dems

Charity employees are more likely to donate money to the left side of the aisle, study finds

(Newser) - People in the charitable world lean heavily Democrat and love Barack Obama, but try to keep their affiliation low-key to avoid insulting the other side, the Chronicle of Philanthropy reports. A new study shows that 88% of foundation worker donations went to Dems, enriching Obama's effort by $399,000 and...

Obama Donors Get to Hang With the Big Kids

Fundraisers with Kerry, Buffett kept the fat checks coming in

(Newser) - Barack Obama’s money machine has kept rolling thanks, in part, to a series of intimate fundraisers headlined by his top advisers, Politico reports. In exchange for a mere $28,500, Obama supporters could snag seats at a dinner with Warren Buffett or a “Round Table Discussion” with Robert...

Obama's Haul Spurs Concern About Faceless Donors

But it paves way for new standard in political fundraising system

(Newser) - The huge success of Barack Obama’s Internet fundraising campaign has sparked concerns about the regulation of campaign finance. Some worry that the faceless system allows for easy abuse, particularly in light of donations from anonymous or clearly fake names such as "Osama bin Laden," the Washington Post...

Small Print Lets Donors Write Big Checks

Individuals are giving as much as $70K to candidates and parties

(Newser) - Barack Obama’s small donors have grabbed the headlines this election, but the latest campaign finance reports reveal that big donors have been playing their biggest role in ages, the New York Times reports. Both candidates have used joint committees, which raise money for both the candidates and their parties,...

Robocalls Are Legit: McCain
 Robocalls Are 
 Legit: McCain 

Robocalls Are Legit: McCain

Defends use of same tactic used against him in 2000

(Newser) - John McCain defended his use of robocalls on Fox News Sunday, arguing his attacks on Barack Obama are different from the slanderous calls that targeted him during the 2000 primaries, Politico reports. “These are legitimate and truthful and they are far different than the phone calls that were made...

Obama Shatters Records With $150M Sept.

Brings total to more than $600M

(Newser) - Barack Obama scored $150 million in September, he said today, a monthly record that brings his fundraising total to another record topping $600 million, the Wall Street Journal reports. The previous monthly record was Obama’s $66 million in August. Those figures give the Democrat a big leg up in...

Obama Ad Blitz Stifles McCain
 Obama Ad Blitz 
 Stifles McCain 

Obama Ad Blitz Stifles McCain

Dem using massive fundraising edge to outspend GOP by as much 8-1

(Newser) - Over the past three weeks, Northern Virginia TV viewers have seen 1,342 commercials from Barack Obama … and eight from John McCain. Obama is dominating the airwaves, Politico reports, outspending McCain and the Republican National Committee as much as 8-1 in some markets, blunting GOP attacks with a sustained...

Obama Got $40K From Fake People
Obama Got
$40K From
Fake People

Obama Got $40K From Fake People

McCain benefited from fewer fictitious donors, Times discovers

(Newser) - Barack Obama received some $40,000 from obviously fictitious donors, the New York Times reports. After poring over both candidates’ records, the Times found some 3,000 donations to Obama from more than a dozen people with obviously falsified names —like “Test Person” from “Some Place, UT....

Obama Ordered to Return Illegal Donations

Newsweek report prompts GOP to request federal inquiry

(Newser) - Barack Obama’s record-breaking $485-million war chest includes a number of small, illegal donations that federal officials have ordered the campaign to return, reports Newsweek. The GOP has requested a federal investigation into Obama’s campaign finances, the Washington Post writes. Roughly half of Obama's funds have been raised through...

Goldman Sachs Is DC's Top Sugar Daddy
Goldman Sachs
Is DC's Top
Sugar Daddy

Goldman Sachs Is DC's Top Sugar Daddy

$43M since '89 on lobbying, donations greases bailout wheels

(Newser) - Goldman Sachs has given Washington plenty of reasons to help it out—43 million reasons, to be precise. Goldman bankers have been the nation’s biggest campaign contributors this year, and have poured more than $43 million into lobbying and campaign war chests since 1989, ABC News reports. “They...

Virginians Pour Record Dollars Into Election

State's newfound battleground status sparks funding fervor

(Newser) - With their home state up for grabs for the first time in decades, Virginians—particularly Democrats from the northern part of the state—are pouring money into the presidential race, the Washington Post reports. Thus far, locals have given a record $25.3 million to various candidates throughout the election...

McCain Camp Strives to Skirt McCain-Feingold

Expert on campaign finance reform laws helps McCain test the limits

(Newser) - John McCain is making a concerted effort to get around the campaign finance laws he championed, the New York Times reports. A lawyer who played a key role in defending the reform act known as McCain-Feingold from challenges is now on the McCain team, expertly advising on the loopholes through...

McCain Biographer: He's Lost His Principles

McCain's best accomplishments might have been cynical maneuvering

(Newser) - Elizabeth Drew liked McCain—she even wrote a fawning biography, Citizen McCain, in 2002. She respected the centrist who emerged after McCain’s failed 2000 primary bid, who broke from Bush on tax cuts and campaign finance reform. But watching McCain’s current campaign maneuver back to the right, she...

GOP Has Twice as Much Cash as Dems

McCain Plus RNC Currently Double the Cash of Obama Plus DNC

(Newser) - Coming into the home stretch, the Republicans have about twice as much campaign money on hand as the Democrats, reports Bloomberg—about $200 million to $95 million. Though Barack Obama has raised record sums, the Democratic National Committee’s current $17.5 million lags far behind the GOP’s $76...

McCain Raised $47M in Aug.
 McCain Raised $47M in Aug.

McCain Raised $47M in Aug.

With $10M since bringing Palin on board, GOP looking amply financed

(Newser) - John McCain’s presidential campaign raised $47 million in August, its biggest monthly take yet, the AP reports. The campaign has apparently received $10 million in donations since McCain announced Friday that Sarah Palin would be his running mate. Officials say the total Republican general-election chest will be at least...

Lawmakers Get Most Funding From Outside Districts
Lawmakers Get Most Funding From Outside Districts

Lawmakers Get Most Funding From Outside Districts

'Nonresident contributors donate for expressive purposes,' study shows

(Newser) - Candidates running for Congress are increasingly using affluent ZIP codes outside their own districts as "political ATM machines" to fund their campaigns, a new study finds. In the majority of House races in 2004, almost three-quarters of contributions came from donors outside a lawmaker's district—often from Hollywood, Manhattan's...

Biggest Convention Donors Usually Need Favors
Biggest Convention Donors Usually Need Favors

Biggest Convention Donors Usually Need Favors

No limit to funds given to parties' gatherings

(Newser) - Major donors to the Democratic and GOP conventions this year either have business pending with politicians or have recently received a favorable ruling, the Los Angeles Times reports. From cable companies to a government union to an electric utility, millions of dollars have flowed into party coffers—but both sides...

Big Spending Not Paying Off for McCain in Key States

But Obama's facing similar problem elsewhere

(Newser) - John McCain is outspending Barack Obama by a wide margin in traditional battleground states such as Ohio, Michigan, and Iowa, Talking Points Memo reports. The good news for Obama is that McCain has little to show for it in the polls in those states. But the Democrat has troubles of...

Obama Raises $51M in July
 Obama Raises
 $51M in July 

Obama Raises $51M in July

No cash worries for vacationing Senator

(Newser) - Barack Obama raked in $51 million last month, not quite a record for the Illinois senator but still formidable, the Washington Post reports. He ends the month with $65.8 million in the bank, a major advantage over John McCain, who has just $21 million, despite raising a personal-best $27...

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