campaign finance

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Cohen Hearing Revealed Who the Dems Really Want
Cohen Hearing Revealed
Who the Dems Really Want
the rundown

Cohen Hearing Revealed Who the Dems Really Want

And other immediate media reactions

(Newser) - In his congressional testimony Wednesday, Michael Cohen blasted President Trump's character—"racist," "con man" and "cheat" aren't exactly endorsements—but so far the media is focused on Trump's possible law-breaking. The New York Times , Washington Post , and Wall Street Journal are all leading...

'Beyond Surprising': Beto Breaks Fundraising Records

He raises $31.8M in 3 months in tight race against Ted Cruz

(Newser) - Small-dollar donations have been the hallmark of the campaign of US Senate candidate Beto O'Rourke, who hasn't accepted PAC money in his attempt to grab Ted Cruz's Texas Senate seat. But like snowflakes that form an avalanche, all those more modest donations have converged to become what...

Giuliani: Trump Knew I Would Talk About Stormy Payment

Analysts say Giuliani might be wrong about Trump not being in campaign finance trouble

(Newser) - President Trump might have reimbursed his lawyer for a hush-money payment to a porn star and then possibly lied about it, but at least he's off the hook for campaign finance violations, according to Rudy Giuliani's startling admission on Sean Hannity's show Wednesday night. Analysts say he...

Giuliani: Trump Repaid Lawyer for Daniels Hush Money

Her lawyer calls it a 'stunning revelation'

(Newser) - President Trump's new lawyer directly contradicted Michael Cohen and the president himself in bombshell remarks on Fox Wednesday night. Rudy Giuliani told Sean Hannity that Trump reimbursed longtime personal lawyer Michael Cohen for a $130,000 "hush money" payment to Stormy Daniels, and the arrangement was "perfectly...

Report: Raid on Trump Lawyer Was 'Striking in Its Breadth'

Investigators demanded records on Access Hollywood tape

(Newser) - The FBI raid on the offices of President Trump's personal lawyer was "striking in its breadth," sources say, with investigators demanding records including those relating to Trump's infamous Access Hollywood recording, in which he boasts about grabbing women. The New York Times , citing "three people...

That the FBI Got a Search Warrant for Cohen's Office Is Telling

FBI looking into alleged fraud, sources say

(Newser) - The stunning FBI raid on the offices of President Trump's personal lawyer Monday happened because Michael Cohen is suspected of crimes including bank fraud and campaign finance fraud, insiders say. Sources tell the Washington Post that agents seized documents including Cohen's tax returns in raids on his offices,...

Sarkozy Taken Into Custody Over Alleged Suitcases of Cash

Investigators examining claims he received millions from Moammar Gadhafi's regime

(Newser) - Former French President Nicolas Sarkozy was placed in custody on Tuesday over allegations he received millions of dollars in illegal financing from the regime of the late Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi. A judicial source with direct knowledge of the case tells the AP that Sarkozy is being held at the...

Trump Is Done With Big GOP Fundraisers

He promised to give campaign $100M, has given $56M

(Newser) - Donald Trump is done with holding big fundraisers, meaning the Republican National Committee might find itself short of cash for its get-out-the-vote operation. The Washington Post reports that Trump's final high-dollar event for the Trump Victory Committee, which splits funds between the party and the candidate, was Oct. 19,...

Another 'Unprecedented' First for Trump & Co.

Donald's campaign has paid out $8.2M to his family businesses

(Newser) - The word "unprecedented" has been used many times in association with Donald Trump's presidential run, and now Politico has another to add to the list. The site found the GOP nominee's campaign has paid $8.2 million out to his own family's businesses, or about 7%...

Trump Is Closing the Fundraising Gap

Sanders-style small donations are making a big difference

(Newser) - After a week full of headlines likely to have Donald Trump's advisers tearing their hair out, there's a bright spot for his campaign: He's narrowing the fundraising gap with Hillary Clinton, helped by a Bernie Sanders-style flood of small donations, NPR reports. The Trump campaign says it...

Trump Campaign's Cash: $1.29M, to Hillary's $42M

Clinton outraised him 9 to 1 in May

(Newser) - Donald Trump's campaign is so low on cash it wouldn't be considered a high roller at one of his casinos, according to financial disclosures released late Monday. The Trump campaign began June with just $1.29 million in cash, compared to $42 million for Hillary Clinton's well-heeled...

Congressman's Campaign Paid for $1.3K in Video Games

Duncan Hunter says it was a mistake

(Newser) - More than $1,300 in video game purchases appearing on US Rep. Duncan Hunter's 2015 campaign report prompted the FEC to send a letter to the California Republican asking for an explanation, the Hill reports. The charges made to Steam Games between Oct. 13 and Dec. 16, which bear...

Calif. Plan: Make Politicians Wear Donor Names

Republican wants to take financial transparency to a NASCAR level

(Newser) - NASCAR drivers have their sponsors' names and logos stitched into the very fabric of their clothes—making it very apparent who's paying the freight—and a California Republican legislator thinks that level of transparency is a good idea for politicians, as well. John Cox says he's "ridiculing...

Latest Campaign Finance Reports Hold Surprise Winners, Losers

In one way, Rubio had a great month

(Newser) - John Kasich, Ted Cruz, and Donald Trump, the final three Republican candidates running for president, began this month with drastically different campaign fortunes, new fundraising reports show. In one month, Cruz raised what Kasich has collected over the entire course of his long-shot bid. Trump has raised relatively little money...

What Jeb Bush Spent $130M On
 What Jeb Bush 
 Spent $130M On 

What Jeb Bush Spent $130M On

$50K on Vegas hotels, $5K on pizza

(Newser) - Some $130 million later, Jeb Bush is out of the running for president, but at least he had fun. He should have, anyway, according to campaign finances cited by the New York Times . In between dinners at the Yale Club and Nantucket's Westmoor Club, Bush and his aides stayed...

Cruz Didn't Disclose Up to $1M in Campaign Loans

He says he'll amend the 'filing error' as necessary

(Newser) - Banks loaned Ted Cruz as much as $1 million during his first Senate campaign in Texas back in 2012, but you wouldn't know it from campaign finance reports. While Cruz eventually disclosed the loans from Citibank and Goldman Sachs—each valued at $250,000 to $500,000—to Senate...

Pilot Who Landed at US Capitol Made No Secret of Plans

Doug Hughes said cops probably wouldn't shoot 'mailman in flying bicycle'

(Newser) - At least two people tried to warn the Secret Service about Doug Hughes' plan to land his gyrocopter on the lawn of the US Capitol and deliver 535 letters to members of Congress. A friend of the 61-year-old mailman left a message with a Secret Service agent because "my...

This Could Be Priciest Senate Race Ever

Kay Hagan, Thom Tillis face off in $103M campaign

(Newser) - When you're seeing three Senate campaign ads every five minutes, you might guess there's a fair bit of money going into the race—and you'd be right. The race between North Carolina Democratic Sen. Kay Hagan and Republican challenger Thom Tillis could be the priciest Senate campaign...

Scott Walker Is a Campaign Criminal, Say Prosecutors

They say he raised funds illegally with conservative groups

(Newser) - Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker took part in a nationwide criminal scheme to coordinate fundraising with conservative groups, prosecutors said in court documents unsealed today. No charges have been filed against Walker or any member of his staff. The documents were filed in December as part of an investigation into alleged...

Senate Dems: We Need an Amendment on Campaign Cash

Schumer says Supreme Court rulings have gone too far

(Newser) - Senate Democrats think the Supreme Court has made a mess of campaign finance rules, and they plan to vote on a proposed constitutional amendment this year to remedy the problem, reports Roll Call . Chuck Schumer announced the future vote today, arguing that decisions such as Citizens United , which unleashed huge...

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