campaign finance

Stories 221 - 226 | << Prev 

New Court Overturns O'Connor
New Court Overturns O'Connor

New Court Overturns O'Connor

Dahlia Lithwick writes on the jurist's fast- dismantled legacy

(Newser) - Justice Sandra Day O'Connor legal legacy is one of the first casualties of the new Supreme Court under Chief Justice John Roberts, Slate's Dahlia Lithwick writes. After being hailed as the most powerful women in America, the former justice has seen her judgments "explicitly minimized" or "stepped distastefully...

Supremes Let Up on Political Ad Limits

in 5-4 reversal, court rules 'issue ads' don't count as endorsements

(Newser) - Conservatives on the Supreme Court weakened one of the major strictures of the McCain-Feingold Campaign Finance Law today, relaxing the definition of prohibited ads in the run-up to federal elections. An increasingly familiar 5-4 majority declared that "issue ads," which stump for political platforms without explicitly endorsing a...

Corporate Donors Snub McCain
Corporate Donors Snub McCain

Corporate Donors Snub McCain

It's payback time for a career as Senate ethics reformer

(Newser) - John McCain is lagging far behind his GOP primary rivals in fundraising, in part because he's alienated so many big corporate donors in his Senate career. All that straight talk about minimizing the influence of money on politics has taken its toll, the New York Times notes. One defense industry...

MySpace Opens Up to Donations
MySpace Opens Up to Donations

MySpace Opens Up to Donations

60 million users eying presidential hopefuls will raise News Corp.'s profile

(Newser) - Rupert Murdoch's News Corp. is entering the online political scene in a very significant way with a tool that will allow 60 million MySpace users to donate up to $500 to the presidential candidate of their choice, reports the Financial Times. News Corp. has yet to make a decision, reports...

Hillary Tied to Shady Donor
Hillary Tied to Shady Donor

Hillary Tied to Shady Donor

Lawsuit againt CEO reveals ethically questionable contributions

(Newser) - The CEO of infoUSA, a large consumer information broker, has given Bill and Hillary Clinton almost $3 million over the past four years. But a recent legal dustup between Vinod Gupta and his company's shareholders over extravagant spending and political donations is revealing a relationship with the Clintons that, according...

Mitt Throws Money at Former Critics
Mitt Throws Money at Former Critics

Mitt Throws Money at Former Critics

Just before announcing, Romney made hefty donations to conservative groups

(Newser) - Mitt Romney has been lining the coffers of conservative groups whose support he'll be seeking in his presidential bid. Late last year, just two months before he announced his candidacy, Romney gave five-figure personal donations to four Massachusetts groups, David Kirkpatrick of the New York Times reports—groups to which...

Stories 221 - 226 | << Prev