Viktor Yanukovich

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'Almost-Medieval Melee' Claims 70 Lives in Kiev

Short-lived Ukraine truce comes to violent end, with death toll climbing

(Newser) - The truce was as short-lived as you can get, with fierce clashes between police and protesters breaking out in Kiev just hours after it was announced. Reports say firearms are being used by both sides in the battle over Independence Square, marking a "new and ominous phase," reports...

Ukraine President: We've Got a Truce

Development comes as US, EU consider sanctions

(Newser) - It's a welcome break from the violence in Kiev: Ukraine's president and opposition leaders say they have agreed to a truce, reports Reuters . The development comes a day after a crackdown in Kiev left more than two dozen dead and hundreds more injured, prompting the US and Europe...

Kiev Now a 'Battle Zone,' With 26 Dead

Chaos in Ukraine as police launch fresh assault against protesters

(Newser) - At least 26 people have been killed and hundreds more injured in the worst violence in Ukraine's post-Soviet history, according to the country's health ministry, which says the dead include 10 police officers and a journalist. The mayhem began as anti-government protesters clashed with security forces yesterday, and...

Sheer &#39;Mayhem&#39; Rocks Ukraine
 Sheer 'Mayhem' Rocks Ukraine 

Sheer 'Mayhem' Rocks Ukraine

19 dead as Kiev protests explode

(Newser) - "Mayhem" in Ukraine , declares the New York Times , amid reports that anti-government protests have boiled over in Kiev's bloodiest day since President Viktor Yanukovich turned down an EU deal in November. Nineteen were killed in street clashes, including six policemen, reports the BBC , and details are a bit...

Embattled Ukraine President Takes ... Sick Leave

Not everyone believes he's actually sick

(Newser) - With his country in crisis, Ukranian President Viktor Yanukovich is stepping aside—but not resigning, as protesters are demanding, and as Prime Minister Mykola Azarov did earlier this week. Instead, authorities today announced that Yanukovich is taking some sick leave, saying he had a high temperature and an acute respiratory...

Ukraine Threatens State of Emergency

Protesters mostly back off after storming Justice Ministry

(Newser) - Ukraine protesters are largely backing away from the country's justice ministry, after its head threatened to call a state of emergency if they didn't back off. Protesters had barricaded the building—one of many occupied government facilities—using bags of snow; a source tells the BBC that about...

Ukraine Opposition Leader Can Be PM: President

Move puts former foreign minister in tight spot

(Newser) - Ukraine's embattled president today offered to make a top opposition leader the prime minister, but it was unclear if the overture would mollify the radical faction of protesters who have clashed with police for much of the last week. The offer by President Viktor Yanukovych to make Arseniy Yatsenyuk,...

3 Dead as Ukraine Cops Storm Barricades

Medics say 2 protesters were shot dead, 1 fell

(Newser) - Three protesters have died in clashes with police in the Ukrainian capital today, according to a medic for the protesters, in a development that will likely escalate the country's two-month-long political crisis. One activist died in the hospital after falling from a high altitude at the site of the...

Ukraine Uses Cell Phones to Track Protesters

Government sends mass text warning to demonstrators

(Newser) - Scourge of the modern protester: Ukraine demonstrators this morning got this text on their cell phones: “Dear subscriber, you are registered as a participant in a mass disturbance," reports the New York Times . The threat is clear enough, given that the government also made it a crime punishable...

Ukraine Heads to Talks as Riots Injure Dozens

Violence continued overnight

(Newser) - Dozens of protesters and police were injured in Kiev clashes yesterday that came on the heels of new anti-protest laws, the AP reports; a Russian news site puts the number of wounded police at 70. The fighting continued into the night. Protesters used sticks and pipes, hurling large rocks, fireworks,...

US Voices 'Disgust' as Ukraine Cops Crack Down

Kerry: US 'stands with the people'

(Newser) - Ukraine police poured into Independence Square in Kiev last night, driving out protesters in what the interior minister called an effort to clear the way for traffic and business. The New York Times reports that fights as well as small fires broke out, but police avoided using their truncheons. Police...

Ukraine Ruling Party Claims Election Win

But ultranationalist party gets big boost

(Newser) - Ukraine's governing Party of Regions says it won yesterday's parliamentary elections, though it will be weeks before the new parliament's makeup becomes clear. Exit polls suggest President Viktor Yanukovich's ruling party took between 27.6% and 32% of the vote and the former prime minister Yulia...

Ukraine Court Upholds Tymoshenko Verdict

Cries of 'Shame!' greet verdict supporters say is politically motivated

(Newser) - Ukraine's highest court today upheld the guilty verdict against former Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko, who is in jail on abuse of office charges. Tymoshenko, an architect of Ukraine's 2004 Orange Revolution that promoted democracy, was sentenced to seven years in prison last October, when she was found guilty...

Ukraine Prez Orders Recount as Both Sides Claim Victory

Tymoshenko still seems on course to be PM

(Newser) - Ukraine's parliamentary elections have come down the wire, with Yulia Tymoshenko vowing to form an Orange coalition government and the pro-Russian party insisting that it has won the poll. President Victor Yushchenko, who took office after 2004's Orange Revolution, ordered a recount of votes in the county's south and east—...

Orange Alliance Claims Win in Ukraine

Dynamic, pro-Western Yulia Tymoshenko leading close electon

(Newser) - Yulia Tymoshenko, former prime minister and tempestuous ally to Orange Revolution leader Victor Yushchenko, has claimed victory in yesterday's Ukrainian parliamentary election. In votes counted so far, she’s won 33.15% of the vote, to current PM Viktor Yanukovych’s 31.02%, and plans to form a coalition government...

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