border security

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Prepare for Worst as Mexico Crumbles
 Prepare for Worst 
 as Mexico Crumbles 

Prepare for Worst as Mexico Crumbles

(Newser) - Mexico’s disastrous drug war, which threatens to send millions of refugees into the southern US, is a problem of our own making, Mark Krikorian writes in the National Review. But while America’s drug lust—and its burgeoning counterpart in Mexico itself—can’t be fixed, tighter border regulations...

Tanking Economy Thwarts Illegal Immigration

Economic woes stem tide of illegal immigration

(Newser) - Arrests are headed south at the US-Mexico border, as fewer and fewer are making the risky trek over just to run smack into the US' grim economic prospects, reports the LA Times. The number of arrests hit its lowest level since the 1970s, with only 195,000 apprehended since October...

Mass Grave Found in Bangladesh Mutiny

At least 60 killed in border guards' rebellion

(Newser) - Bangladeshi troops have discovered a mass grave in the capital after a border guard mutiny shook the country, the BBC reports. The grave contained the bodies of between 20 and 60 officers in what began as a spat over pay and conditions and has now claimed at least 60 lives....

Rebel Troops in Bangladeshi Capital Surrender

(Newser) - Mutinous border guards in the Bangladeshi capital of Dhaka laid down their weapons today, ending the uprising that started yesterday and claimed at least 20 lives, the BBC reports. “All the rebel troops have surrendered with their arms,” a government spokesman said, and urged rebels outside the capital...

Border Crackdown Can't Weed Out Mexican Cartels

Marijuana smugglers get creative, or turn to growing dope inside US

(Newser) - The Mexican marijuana trade is flourishing, and border-protection efforts do little to deter powerful cartels from working in the US, the New York Times reports. Smugglers drop ramps over border fences and drive across, or use a new tactic: planting the pot in the US. Cartels now function in 195...

Canada Rebuffs Ex-Radical Ayers at Border

(Newser) - Former Weatherman Bill Ayers was denied entry yesterday into Canada, where he planned to speak at an education conference, the Globe and Mail reports. The controversial academic, who made headlines during the election for his link to Barack Obama, said he had visited Canada more than a dozen times. "...

Border Protection Chief Busted for Hiring Illegals

Homeland Security official was responsible for stopping illegal immigrants entering country

(Newser) - A top Homeland Security official could be facing a stiff prison sentence for hiring illegal immigrants to clean her home, the Boston Globe reports. Lorraine Henderson, a regional director whose responsibilities include stopping illegal immigrants from entering Massachusetts, is accused of employing a Brazilian woman who entered the country illegally...

Work Begins on Controversial San Diego Border Fence

Critics charge $57M fence isn't worth cost or environmental damage

(Newser) - Construction crews have launched work on a controversial section of the US-Mexico border fence near San Diego, AP reports. The Smuggler's Gulch canyon will be filled with dirt and a fence built at a cost of $16 million a mile. Critics charge the fence is no longer vital and the...

Border Agents Have Right to Seize Any Traveler's Laptop

Homeland Security 'update' outlines sweeping powers

(Newser) - US border agents can seize laptop computers or other electronc devices from any traveler entering the country and keep them indefinitely, even without suspicion of wrongdoing, the Washington Post reports. A policy update released by Homeland Security, dated July 16, says agents can keep any information-storing device they please and...

McCain 'Wobbling' Leftward Again on Immigration
McCain 'Wobbling' Leftward Again on Immigration

McCain 'Wobbling' Leftward Again on Immigration

He's talking up reform, backing away from promises that won him the nomination

(Newser) - By John McCain’s own admission, his embrace of immigration reform nearly sunk his candidacy in the early primaries, writes Byron York in the Hill. But after saving his hide with a swing to the right and a pledge to "secure the border first" (a “legitimate flip-flop,”...

UK Airports to Scan Faces
 UK Airports to Scan Faces 

UK Airports to Scan Faces

Technology will match passengers' mugs to biometric passports

(Newser) - New facial recognition technology in which computers scan faces and match them to information encoded in biometric passports will be used at UK airports for the first time this summer, the Guardian reports. Authorities say the machines will outperform humans and improve security, but critics fear the technology will cause...

Border Fence Will Skirt Environmental Laws

Dozens dumped to speed building

(Newser) - Homeland Security is ditching environmental laws in a push to finish 670 miles of border fence along Mexico by the end of this year, reports the Los Angeles Times. Congress has approved a waiver for more than 30 environmental and cultural laws to accelerate building. Critics say the plans are...

Glitches Delay 'Virtual' Border Fence 3 Years

Unmanned "fence' failed to perform in 28-mile pilot program

(Newser) - Plans to build a high-tech "virtual fence" along the US-Mexico border have been set back at least 3 years after serious problems emerged in the pilot project, the Washington Post reports. The 28-mile fence south of Tuscon, which included unmanned surveillance towers equipped with radar linked to computers, didn't...

Europe Moves to Fingerprint Travelers

Privacy advocates fret, but US, Japan already have similar policies

(Newser) - Just as Washington is pushing Europe to increase security, the European Parliament is considering fingerprinting every international traveler who enters or leaves the continent, the Washington Post reports. “It’s the only way to be really sure about identifying people,” an official said. The US backs the measure,...

US 'Passport Cards' Coming This Spring

Cheaper, wallet-sized card can replace passport for land and sea travelers

(Newser) - American citizens traveling by land or sea between the US and Canada, Mexico, the Caribbean, or Bermuda will have the option of using a wallet-sized card in place of a passport beginning this spring, reports USA Today. The handy-sized card is designed to make life a bit easier for border-area...

Latinos the Wild Card in Nevada
Latinos the Wild Card in Nevada

Latinos the Wild Card in Nevada

Immigration debate has unnerved many

(Newser) - Hispanic voters could be key next November because they form a significant  minority of eligible voters in states President Bush won by less than 5% four years ago—Florida, New Mexico, Colorado and Nevada. Saturday's Nevada caucus is expected to offer important insight into how Hispanics will vote in November,...

Border Strife Escalating in Tijuana
Border Strife Escalating
in Tijuana

Border Strife Escalating in Tijuana

Neighborhood residents complain about US agents' tactics

(Newser) - Areas of Tijuana that abut the American border have turned into battlegrounds, as Mexican smugglers lob rocks from rooftops at US Border Patrol agents, who have begun retaliating by firing pepper spray and tear gas into densely populated neighborhoods, the Los Angeles Times reports. The tactics have caused evacuations and...

Immigration Fervor Could Burn GOP
Fervor Could
Burn GOP

Immigration Fervor Could Burn GOP

Rollback of Bush’s Hispanic-friendly stance is risky

(Newser) - The GOP contenders embracing anti-immigrant fervor may be sorely miscalculating, Ryan Lizza writes in the New Yorker, in a piece looking at the party's dramatic turn from the Bush strategy of cultivating immigrants in 2000 and 2004. The nativist passions Mitt Romney and Rudy Giuliani have been fanning appeal to...

Canada-US Border Insecure
Canada-US Border Insecure

Canada-US Border Insecure

Investigators find it easy to transport 'radioactive' material to and fro

(Newser) - It is easy to smuggle radioactive material across the border between Canada and the US, CNN reports. Investigators from the Government Accountability Office testified before Congress today that they were able to pass from one country to the other with a duffle bag containing what looked like radioactive components, and...

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