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Why Post Poll Matters &mdash;and Why It Doesn't
 Why Post Poll Matters 
 —and Why It Doesn't 
pundit roundup

Why Post Poll Matters —and Why It Doesn't

New survey shows more support for public option

(Newser) - A new Washington Post/ABC poll showing an uptick in support for the public option—it stands at 57%—has pundits weighing in on the impact:
  • George Stephanopoulos, ABC: It's likely "those numbers aren't strong enough—at least not yet—to shake enough swing senators off their opposition to the

Conservatives' Intellectual Savior? Try Glenn Beck

He doesn't always resort to sound bites

(Newser) - Today's conservative movement is largely brain-dead, complains Steven F. Hayward. The deep thinkers of yesteryear have given way to shallow sloganeers from the mass media. Who will be the movement's intellectual savior? Hayward sees hope in an unexpected person: Glenn Beck. Yes, he weeps on cue, but he alone is...

Beck and Co.: Just Little Men With Big Voices
 Beck and Co.: Just Little 
 Men With Big Voices 

David Brooks

Beck and Co.: Just Little Men With Big Voices

(Newser) - Once again the right-wing radio guys have managed to convince everyone that they are a great and powerful force to be reckoned with. David Brooks revisits the 2007 Republican primaries, when Rush, Hannity, Beck and company were all weak-kneed over Fred Thompson and Mitt Romney, but bashed “unreliable deviationists”...

Right: Angry Obama Exploited Kennedy, Failed to Compromise

President steps up, doubles down on health care reform

(Newser) - Conservative commentators were, predictably, less than impressed with the president's big speech on health care reform last night. Here’s what they’re saying:
  • Obama’s speech “was 40 minutes of boilerplate followed by a socko, emotional finish exploiting the death of Sen. Teddy Kennedy,” Fred Barnes writes

Obama Love Affair Over for Liberal Pundits

One-time cheerleaders' support is 'wobbly'

(Newser) - During the campaign, lefty pundits offered Barack Obama some of “the most favorable coverage that any White House contender has drawn in a generation.” Now, those same commentators’ support for the president is looking “wobbly,” writes Howard Kurtz in the Washington Post. “I find myself...

After Beck Flap, Advertisers Leery of Politics

Boycott may go beyond Fox host to other 'inflammatory' shows

(Newser) - Glenn Beck’s antics could just kill the entire political talk show genre, Advertising Age reports. Beck will return to the air tonight 33 advertisers lighter, after calling President Obama a “racist." But the fallout could spread to other talk shows, too—Clorox has already announced it’...

How Stewart Wins Over Neocons

Lefty comedian ready to listen to the other side

(Newser) - Jon Stewart’s liberal inclinations don't stop him from booking voices from the far right on the Daily Show—and they give glowing reviews of their experiences, New York magazine reports. A former GOP spokesman was leery of appearing on the program to discuss torture; pundit Bill Kristol encouraged him....

Beck Melts Down, Screams at 'Pinhead' Caller

Radio host infuriated over health care

(Newser) - Conservative radio host Glenn Beck had an on-air fit yesterday when a caller questioned him about health care and wouldn’t back down, the Daily Kos reports. The caller, “Kathy,” started by talking about the high cost of care. Beck countered that he doesn’t believe there are...

How to Become a Pundit on $7,500 a Day

(Newser) - Socrates and his ilk were deep thinkers, but modern-day pundits had better look good, think in sound bites, and be ready to spend $7,500 per day in training to get on TV, CBS News reports. "We coach people to look their best and sound their best any time...

Sexist? Racist? Chill Out, GOP Pundits
Sexist? Racist?
Chill Out,
GOP Pundits

Sexist? Racist? Chill Out, GOP Pundits

Sotomayor's right; her gender and ethnicity do matter

(Newser) - The conservative chattering class needs to chill out about Sonia Sotomayor, writes Kathleen Parker of the Washington Post. Bloggers are frothing with rage over Sotomayor’s infamous comment that a Latina woman might make better decisions than a white man. “Could a white man get away with saying something...

Tucker Carlson Plans Rightie News Site

HuffPo-like site will try to 'tell the truth, and be accurate,' pundit says

(Newser) - Conservative pundit Tucker Carlson plans to launch a news website to serve as a right-leaning alternative to the Huffington Post, reports The Hill. The focus of TheDailyCaller.com will be "adding facts to the conversation" and driving the news cycle. "It will not be a forum for discussing...

From TV News to R&amp;B Hit
 From TV News to R&B Hit  

From TV News to R&B Hit

YouTube mashup shows the musical side of Couric, Hannity

(Newser) - If you've ever thought the TV news needed a little something extra, meet Michael Gregory. The 24-year-old Brooklyn musician has taken YouTube by storm by mashing up the news into a faux-R&B track with the use of Auto-Tune, Time reports. The software designed to correct pitch—which can also...

'Enchanted'? Twitterverse Pounces
'Enchanted'? Twitterverse Pounces

'Enchanted'? Twitterverse Pounces

NYT journo's query on Obama's feelings 'genius,' 'navel-gazing'

(Newser) - One question from last night’s presidential press conference has pundits and Twitterers buzzing: A reporter asked President Obama what “surprised,” “troubled,” “enchanted,” and “humbled” him about the office. “I thought the Miss USA Pageant was *last* week,” read one Tweet...

Obama, Biden Earn A-Minuses
 Obama, Biden Earn A-Minuses 

Obama, Biden Earn A-Minuses

Pundits offer wide-ranging report card

(Newser) - On President Obama’s 100th day in office, Mark Halperin of Time provides a White House report card:
  • Barack Obama: A-. “Instantly comfortable and highly skilled at the hardest job in the world.”
  • Joe Biden: A-: Operates "precisely in the manner he and Obama discussed

Even the Right Can't Stand Glenn Beck
Even the Right Can't Stand Glenn Beck

Even the Right Can't Stand Glenn Beck

Conservatives take issue with histrionic Fox newcomer

(Newser) - Glenn Beck’s prophesies of doom don’t just infuriate the left. Some conservatives are denouncing the histrionic Fox anchor as well, worried he’ll endanger the movement, reports Benjamin Sarlin of the Daily Beast. Fellow Fox anchor Shephard Smith often mocks Beck, calling his show the “fear chamber....

Beware the 'Experts'
 Beware the 'Experts' 

Beware the 'Experts'

Headstrong 'hedgehogs' get the most airtime, but little right

(Newser) - Why did financial experts so spectacularly fail to warn us about the economic crisis? Mostly because “so-called experts turn out to be, in many situations, a stunningly poor source of expertise,” writes Nicholas Kristof of the New York Times. Experts of all stripes are enormously influential, but their...

Huzzahs for Masters of Change
 Huzzahs for Masters of Change 

Huzzahs for Masters of Change

(Newser) - Saying that “change is no longer a dreamy notion but a reality—and a responsibility,” Rolling Stone lists 100 people from all walks of society with “the power of making people think and making them move.” The top five:
  • Barack Obama: “He has a capacity

Washington Needs to Give Obama His Due
Washington Needs to Give Obama His Due

Washington Needs to Give Obama His Due

Pundits too often advocate outdated 'imperial policy'

(Newser) - You just can’t please the Washington establishment, Fareed Zakaria observes in Newsweek. Beltway pundits almost universally blasted former President Bush’s foreign policy as arrogant and incompetent. But now that President Obama is charting a decidedly different course—closing Guantanamo, nixing torture, and signaling openness to talks with Syria,...

My 401(k) Proves I Could Do Better Than CNBC
My 401(k) Proves I Could
Do Better Than CNBC

My 401(k) Proves I Could Do Better Than CNBC

(Newser) - He may have gotten only a B in economics, but James Rainey, in the Los Angeles Times, says he can be the next CNBC personality. “There’s got to be a spot for me on one of those chatter fests,” he says, because “I’ve out-performed the...

Coulter, Maher Duke It Out
 Coulter, Maher Duke It Out 

Coulter, Maher Duke It Out

(Newser) - Ann Coulter and Bill Maher generated much buzz for their conservative vs. liberal road show last night, and the sparring continues tonight as part of the 2009 Speakers Series. Still, while the two will stake out enemy positions, they confess to being friends, writes Dave Itzkoff in the New York ...

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