
Stories 21 - 40 | << Prev   Next >>

No, Bloggers: Obama Doesn't Think Chirac Is French Prez

(Newser) - The tone of a letter from President Obama to Jacques Chirac has some in the blogosphere wondering if Obama knows that Chirac is no longer the president of France, writes Jimmy Orr in the Christian Science Monitor reports. “Doesn’t Obama ever consult his staff before acting?” one concerned...

'Rightosphere' Hopes to Reshape GOP
'Rightosphere' Hopes to Reshape GOP

'Rightosphere' Hopes to Reshape GOP

Bloggers hope to catch GOP up to Democrats on harnessing the internet

(Newser) - The election of Barack Obama has energized conservative bloggers, who see a spell in opposition as an opportunity ideal for reshaping the party, writes Walter Alarkon for the Hill. Conservatives in the “rightosphere” are eying the progress the left’s “netroots” made during the Bush years, when sites...

Campaign Arrows Puncture Righty Mag's Lofty Rep
Campaign Arrows Puncture Righty Mag's Lofty Rep

Campaign Arrows Puncture Righty Mag's Lofty Rep

Still, National Review looks forward to having Dems in power after tumultuous year

(Newser) - The nasty tone of the presidential campaign dealt a blow to the National Review, considered the print home for conservative intellectuals and a standard-bearer for genteel debate, the New York Times reports. The death of founder William F. Buckley was followed by the ouster of his son Christopher following his...

No, Blogging Isn't Dead
 No, Blogging Isn't Dead 

No, Blogging Isn't Dead

Tools like Twitter complement, rather than replace, traditional blogging, argues blogger

(Newser) - A recent Wired magazine article argued that blogging is out, that mainstream media have taken the practice over, and one-time bloggers have moved on to social networking tools like Twitter, Facebook, and Flickr. Not so, responds Allyson Kapin on Fast Company. Witness the 175,000 new blogs created daily and...

Brit Jumps Onto Twitter Bandwagon

Pop star promises to take fans where no paparazzi can with new site, micro-blog

(Newser) - The blogosphere is, ahem, atwitter over Britney Spears’ new Web site and micro-blogging account. The pop star promises to provide fans the inside scoop via and Twitter, a social-networking site allows users to post constant updates. “I’d like to welcome Britney Spears to our world,”...

Liberal Bloggers Get Their Wish... or Do They?

Contemplating victory, onetime outsiders may feel disoriented

(Newser) - Barack Obama's frontrunner status has liberal bloggers wondering whether they should have been careful what they wished for. “The way it’s looking, we might actually win this thing,” said Daily Kos founder Markos Moulitas. The "Netroots" movement began as a response to a Republican-dominated Washington; the...

New Food Blogs Take Devotion to a New Level

So-called 'cook-through' bloggers go through cookbooks recipe by recipe

(Newser) - Food blogs are usually simple things, fun and easy to create, writes Lee Gomes in the Wall Street Journal. And then there are the increasingly popular "cook-through" blogs, in which devoted chefs of all skill levels pick a book, say the French Laundry Cookbook or the Gourmet Cookbook, and...

My Search Term, Myself
 My Search Term, Myself 

My Search Term, Myself

Blogger ponders path Web surfers take to his threshold

(Newser) - Freud would have a field day studying Google searches, posits a blogger who tracked the terms visitors to his web page used and found a window into man's pathologies. John Kelly, a columnist on leave from the Washington Post, writes in the Guardian about "how the fetishes, pathologies and...

Bitter Breakup? Time for a Blog

More people are using the web to share stories about breakups

(Newser) - Call it therapeutic or call it revenge, but more ex-spouses are airing their dirty laundry on the Internet—and courts are supporting them even if their former partners are not. Personal blogs have quadrupled since 2003, the New York Times notes in a look at the trend, with many using...

Blogs Vent China's Anti-West Ire

Chinese see outcry over Tibet, torch as effort to sap newfound strength

(Newser) - The Chinese Internet is aflame with vitriol at Western governments and news organizations for “insults” over Tibet and recent Olympic torch incidents, the Christian Science Monitor reports. Chinese authorities, usually quick to censor the Web, have let the sentiment flow, believing "the West is trying to humiliate them...

Gawker Selling Off a Few Blogs
 Gawker Selling Off a Few Blogs 

Gawker Selling Off a Few Blogs

Wonkette, Idolator and Gridskipper become casualties of economic belt-tightening

(Newser) - Gawker Media is cutting loose three of its blogs, CNET reports: Wonkette, Idolator and Gridskipper. “To be blunt," explained Gawker founder Nick Denton in an internal email, "they each had their editorial successes; but someone else will have better luck selling the advertising than we did."...

Cosmetic Surgery Can't Go Unmentioned
 Cosmetic Surgery Can't 
 Go Unmentioned 

Cosmetic Surgery Can't Go Unmentioned

TV critic decries 'new—and wrinkle-free!—elephant in the living room'

(Newser) - Cosmetic surgery is out of control, TV critic Mary McNamara contends in the Los Angeles Times, and it's time to break the taboo of talking about it in mainstream criticism. TV reviews shouldn’t descend into blogospheric dissections of cosmetic work, but obvious surgery not connected to an actor’s...

Naked Truth in Cheney Shades?
 Naked Truth in Cheney Shades? 

Naked Truth in Cheney Shades?

The web wonders if the VP is looking at a naked woman rather than fly fishing

(Newser) - The man who famously shot his hunting partner may have another leisure-sport scandal on his hands—this time involving the image of a naked woman. Bloggers are obsessively analyzing a close-up photo released by the White House of Dick Cheney fly fishing, because of racy image that appears to be...

Gossiper Trades Fat for Fortune
 Gossiper Trades Fat for Fortune 

Gossiper Trades Fat for Fortune

Perez Hilton loses weight, adds radio show to media empire

(Newser) - The Starbucks barista who turned his Perez Hilton alter ego into a web and TV sensation is bulking up his multimedia ventures by adding a radio show and slimming down his waistline, reports the Hollywood Reporter. "I want to frickin' jog shirtless in Malibu by the Fourth of July,...

'Death by Blogging' Story Was Pure Hooey

'Death by Blogging' Story Was Pure Hooey

'Death by Blogging' Story Was Pure Hooey

Sensationalist Times piece spun out of nothing, says Slate

(Newser) - The relentlessly self-analytical blogosphere had a field day with the recent New York Times story on bloggers allegedly writing themselves to death. But as the Internet exploded with reaction to the paper's claims, a Slate critic points out that the dire trend story was backed up by the thinnest tissue...

'Sweatshop' Bloggers Drop Dead
 'Sweatshop' Bloggers Drop Dead

'Sweatshop' Bloggers Drop Dead

After two notable commentators die, blogosphere faces lifestyle toll

(Newser) - The news cycle never stops, and neither do the bloggers who relentlessly chase stories, enduring a sweatshop kind of life stressful enough to apparently induce heart attacks. Two prominent web commentators have died in the last few months, and the community is reflecting on the toll of its hardcore, caffeine-fueled,...

Perez Hilton, Music Mogul?
Perez Hilton, Music Mogul?

Perez Hilton, Music Mogul?

Celebrity blogger is in a deal with Warner Music to start his own imprint

(Newser) - “Madonna’s leaving, Perez is coming.” Those words are straight from the mouth of the music industry's most unlikely new player, gossip blogger Perez Hilton. He has parlayed posts praising unknown and upcoming acts on his website into a possible deal doing the same for Warner Brothers Records,...

Rove Joins Newsweek to 'Stir the Pot'

Conservative Karl and liberal rival to pen 'provocative' columns

(Newser) - Only a few months after leaving the White House, former President Bush operative Karl Rove has found a new gig as a Newsweek columnist.  Rove's addition to Newsweek comes just days after the magazine hired popular liberal political blogger Markos Moulitsas of the internet's Daily Kos who, like Rove,...

Perez Hilton Calls Own Work ‘Noble’

Admits he skewers Britney because he feels 'cheated'

(Newser) - Mario Lavandeira, aka Perez Hilton, is every celebrity’s worst nightmare, but the blogger thinks his work—satirically applying lipstick, dollar signs, and other doodles to Hollywood’s most photographed—is “noble.” With his own VH1 reality show, a ban from the Chateau Marmont, and a yearly take...

Bloggers of the World, Unite?
Bloggers of the World, Unite?

Bloggers of the World, Unite?

Proposal to unionize provokes (surprise!) mixed reactions from online community

(Newser) - Some liberal bloggers are attempting to rally their keyboard-hammering brethren and form the first bloggers' union, an organization whose exact configuration is unclear. Some envision the group as a traditional labor faction that would fight for health benefits and recognition within the media, the AP reports, while others want a...

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