Senate Democrats

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3 Democratic Senators Could Be Leaning Toward Acquittal

Republicans hope to wrap trial up Friday

(Newser) - President Trump's defense rested its case in his impeachment trial Tuesday, with White House lawyers urging senators to vote to acquit—and at least three Democrats may end up joining Republicans in doing so. Politico reports that Sens. Joe Manchin of West Virginia, Kyrsten Sinema of Arizona, and Doug...

Democrats Have Little Hope of Taking Senate Now
Democrats Have Little Hope
of Taking Senate Now

Democrats Have Little Hope of Taking Senate Now

Don Blankenship's loss makes that clear, according to Politico analysis

(Newser) - Tuesday's primary results brought a dose of reality to Democrats: They have little or no chance of taking control of the Senate next year, writes Charlie Mahtesian at Politico . Democrats' hopes were raised briefly by the prospect of once-imprisoned coal executive Don Blankenship winning the GOP nomination in West...

Midterm 'Blue Wave' May Fizzle in the Senate

Democratic incumbents in swing states are looking shaky, according to new poll

(Newser) - Democrats are expected to make big gains in the House when the midterm elections take place later this year. A new poll, however, suggests the party might actually lose ground in the Senate. In the poll for Axios , Survey Monkey looked at 10 races where Democratic incumbents are fighting to...

Senators: Trump Lacks 'Legal Authority' for 'Bloody Nose' Hit

Democrats warn that Congress must OK any preemptive strike on North Korea

(Newser) - If President Trump has any plans to give North Korea a "bloody nose" with a preemptive nuclear strike, he'd better go through the proper channels first. That's the gist of a letter, due to be delivered to Trump Monday, from 18 Democratic senators that warns of the...

Some Big Names Watch Newest Senators Take Oath

Former VPs Biden, Mondale joined Jones, Smith

(Newser) - Two former vice presidents stood beside the Senate's newest senators on the Senate floor as the two Democrats took their oaths of office, the AP reports. Former Vice President Joseph Biden was next to Alabama Democrat Doug Jones as he was sworn in Wednesday. Former Vice President Walter Mondale—...

Franken Has Parting Shot for GOP in Final Senate Speech

He urges senators to 'stand up for truth'

(Newser) - So long, Sen. Al Franken: The Democrat delivered his final speech on the Senate floor Thursday, slamming Trump administration policies and urging fellow senators to "stand up for truth," the Hill reports. Franken, who reluctantly resigned after several women accused him of groping or harassing them, said he...

Report: Al Franken Will Resign
Report: Al Franken Will Resign

Report: Al Franken Will Resign

Not so fast, senator's office says

(Newser) - Fellow Democratic senators are calling for Sen. Al Franken to step down —and a Democratic official says he plans to do so. The official told Minnesota Public Radio on Wednesday that Franken, who has been accused of sexual harassment by multiple women, plans to announce his resignation Thursday. MPR...

Al Franken Apologizes for &#39;Crossing a Line&#39;
Al Franken:
'I Am So Sorry'

Al Franken: 'I Am So Sorry'

He vows to regain trust of Minnesotans

(Newser) - Sen. Al Franken apparently sees himself as an over-enthusiastic hugger, not the "serial groper" one woman describes him as. In a statement issued Thursday, the day after two more women accused him of touching them inappropriately during photo-ops , the Democrat apologized for making "some women feel badly" and...

Dems Filibuster Gorsuch, 55-45
Dems Filibuster Gorsuch, 55-45

Dems Filibuster Gorsuch, 55-45

Next up: The nuclear option

(Newser) - Senate Democrats have successfully, if temporarily, blocked President Trump's nominee to the Supreme Court, reports the AP . The Senate voted 55-45 Thursday to filibuster the nomination of Judge Neil Gorsuch. Republicans, however, are planning to unilaterally change Senate rules to remove a 60-vote filibuster requirement for Gorsuch and all...

Senate Dems Reach Magic Number to Block Gorsuch

41 nays mean GOP would have to resort to 'nuclear option' on filibuster

(Newser) - The nomination of Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court is poised to go nuclear. Senate Democrats now have 41 votes against him, enough to hold up his nomination in the Senate by means of a filibuster, reports the AP . In order to circumvent the filibuster, Republicans would have to change...

McConnell: Gorsuch Will Be Confirmed

It's just a question of whether Senate Democrats filibuster, force nuclear option

(Newser) - It's all over but the shouting in the confirmation of Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court, Mitch McConnell tells Fox News Sunday . "Judge Gorsuch is going to be confirmed," the Senate majority leader said. His next comments seemed to indicate he wouldn't shy away from the...

Dems Aren't Giving Up on Seeing Trump's Tax Returns

And Republican Lindsey Graham wants to make it mandatory for candidates

(Newser) - Senate Democrats seeking President Trump's tax returns hoped a strongly worded letter might finally do the trick. Didn't work. Seven Democrats on the Finance Committee wrote to GOP Chairman Orrin Hatch on Wednesday, asking that he use his authority to make the returns available to the committee for...

Senate Dems Have a New Role for Bernie Sanders

He vows to hold Trump accountable for campaign promises

(Newser) - Bernie Sanders is back on the political scene and he's more powerful than ever. After Chuck Schumer was elected Senate minority leader Wednesday, he announced that the independent Vermont senator will be Senate Democrats' new chair of "outreach." USA Today reports that this will make Sanders the...

Chuck Schumer Is Senate's New Minority Leader

And Mitch McConnell wins re-election as majority leader

(Newser) - The pieces are starting to fall into place for a Donald Trump presidency, and on Wednesday that came in the form of two major legislative appointments. New York Sen. Chuck Schumer received a unanimous vote by Senate Democrats during a closed-door meeting to become the minority leader who will succeed...

A Democratic Senate Is Looking More and More Likely

Dems need 4 Senate seats; new prediction says they could get 7

(Newser) - With a Hillary Clinton victory looking increasingly imminent, the outlook is getting rosier for a Democratic Senate as well, according to the Cook Political Report . MarketWatch reports that 24 Republican Senate seats are being decided this election. Democrats need to pick up four of those to set up a 50/50...

Senate Dems Strike Blow to Obama in Trade Vote

President doesn't get votes needed to move forward on Trans-Pacific Partnership

(Newser) - Senate Democrats have struck down a measure that would have helped President Obama settle a trade pact with Asian countries, the New York Times reports. Sixty votes were needed to pass a measure to launch debate on Obama's "trade promotion authority"—but it was blocked thanks to...

Reid Backs Schumer to Replace Him

Jockeying begins to determine who will lead Senate Democrats

(Newser) - Unless Dick Durbin makes a stink about it, it appears that Chuck Schumer will replace Harry Reid as the Senate's Democratic leader come 2016. In an interview after announcing that he would not run for re-election, Reid tells the Washington Post that the New York senator is his pick....

Senate Averts Shutdown, Confirms Obama Nominees

Vote on longer-term spending bill due early next week

(Newser) - Their power ebbing, Senate Democrats launched a last-minute drive today to confirm roughly 20 of President Obama's nominees, and several Republicans blamed Tea Party-backed Texas Sen. Ted Cruz for creating an opening for the outgoing majority party to exploit. Lawmakers took a break from their intrigue long enough to...

McConnell Confident as Polls Get Set to Close
 GOP Takes Control of 
 Senate; McConnell Wins 
midterm elections

GOP Takes Control of Senate; McConnell Wins

Scott Brown fails in upset bid, but Republicans flip at least 7 seats

(Newser) - Election night was a win for Republicans: Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell started things off by defeating Democrat Alison Lundergan Grimes in Kentucky, reports the AP . Hours later, McConnell learned he will be changing his title to majority leader: Republicans needed a net gain of six seats to take the...

Senate Control Is Up to Iowa: Harry Reid

If Bruce Braley doesn't win, Mitch McConnell will be majority leader, says Democrat

(Newser) - If Democrats want to retain control of the Senate, they'll have to win in Iowa, says Harry Reid. Speaking today to progressive activists, Reid said that if Rep. Bruce Braley beats Joni Ernst, Democrats will do "just fine." But if Ernst—who has recently led in polls,...

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