Senate Democrats

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Congress Leads Dems on 'Liberal Suicide March'
Congress Leads Dems on 'Liberal Suicide March'

Congress Leads Dems on 'Liberal Suicide March'

They're as out of touch as Republicans were in Bush years: Brooks

(Newser) - The Republican Party turned away from America during its years in power, writes New York Times columnist David Brooks, by paying more attention to echo-chamber media outlets and yes-men pollsters than voters. Now the Democrats are doing the same—instead of Southern conservatives, now it's left-wingers from the coasts who...

Blame Everyone Involved for Shallow Sotomayor Hearings

Dems go lightly; GOP eyes history outside of court

(Newser) - With Sonia Sotomayor's confirmation a virtual certainty and her appointment unlikely to change the direction of the Supreme Court, last week's toothless hearings held few surprises. Except, that is, for observers who were hoping the Senate Judiciary Committee would press for substantive Q-and-A, Joan Biskupic writes for USA Today. “...

Card Checks Dropped From Card-Check Bill

Senate Dems ditch pro-labor bill's most controversial provision

(Newser) - The so-called "card-check" bill no longer includes its namesake card checks. Labor-friendly Democratic senators have agreed to ditch a central part of the union-organizing measure to ensure its passage, the New York Times reports. The controversial provision would have required employers to recognize a union when a majority of...

Aug. Health Reform Looks Impossible

Divisions among lawmakers may make reaching goal impossible

(Newser) - President Obama has called for the passage of a health care bill by August—but that would require an unusually smooth few weeks on Capitol Hill, Politico reports. The Senate Finance Committee hasn’t released a version of the bill planned for early June; disagreements among Democrats in both chambers...

It's Official: Burris Won't Run

(Newser) - Roland Burris made it official this afternoon: He won't run for a full term next year, the Chicago Tribune reports. “I love serving the people of Illinois,” the current holder of President Obama's old Senate seat said. But “political races have become far too expensive in...

Dems on Collision Course on How to Pay for Heath Care

(Newser) - Democrats in Congress are heading for an intra-party showdown over how to fund health care reform, reports the New York Times. The powerful House Ways and Means Committee is reportedly near agreement on an income tax surcharge of 2% or more on Americans earning above $250,000, which moderate Democrats...

Obama Must Show Congress Who's Boss
Obama Must Show Congress Who's Boss

Obama Must Show Congress Who's Boss

Lack of cooperation drags down domestic agenda: Klein

(Newser) - President Obama’s domestic agenda is in trouble, writes Joe Klein of Time, because of his “undue respect for the institution of Congress, a sclerotic body badly in need of creative leadership.” Obama is sitting on the sidelines while the Senate manhandles his health care and energy proposals....

Reid's Refusal Leaves $320B Health Care Hole

Dems may look to income tax hike to cover cost of public option

(Newser) - Harry Reid met with Republicans yesterday to diffuse some of his tough talk on health care reform, but as Politico reports, the Senate majority leader has forced a scramble for $320 billion over 10 years to pay for the plan. Reid said he would not support a bill that taxed...

Reid Pulls Plug on GOP-Friendly Health Plan

(Newser) - Harry Reid yesterday pulled the plug on painstaking efforts to win bipartisan support for health care reform, telling Max Baucus to drop a proposal, aimed at wooing Republicans, that would tax health benefits and leave out a public insurance option. The Senate majority leader told Baucus, the Finance Committee chairman...

Franken Victory Could be Nightmare for Harry Reid

Majority leader faces 'a lot more pressure'

(Newser) - Al Franken brings Harry Reid a potential extra vote—but he also brings the Senate majority leader a massive headache, Politico reports. “What’s really changed for us?” says a leadership aide. “Nothing, really. Except there’s a lot more pressure.” That may be an understatement: Democrats...

60 Votes No Quick Fix for Senate Dems

Absences, diverse opinions could prove stumbling blocks

(Newser) - With the Minnesota election finally settled, Senate Democrats have 60 potential votes now—but that won’t guarantee smooth sailing, the New York Times reports. Ted Kennedy and Robert Byrd may often be out sick, and a range of viewpoints means the caucus won’t likely “walk in lockstep,...

Chill Out, Democrats; 60 Votes Means Bupkis
Chill Out, Democrats;
60 Votes Means Bupkis

Chill Out, Democrats; 60 Votes Means Bupkis

(Newser) - Al Franken is a senator at last, giving the Democrats their first 60-vote supermajority in 30 years. But that might not mean much, writes David Lightman of McClatchy Newspapers. Two of those votes belong to seriously ill senators, and another two are merely semi-reliable independents. Add in the disparate local...

Coleman Concedes to Franken
 Coleman Concedes to Franken 

Coleman Concedes to Franken

(Newser) - Norm Coleman isn't going to drag out Minnesota's Senate fight any longer. Coleman conceded the race to Al Franken today, hours after the state's Supreme Court decreed that Democrat Franken was the rightful winner of November's election, reports the Minneapolis Star Tribune. "Further litigation damages the unity of our...

Burris Won't Face Perjury Charges: Ill. Prosecutor

Evidence on Blago contacts insufficient

(Newser) - Sen. Roland Burris will not be charged with perjury for neglecting to tell an Illinois House impeachment panel about additional discussions he had with associates of then-Gov. Rod Blagojevich, the State Journal-Register reports. While Burris did omit conversations about the Senate appointment with members of Blagojevich’s inner circle, they...

Senate OKs $106B for Wars
 Senate OKs $106B for Wars 

Senate OKs $106B for Wars

(Newser) - The Senate today overwhelmingly passed a bill authorizing $106 billion to fund the nation’s wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, the Hill reports. It now goes to President Obama for his expected signature. The vote had been delayed by wrangling over how to keep detainee abuse photos under wraps. Yesterday,...

Lieberman, Dems Heal Old Wounds

Independent sen. 'critical' to party despite departures

(Newser) - The rift between Joe Lieberman and his former party, which stretched wide after the senator supported John McCain for president, is closing, the Hill reports. The Connecticut independent, who caucuses with the Democrats, has been "critical" to the party, the majority whip says—Lieberman has praised the president on...

Pa., NY Dems Ignore Obama, Ready Senate Primary Bids

Renegades take aim at Specter, Gillibrand

(Newser) - Two House Democrats look ready to stage Senate primary challenges in 2010—even if the White House doesn’t like it, Politico reports. Joe Sestak of Pennsylvania says a presidential intervention wouldn’t change his mind about a run against Arlen Specter; New York’s Carolyn Maloney is “way...

Cornyn, Schumer Travel in High Style
Cornyn, Schumer Travel in High Style

Cornyn, Schumer Travel in High Style

Senators use more taxpayer dollars than any other lawmakers

(Newser) - Senators John Cornyn and Chuck Schumer have done a lot of jet-setting on the company dime, Politico reports. Each has spent more than $140,000 on travel this year alone, as much as 10 times what some colleagues spend. Cornyn, a Republican, racked up the biggest bill, which included the...

Dems Proceed on Health Care Without Ailing Kennedy

Dodd takes senator's place in meetings

(Newser) - Ted Kennedy's absence is being keenly felt as Senate Democrats and the White House prepare to move ahead on health care legislation without him, the Los Angeles Times reports. The senator, whom lawmakers from both sides had hoped could craft a bipartisan compromise, is being treated for a brain tumor...

Sotomayor Vote Carries Risks for These Senators
Sotomayor Vote Carries Risks for These Senators

Sotomayor Vote Carries Risks for These Senators

Judiciary committee members share spotlight with nominee

(Newser) - Sonia Sotomayor's confirmation looks likely, but that doesn’t mean there won’t be some drama between here and there. Politico runs down which senators have the most to win—and the most to lose:  
  • Patrick Leahy: Facing his first nominee as judiciary chairman, Leahy’s eager to

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