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Musk: SpaceX Is Prepping for 2026 Mars Landings

And if those go well, manned launches in 2028, he says of planned Starship missions

(Newser) - Elon Musk's long-held dream for his SpaceX spacecraft to make it to Mars appears to be ever closer to coming to fruition, at least according to Musk. In a weekend post on X , the social media platform he owns, Musk noted that "the first Starships to Mars will...

Mars Is Hiding Oceans of Water
Mars Is Hiding Oceans of Water

Mars Is Hiding Oceans of Water

Liquid water detected on planet for first time

(Newser) - Scientists searching for signs of water on Mars say they've found enough of it to cover the entire planet to a depth of a mile—but it's not a resource that thirsty Martian colonists could easily access. According to a study in the journal Proceedings of the National ...

Jupiter, Mars to Be Chummy in Night Sky This Week

Planets will seem extremely close in pre-dawn skies of Wednesday

(Newser) - Mars and Jupiter are cozying up in the night sky for their closest rendezvous this decade. They'll be so close early Wednesday, at least from our perspective, that just a sliver of moon could fit between them. In reality, our solar system's biggest planet and its dimmer, reddish...

Mercury Might Be the Diamond Planet
Mercury Might Be
the Diamond Planet
new study

Mercury Might Be the Diamond Planet

Study suggests it has a miles-thick layer of the gems beneath the surface

(Newser) - Mars gets all the buzz , but Mercury just gained some bragging rights among the planets—a new study suggests it may have a layer of diamonds 9 miles thick, located deep below its surface, reports Live Science . These diamonds exist only in theory at the moment, but the study in...

Musk Could Become Father of Mars Colonization

Mogul reportedly has volunteered his sperm to populate the planet, would like to create species

(Newser) - Elon Musk has lot going on—Tesla, SpaceX, and X, for starters. But the entrepreneur's priority is establishing a civilization on Mars, the New York Times reports. That dream might be out of reach—"You can't just land one million people on Mars," said an aerospace...

Mayan Intercropping Could Be Key to Food on Mars
Mayan Intercropping Could
Be Key to Food on Mars

Mayan Intercropping Could Be Key to Food on Mars

Researchers are experimenting with the ancient method on Martian-like dirt

(Newser) - The international space community has its sights set on humans landing on Mars by the mid-2030s, but a big question remains once astronauts get there: what will they eat? Researchers in the Netherlands at Wageningen University & Research are working to solve that particular problem in the long-term, when humans...

How to Get Mars Rocks to Earth for Cheap? NASA Shrugs

Space agency seeks ideas to revive Mars Sample Return Mission

(Newser) - Calling all innovators: NASA is looking for out-of-the-box ideas about how to get Martian rocks to Earth in the next 15 years without breaking the bank. The space agency says it can't achieve this top priority before 2040 with the $5 billion to $7 billion in funding currently outlined....

NASA Puts Out Call for Volunteers: 'Martians Wanted'

Live and work in Mars simulator for a year to help space agency prep for the real thing

(Newser) - For those just itching to find out what it's like to live on the red planet, NASA has your dream job. The space agency is looking for four volunteers for its next mission to simulate life on Mars for a year. Selected applicants would actually be living in Houston,...

In Welcome Spot on Mars, Frozen Water Apparently Hides
Massive Reserve of Ice
Found Near Equator of Mars

Massive Reserve of Ice Found Near Equator of Mars

Huge deposits detected near a likely landing spot of future astronauts

(Newser) - Deep beneath Mars' equator lies what is believed to be a supply of frozen water that, if melted, would cover the entire planet in an ocean of at least 5 feet deep. That's according to the European Space Agency , whose Mars Express spacecraft discovered the suspected reserve of water...

Investigation Lobs Disturbing Allegations Against Candy Giant

CBS News finds Mars uses chocolate harvested by kids as young as 5

(Newser) - A CBS News investigation finds that candy company Mars, Inc. continues to use cocoa harvested by child laborers in Africa, and calls into question the company's stated commitment to keeping kids there in school. The media outlet found kids as young as five working at each of the cocoa...

Report: At Musk's SpaceX, Hundreds of Hidden Injuries

Reuters details amputations, crushed limbs, even a death in rush to send humans to Mars

(Newser) - Elon Musk has long been eager to get humans to Mars ASAP—maybe too eager, according to a new Reuters' documentation of injuries at SpaceX facilities over the past decade. The news agency conducted interviews and sifted through government files to reveal how many SpaceX workplace injuries, all previously unreported,...

NASA Seals Volunteers Into Mars Habitat for 378 Days

Project will help agency plan Mars mission

(Newser) - Four volunteers have entered a simulated Mars habitat at the Johnson Space Center in Houston—and barring unforeseen problems, they will remain there for 378 days. The volunteers are not trained astronauts, but their time in the 3D-printed, 1,700-square-foot habitat is intended to simulate a real mission to Mars,...

Mars Has Its First Livestream
Show Mars
in Real Time

Images Show Mars in Real Time

With a slight delay, European Space Agency sends images for an hour

(Newser) - People of Earth had their first almost live view of Mars on Friday afternoon, streamed by the European Space Agency. For about an hour, a new image appeared every 50 seconds on YouTube and Twitter that was captured by a camera on the agency's Mars Express orbiter. There were...

Mars Rover Finds Signs of a Robust Ancient River

A new discovery could lead to clues about planet's ability to support life

(Newser) - Images captured by NASA's Perseverance rover suggest the existence of a once-thriving and surprisingly potent Martian river—shedding light on the planet's intriguing geological past. A NASA press release reports that the rover's high-resolution photographs, made during its ongoing mission on Mars, provide compelling evidence of an...

'Planet Collectors,' This Is Your Week

5 planets—Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Uranus, and Mars—will be lining up, with best viewing Tuesday

(Newser) - Keep an eye to the sky this week for a chance to see a planetary hangout. Five planets—Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Uranus, and Mars—will line up near the moon, per the AP . More details:
  • Where and when can you see them? The best day to catch the whole group

Buildings on the Moon, Mars Could Be Made From This
Here's the New
Concrete for Mars

Here's the New Concrete for Mars

StarCrete, twice as strong as ordinary concrete, uses dirt, potato starch, and salt

(Newser) - Future buildings on the moon and Mars may be built from potato starch. A team at the University of Manchester has come up with a building material, twice as strong as concrete, that can be made in a microwave with a little extra-terrestrial dust, potato starch, and a pinch of...

Curiosity Captures Spectacular Martian Sunset

Image shows 'some of the most clearly visible images of sun rays we've ever seen on Mars'

(Newser) - Martian sunsets can be on the gloomy side, but NASA's Curiosity rover captured a spectacular one last month. The rover's official account tweeted an image of the phenomenon this week, saying, "My team says these are some of the most clearly visible images of sun rays we'...

NASA Explains Giant Bear Face on Mars

Hey there, Pooh?

(Newser) - There's a giant bear on Mars—or rather a rock formation that looks remarkably like one. NASA shared the intriguing image, captured last month by the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, in a Wednesday release . Taken from 156 miles above Mars' southern hemisphere, it shows two circular craters above a muzzle-shaped...

Mars Lander's Possible Final Image: 'Don't Worry About Me'

After 4 years, InSight is believed to have lost power—meaning we may not hear from it again

(Newser) - NASA's InSight might finally be dead. The Mars lander whose solar panels have been caked in dust for months failed to respond to communications on Sunday, NASA reported. The announcement came alongside what could be a final selfie from InSight, showing the lander in what looked like a very...

Here's What a Dust Devil Sounds Like on Mars
Audio Sent Back From
Mars Is First of Its Kind

Audio Sent Back From Mars Is First of Its Kind

NASA's Perseverance rover got caught in a dust devil and recorded what it sounded like

(Newser) - NASA's Perseverance rover was caught in a dust devil on Mars. As a result, we have the first-ever recording of a Martian dust devil, this one more than 400 feet tall and 80 feet across, per the AP . Martian dust devils are common, particularly at Perseverance's landing site...

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