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Couple Killed in Texas Church Memorialized Son There

Robert and Shani Corrigan had just buried their son last year

(Newser) - On Nov. 26 of last year, Robert and Shani Corrigan lost their 25-year-old son to suicide. They held his memorial service at Sutherland Springs' First Baptist Church in Texas, where the Michigan couple had moved years prior to start a new life. Less than a year after his death, they...

Work Finally Begins on Huge Eisenhower Memorial

DC site will honor 34th president

(Newser) - After years of public controversy and debate, work is finally beginning Thursday on a massive memorial to President Dwight Eisenhower. A groundbreaking ceremony will mark the start of the project, which has been plagued for years by a bitter running fight over the memorial's design and aesthetics, the AP...

He Drove 2K Miles to Install Crosses in Vegas

Greg Zanis creates tribute to the victims

(Newser) - An Illinois man known for honoring the victims of mass shootings around the country installed 58 white crosses on the Las Vegas Strip on Thursday. Greg Zanis drove nearly 2,000 miles from the Chicago area to install the crosses on a patch of grass near the iconic "Welcome...

Many 9/11 Victims&#39; Families Still Waiting for Remains
Could 9/11 'Architect'
Die Before Trial?
The Rundown

Could 9/11 'Architect' Die Before Trial?

Khalid Sheikh Mohammed is at Gitmo, awaiting his 25th pretrial hearing

(Newser) - People around the US on Monday paused to remember the victims of 9/11 on the 16th anniversary of the attacks. In Shanksville, Pa., for instance, Vice President Mike Pence gave a particularly personal tribute to those aboard Flight 93. Here's a sampling of some of the related coverage on...

Trump Praises &#39;Incredible&#39; Charlottesville Victim
Trump Praises 'Incredible'
Charlottesville Victim
the rundown

Trump Praises 'Incredible' Charlottesville Victim

He says Heather Heyer 'will be long remembered by all' as city holds memorial

(Newser) - A day after setting off a firestorm for remarks giving the "alt-left" its share of the blame for the violence in Charlottesville, President Trump has tweeted kind words about its female victim. "Memorial service today for beautiful and incredible Heather Heyer, a truly special young woman," the...

Teen Damages Holocaust Memorial, Gets Tackled

Bystanders in Boston hold him until police arrive

(Newser) - A holocaust museum in Boston was vandalized for the second time this summer, and this time bystanders tackled the alleged vandal. Boston police say a 17-year-old shattered a glass panel of the New England Holocaust Memorial with a rock, reports the Boston Herald . The panel contained etchings of the numbers...

Dissident's Burial at Sea Has Unintended Consequence

Activists say it has created a global memorial

(Newser) - Chinese dissident Liu Xiaobo's supporters say that in casting his ashes into the sea , the Chinese government hoped to deprive them of a permanent resting place to hold dear. What it did instead was create the world's biggest memorial, say those supporters, who plan to gather next to...

Salem's 'Witches' Finally Getting Their Due

City will honor them at site of hangings more than 300 years ago

(Newser) - In the late 1600s, three mass executions took place on a rocky ledge on the outskirts of Salem, Mass. Yes, the result of the witch trials. The city-owned site is undeveloped and largely out of view, but a new memorial aims to respectfully commemorate those who lost their lives because...

6 Injured by Gun Violence at Vigil for Victim of Gun Violence

Among those shot at Chicago memorial: a 12-year-old girl

(Newser) - A crowd gathered on Chicago's South Side at a vigil for a young man killed by gun violence were confronted with their own chaos when suspects said to be rival gang members started shooting Wednesday evening, NBC Chicago and CBS Chicago report. Six people were injured, including a 12-year-old...

In Florida for Dad's Memorial, Man Drowns Saving Daughter

William Moritz died saving 6-year-old caught in rip current

(Newser) - As a GoFundMe page set up in his honor notes, William Moritz died doing "what any great father would do": saving his young daughter. The 28-year-old Michigan man was in Jacksonville Beach, Fla., for his own father's memorial service, per Action News Jax , but a morning swim on...

Veterans Memorial Appears Only Once a Year

For a few moments every Veterans Day, everything comes together

(Newser) - Like Indiana Jones and the staff of Ra , a "perfect" tribute to men and women of the US armed forces can only be seen at a certain time on a certain day once every year, Q13 reports. That special moment: 11:11am Nov. 11, also known as Veterans Day....

Michael Brown Memorial Burns, Stirs New Unrest in Ferguson

Vandalism, arrests, possible arson mar uneasy quiet in Mo. town

(Newser) - Tensions in Ferguson may have been muted for the past few weeks, but they haven't dissipated. One of two memorials for Michael Brown near the spot where he was killed went up in flames yesterday—and some residents think the fire was intentionally set, especially given reports of a...

New Service Will Send Email From Beyond the Grave

'Yahoo Ending' will delete documents, deactivate accounts, more

(Newser) - With a quarter of Japan's population already 65 and older, a new service from Yahoo Japan called Yahoo Ending aims to help people plan for their own afterlives, including the digital details. For $1.80 a month, subscribers can plan their funerals, manage their posthumous online content, and create...

Judge: Take Down San Diego War Cross

But Supreme Court appeal may change things

(Newser) - A giant cross that's stood on a San Diego mountain for decades may not dot Mount Soledad for many more. A judge has ruled the 43-foot national war memorial cross violates the separation of church and state and needs to be removed within 90 days—once all appeals are...

6K Fans Expected at Paul Walker Memorial

Sheriff's Dept. warns people about causing another crash

(Newser) - While the world is mourning Nelson Mandela, a very different public memorial will be held today in Santa Clarita, Calif.—for Fast and Furious star Paul Walker, the LA Times reports. The LA County Sheriff's Department is asking 6,000 expected visitors to obey parking regulations and not...

Painful Facebook Memorial Must Come Down: Judge

Mom couldn't handle tributes to her daughter

(Newser) - A memorial Facebook page will have to come down, says a Brazil judge, because it's causing too much pain to its subject's mother. The judge has twice ordered Facebook to remove the page following a lawsuit by the mother of a 24-year-old journalist who died after surgery, the...

9/11 Families Fume Over Visitor Fees at NYC Memorial

'Money is the bottom line here,' says victim's mother

(Newser) - Anyone planning a trip to the 9/11 Memorial in New York City will have to pay $2 per advance ticket—and victims' families are none too happy about it, the New York Post reports. "I don’t want the American public to have to pay a dime to pay...

Newtown Officials: Please Stop the Gifts

Town to turn memorials into 'sacred soil'

(Newser) - Newtown officials have literally received more gifts than they know what to do with. Town leaders say they greatly appreciate the vast quantity of items sent to the town—but they can't cope with any more. So they've asked people to stop sending things for now, the AP...

Missing From Newtown Memorials: Nancy Lanza

'26 acts of kindness' campaign just one example

(Newser) - Twenty-seven people were murdered in the Newtown shootings, but the number cited—in memorials, in the media, and by the president—is often just 26. Nancy Lanza is often left out of the victim count amid the anger, the Washington Post reports. "Why would a woman who had a...

Thousands to Honor Sikh Temple Victims Today

Eric Holder, Scott Walker, Paul Ryan will attend memorial

(Newser) - Thousands of mourners are expected to gather this morning to pay their final respects to the six worshipers gunned down by a white supremacist at their Sikh temple over the weekend in Wisconsin. US Attorney General Eric Holder will join mourners from around the world for the service, which will...

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