cervical cancer

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'Most Unlikely' HPV Shot Killed UK Teen

Health officials cite 'serious underlying condition,' though girl's school disputes it

(Newser) - The British teen who died after being vaccinated against human papillomavirus had “a serious underlying medical condition,” health officials said today, and it is “most unlikely” that the shot, intended to prevent cervical cancer, killed 14-year-old Natalie Morton. An official at Morton’s school is skeptical. “...

UK Teen Dies After HPV Vaccination

14-year-old has 'rare but extreme reaction'; batch quarantined after others report trouble

(Newser) - A 14-year-old British girl died yesterday after receiving the vaccine against human papillomavirus, and the National Health Service has quarantined the batch after three other girls reported unpleasant side effects. Her school is telling parents the girl had a “rare but extreme reaction” to the shot, which is commonly...

Cervical Cancer Vaccine Linked to 32 Deaths

Teen-targeted Gardasil also tied to blood clots, fainting in gov't study

(Newser) - Gardasil, the cervical cancer vaccine marketed to teen girls, has been linked to 32 deaths and other serious side effects including fainting and blood clots, according to a government report released yesterday. Since 2006, several complications of the vaccine have been reported, ABC News reports, ranging from neurological disorders to...

Artist Reenacts Goody's Death
 Artist Reenacts Goody's Death 

Artist Reenacts Goody's Death

Tickets to the show will run you $37

(Newser) - Seems there is no end of ways to make money off Jade Goody’s death. An artist is staging a reenactment of the British reality star’s final hours, the Mirror reports, and tickets are $37. “This is my tribute to Jade,” said Mark McGowan in a statement....

Thousands Gather for Goody Funeral

(Newser) - Thousands of mourners and well-wishers turned out for Jade Goody's funeral today, lining the streets of south London as the the reality star, who died last month of cervical cancer at age 27, made her final journey in a vintage Rolls Royce, the Guardian and CNN report. Massive screens outside...

Jade's Funeral Date Set
 Jade's Funeral Date Set 

Jade's Funeral Date Set

Plus, Rihanna house hunts, and more

(Newser) - The funeral for Jade Goody, the British reality star who died of cervical cancer, will be held April 4, the BBC reports. A funeral procession will go from her house to a nearby church. Elsewhere:
  • Rihanna was spotted house-hunting yesterday in the Hollywood Hills, the Sun reports.
  • Struggling-for-cash Lindsay Lohan

Jade Goody Dies
 Jade Goody Dies 

Jade Goody Dies

Bizarre tabloid saga ends as reality TV sensation passes away in her sleep

(Newser) - Controversial British reality-TV star Jade Goody died early this morning of cancer, CNN reports. She passed away in her sleep at her Essex home with her new husband at her bedside. Goody's death, at 27, marks the end of a strange tabloid saga. Diagnosed with cervical cancer on the Indian...

Priest Visits Dying Jade at Home
Priest Visits Dying Jade
at Home

Priest Visits Dying Jade at Home

'Just a matter of when' for reality star in 'coma-like state'

(Newser) - A priest visited Jane Goody today as her publicist warned that "it's just a matter of when" for the dying British reality TV star, PerezHilton.com reports. "She is unconscious a lot of the time, almost in a coma-like state," the rep went on. "She comes...

'Chanting' Intruder With Hammer Frightens Goody

Jacko offers support; possible movie in talks

(Newser) - A hammer-wielding woman was arrested after sneaking into the London hospital room of dying reality-TV star Jade Goody yesterday, the Mail reports. Goody, whose husband had stepped out momentarily, awoke to the intruder “chanting and praying” over her. “Jade was very, very frightened and she screamed,” her...

Goody Christened in 'Final Goodbye'

Cancer patient Jade Goody in 'emotional service' with sons

(Newser) - Terminally ill British reality star Jade Goody was christened today along with her sons in a ceremony at a London hospital chapel, the BBC reports. The “very pale and fragile” Goody had a “smile and a kiss for everyone” at the “very short and emotional service,”...

Dying Reality TV Star Says 'I Do'

Jade Goody weds fiancé Jack Tweed in a televised ceremony

(Newser) - British reality TV star Jade Goody married fiancé Jack Tweed today in an emotional ceremony near London, the BBC reports. Goody, whose battle with cancer has played out on UK television, shed tears because of "the lovely things that were being said,” she said. Like most recent events...

Brit Reality Star Prepares to Die on Camera

Jade Goody's decision prompts questions of who is exploiting whom

(Newser) - Ever since she appeared on Big Brother at age 21, Jade Goody has captivated a British public willing to eat up every detail of the working-class reality star's life. Now that the 27-year-old has been diagnosed with terminal cancer, the public may have the chance to watch her die, reports...

Swedes Launch Nobel Prize Bribery Probe

Drug firm accused of influencing this year's pick in medicine

(Newser) - Swedish prosecutors are investigating claims of corruption in the awarding of this year's Nobel Prize in medicine, the Toronto Star reports. German scientist Harald zur Hausen won part of the prize for discovering the link between human papilloma viruses and cervical cancer. The discovery could make a fortune for drug...

Experts Close In on Breast Cancer Vaccine

Link to childbearing hormones could be prevention key

(Newser) - The prevention of breast cancer has been strongly linked to hormonal changes that occur during pregnancy and breastfeeding, prompting a top cancer expert to predict that a vaccine could mimic such safeguards, reports the Guardian. The researcher called for increased efforts to prevent breast cancer in addition to treating it,...

UK Begins Massive HPV Vaccine Campaign

12- and 13-year-old girls first targeted by program that could reach 2M by 2011

(Newser) - The UK kicked off a campaign to give 12- and 13-year-old girls the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine, the Times of London reports. Schools will begin offering the shot, which is not mandatory, this week. The government estimates that it will vaccinate over 2 million girls by 2011. Beside official programs,...

HPV Linked With Lung Cancer, But Many Still Fight Vaccine

Conservatives say drug encourages teen sex

(Newser) - The human papillomavirus, or HPV, has been linked to increased risk of lung cancer, but conservatives are standing firm in opposition to the new vaccine. Parents and activists charge that Gardasil encourages promiscuous sex, ABC News reports. "If you give kids the vaccine, you're giving them a license to...

One-Quarter of Teen Girls Have STDs
of Teen Girls Have STDs

One-Quarter of Teen Girls Have STDs

Most common infection is HPV, which can cause cervical cancer

(Newser) - At least one in four teen girls in the US—that's over three million people—has a sexually transmitted disease, a new CDC study shows. By far the most common infection is the human papillomavirus, which can cause cervical cancer, the AP reports. An STD expert calls the new figures...

HPV Shot Extra Painful, Say Patients

Docs report patients fainting after stinging injection

(Newser) - Recipients of the new HPV vaccine are reporting that it's more painful than regular vaccines because not only does the needle hurt, but the vaccine itself stings as it's injected. Doctors have reported teenage girls fainting when getting the shot of Gardasil, although that may be in part because teenagers...

Pill Use Boosts Cervical Cancer Risk Slightly

Reduced incidence of other cancers offsets increase, say experts

(Newser) - A woman's risk of cervical cancer doubles after 10 years on birth control pills, a new study shows, but the risk begins to return to normal immediately after she stops taking them, the LA Times reports. The new research shows that the increase is both minor and "outweighed by...

Study: HPV Test Better Than Pap Smear

Detects 40% more pre-cancers than traditional exam

(Newser) - Women over 30 might be better off getting an HPV test than a pap smear to fight the battle against cervical cancer, a new study concludes. Researchers found that the HPV test caught 94% of cervical pre-cancers, versus the pap smear's 55% success rate. Worries that the more sensitive HPV...

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