
Stories 61 - 80 | << Prev   Next >>

Bail for Garrido Set at $30M
 Bail for Garrido Set at $30M 

Bail for Garrido Set at $30M

Nancy Garrido ordered to be held without bail

(Newser) - A judge set bail at $30 million for Phillip Garrido today and ordered Nancy Garrido held without bail after deciding that the couple were likely to flee, the Sacramento Bee reports. Garrido couldn’t leave jail even if he could make bail, as he’s under a hold placed by...

Judge Revokes Stanford Bond
 Judge Revokes Stanford Bond 

Judge Revokes Stanford Bond

(Newser) - A US district judge today revoked bond for Texas financier R. Allen Stanford, who's charged with swindling investors out of $7 billion. David Hittner approved a request by prosecutors to overturn a magistrate judge's decision to allow Stanford freed on $500,000 bond pending his trial. Prosecutors argued that Stanford's...

Vijay Offered $500K for Bail of Pal Stanford

(Newser) - Vijay Singh is sticking by embattled buddy and alleged swindler R. Allen Stanford. The star golfer, who's been sporting the Stanford Companies logo even though he no longer gets paid to do so, offered to put up $500,000 of the billionaire’s bail, reports CNBC. He was denied the...

Alleged Wesleyan Shooter Held on $15M Bail

(Newser) - Stephen Morgan, the suspect in Wednesday’s shooting of a Wesleyan University student, was arraigned on a single count of murder today and held on $15 million bail, the Hartford Courant reports. Morgan—who turned himself in last night to police in Middletown, Conn.—was brought into court barefoot...

Judge Denies Madoff's Bail Appeal

Fraudster will wait in jail until June sentencing

(Newser) - A federal appeals court today denied Bernard Madoff’s request to be released on bail until his June sentencing date, the New York Daily News reports. “The defendant’s age and exposure to imprisonment are undisputed, and the court did not err in inferring an incentive to flee from...

Madoff Lawyer, DA Lock Horns on Bail

(Newser) - Bernard Madoff’s lawyer argued today that the financier, who has pleaded guilty to a $65 billion Ponzi scheme, should be free on bail until June sentencing, the New York Times reports. Ira Sorkin cited past precedent in similar cases, but the prosecution said Madoff has incentive to flee—and...

Court May Tell Madoff to Go Directly to Jail

Ponzi master to plead guilty today, bail could be revoked

(Newser) - Bernie Madoff will head to court today to plead guilty to all 11 charges against him, and there’s every chance he won’t be going home afterward, the New York Times reports. The big question hanging over today’s hearing is whether the court will revoke Madoff’s bail....

Stanford Officer Held on $300K Bail

(Newser) - Laura Pendergest-Holt, the chief investment officer for disgraced financier Robert Allen Stanford’s firm, is being held on $300,000 bail, the Houston Chronicle reports. Her family is attempting to come up with the $30,000 cash necessary to free her. Holt spent last night in prison after being accused...

30 Years of Bail Jumpers Owe Philly $1B

Outstanding payments date back to the 1970s

(Newser) - Criminal defendants who skipped court dates in Philadelphia owe the city a total of $1 billion, the Philadelphia Inquirer reports. For decades, the city has done little to try to collect full bail payments from those who don’t show. Critics say the system is farcical. “Bail judgments just...

Feds May Curb Pay at Rescued Financial Firms

Administration hopes move will bolster flagging bailout support

(Newser) - Seeking to curry public favor, the Obama administration is weighing pay cuts for executives at financial institutions that receive government aid, the Wall Street Journal reports. The move would apply to firms receiving “exceptional” help—a term not clearly defined but seemingly along the lines of that given to...

Cache of Madoff Evidence Found in Warehouse

Bernie 'sick' of house arrest in $7M Park Ave. apartment: source

(Newser) - Investigators are going over millions of documents found in a Queens warehouse that may shed light on Bernard Madoff’s alleged Ponzi scheme, the New York Daily News reports. The warehouse was used to store records from Madoff Investment Securities, spanning the firm’s decades-long history.

Another Judge Sends Madoff Home

Feds' appeal to put financial scammer behind bars rejected

(Newser) - A second judge rejected a bid to revoke Bernard Madoff's bail during a hearing today in which the accused scam artist wore a bulletproof vest, Bloomberg reports, sending him home to his Manhattan penthouse rather than into custody. Prosecutors argued Madoff can’t be trusted, citing attempts to mail  jewelry...

Madoff Stays Free on Bail
 Madoff Stays Free on Bail 

Madoff Stays Free on Bail

Judge doesn't revoke bail

(Newser) - A New York judge ruled today that Bernard Madoff may remain free on bail, rejecting a bid by prosecutors to send the disgraced investor to jail. Madoff mailed more than $1 million in jewelry and heirlooms to family and friends over the holidays. Prosecutors said the gifts were grounds to...

Jail Ruling Looms After Madoff's Bling Gifts

Prosecutors charge he violated bail by scattering assets

(Newser) - Accused Wall Street swindler Bernard Madoff is enjoying what could be his last hours of luxury inside his palatial $7 million New York apartment after prosecutors demanded his bail be revoked for sending some $1 million in jewelry to family and friends, Reuters reports. Madoff is due in court Thursday...

Madoff Mails $1M in Bling; Feds Pounce

(Newser) - Prosecutors are fuming after Bernard Madoff mailed more than $1 million in jewelry to his sons on Christmas Eve, the New York Post reports. The Ponzi schemer was dragged into court today but left under house arrest pending written arguments. Madoff's bail agreement allows such a gift, but an SEC...

Bail Set at $50M for 'Rockefeller'

German of many names in jail on kidnap charge, linked to other crimes

(Newser) - The man who calls himself Clark Rockefeller—a German citizen whose twisted life of multiple aliases unraveled after he was charged with kidnapping his 7-year-old daughter—was awarded bail today at a sum befitting a true Rockefeller. A Massachusetts judge set bail at $50 million for the man authorities say...

Caylee's Mom Makes Bail Again
 Caylee's Mom
 Makes Bail Again

Caylee's Mom Makes Bail Again

She'll be free second time, no charges yet in Caylee's suspected death

(Newser) - The Florida mother suspected in the disappearance of 3-year-old Caylee Anthony will be released from jail a second time today. An Orlando bondsman, working on behalf of someone he refused to name, posted mom Casey Anthony's $500,000 bail on forgery charges, reports ABC. Anthony hasn't been charged in the...

Casey Anthony Rejects Deal
 Casey Anthony Rejects Deal 

Casey Anthony Rejects Deal

Mother of 3-year-old Caylee—missing, feared dead—rebuffs limited immunity

(Newser) - Jailed Florida mom Casey Anthony today refused a deal that would have given her limited immunity in dealing with investigators probing the disappearance of her 3-year-old daughter Caylee, the Orlando Sentinel reports. The agreement would have protected her from having statements she made directly to investigators used against her, but...

Hair From Mom's Trunk Matches Missing Caylee

Bounty hunter inexplicably backtracks on revoking Casey Anthony's bail

(Newser) - The hair found in the trunk of Casey Anthony’s car likely came from missing daughter Caylee, Fox News reports. Florida law-enforcement sources say DNA tests on hair and an unidentified stain in Anthony’s car match those samples to 3-year-old Caylee and suggest she is dead. But the results...

Caylee's Mom Out on Bail
 Caylee's Mom Out on Bail 

Caylee's Mom Out on Bail

22-year-old mother of Fla. child missing since July out on bail

(Newser) - The mother of missing tot Caylee Anthony was released from a Florida jail today—with the fate of the 3-year-old still a mystery, reports the Orlando Sentinel. Bondsmen working for a couple of California bounty hunters posted $500,000 bail for 22-year-old Casey Anthony last night; the bounty hunters believe...

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