
Stories 141 - 160 | << Prev   Next >>

Errant Click Crashes German Parliament's Email

'Babette' will think twice next time

(Newser) - Another entry in the "reply to all" fail category: A staffer in the German Parliament brought the government's email system to a standstill for about a half-hour after accidentally including all 4,032 co-workers in an email loop, reports Reuters . After the employee named Babette sent her email—...

NY Times Mistakenly Sends Email to 9M People

It was apparently just a miscue, not spam

(Newser) - Nearly 9 million people got a puzzling email from the New York Times today, but fears of a massive hack are apparently unfounded. Turns out, it was good old-fashioned human error. The newspaper meant to send the email only to a few hundred people who had recently canceled home delivery,...

Tech Firm Outlaws Email
 Tech Firm Outlaws Email 

Tech Firm Outlaws Email

CEO of Atos thinks it wastes too much time on the job

(Newser) - Soon, employees of the biggest IT company in Europe won't be able to do the most common of tech tasks: send or receive email. Atos CEO Thierry Breton thinks email is a tremendous waste of time, and he's in the process of having it eliminated in the workplace,...

GOP Email Shows Obama Shot in Head

Virginia Republican Party goes ballistic over gory image

(Newser) - Conservatives in Virginia checked their email today and found an image of President Obama with a bullet through his head—courtesy of Loudon County's Republican committee. The image portrayed Obama as a zombie, with a bleeding hole in his forehead and part of his skull missing, the Washington Post...

The New Status Symbol: AOL Email Address
 The New Status Symbol: 
 AOL Email Address 

The New Status Symbol: AOL Email Address

Bigshots in politics, media, entertainment hang on to old addresses

(Newser) - email addresses are so nineties, right? But apparently they're also a sort of weird status symbol amongst a certain set. Ben Smith first made the argument last week on Politico , noting that despite the "stigma" long associated with the domain, there's also "...

Tech Writer's Experiment: 'I’m Quitting Email'

MG Siegler will try to escape the 'devil' for a month

(Newser) - MG Siegler of TechCrunch sees email as the "absolute devil," a time-sucking demon that haunts him morning to night. Solution: "For the rest of this month, I’m not going to respond to any emails," he writes. "None." Those who email him will get...

Spammers Actually Deliver What You Order

 Actually Deliver 
 What You Order 
study says

Spammers Actually Deliver What You Order

Researchers surprised credit cards weren't abused

(Newser) - Researchers probing the world of spam were surprised to discover that the email-box-clogging lowlifes of the Internet aren't quite as scummy as one would expect. The investigators, whose study involved making numerous purchases from spammers, found that the goods ordered—including pills and fake Rolexes—were usually delivered, reports...

Gmail Hackers Went After White House

Officials' personal accounts may have been compromised

(Newser) - Those alleged Gmail hackers from China weren't messing around: They went after the White House, reports the Wall Street Journal . It remains unclear exactly who was targeted or whether any sensitive information was compromised, but the hackers were apparently hoping that high-ranking officials were conducting government business on their...

Finally! Study Discovers Way to Kill Spam

3 financial companies control most spam-prompted card payments

(Newser) - Researchers in California think they’ve found spammers’ weak point—and say it could be used to help kill off the industry. To make their discovery, the researchers spent months trying to attract all the spam they could before buying thousands of dollars worth of products advertised in those emails....

Should You Worry About the Epsilon Email Breach?

Not if you're tech savvy...

(Newser) - If you're sitting at a computer reading this story, chances are you've received an email—or two or three—from the likes of Citibank or Best Buy or Walgreens apologizing for the Epsilon email breach . But just how worried or angry should you actually be about the incident? Perhaps not...

Customer Emails Breached at Big Companies, Banks

Kroger, TiVo, Citi, Capitol One are among those affected

(Newser) - Look out for email scams—ones that appear to come from a legitimate business, not a Nigerian lawyer—in the near future. That's because the nation's biggest email marketer has been hacked, reports Security Week . The breach at Epsilon means that the names and email addresses of customers at its...

Wisconsin Woman Emailed Death Threats to GOP: Cops

Katherine Windels was not happy with idea of anti-union law

(Newser) - As Wisconsin Republicans pushed for a law curbing union rights, 26-year-old Katherine R. Windels decided to send a note to 15 GOP lawmakers voicing her displeasure. That part's fine. What's not, police say, is that the subject line of her March 9 email read: "Atten: Death Threat!!!! Bomb!!!"...

New Phone Etiquette: Don't Call Anyone
 New Phone Etiquette: 
 Don't Call Anyone 

New Phone Etiquette: Don't Call Anyone

Phones are so smart now, we've stopped calling altogether

(Newser) - Smartphones are the most important accessories in our lives, good for doing just about anything—except actually calling people, writes Pamela Paul in the New York Times . In fact, phone use in general is way down over the past five years, reports Paul, so much so that when her phone...

150K Gmail Users Lose Everything

It appears accounts were reset; Google promises a fix

(Newser) - Bad news for less than 0.08%, by Google's count, of Gmail users: Your account may have "vanished into the cloud," Engadget reports. Gmail users started reporting yesterday morning that they'd lost access to their inboxes—and that, by the time some of them were able to log...

I Sent 2 Emails as President: Clinton

One was to troops; the other to astronaut John Glenn

(Newser) - As president, Bill Clinton fired off "a grand total of 2 emails," he admitted at a conference in New York yesterday. One was “to our troops in the Adriatic,” he said, and the other “to John Glenn when he was 77 years old in outer...

Emails Spark Outrage in Town Corruption Scandal

Bell officials planned to 'get fat together'

(Newser) - Los Angeles county prosecutors have released a batch of damning emails as evidence in the corruption case in the city of Bell. The city was in the midst of hiring a new police chief, when the top candidate fired off the following message: “I am looking forward to seeing...

How '' Plans to Take Down Google
How '' Plans
to Take Down Google

How '' Plans to Take Down Google

With... $39.95 e-mail?

(Newser) - Look out Google! There’s a new email-and-search site in town, and this one isn’t run by hippy liberals! Last year Michael Reagan launched, in an attempt to counteract what he sees as a liberal bias in email. “Every time you use your email from companies...

Spam Levels Plummet Worldwide
Spam Levels
Plummet Worldwide

Spam Levels Plummet Worldwide

Spam down to a quarter of August levels as botnets go quiet

(Newser) - Along with assorted wildlife, there appears to have been a mass die-off of something else: spam emails. Spam levels, which had been dropping steadily since August, plummeted rapidly in late December, reports the BBC . Some 200 billion spam messages were being sent every day in August, but just 50 billion...

'Dear' Has Gone the Way of the Dinosaur

In our Internet age, it's too intimate for some, too formal for others

(Newser) - Dear reader: If starting your correspondence with the word “dear” seems just a bit too familiar to use, you’re not alone. The long-penned salutation appears to be headed for extinction, thanks in part to the proliferation of informal communication like email, the Wall Street Journal reports. Even one...

Hubby Busted for Hacking Into Cheating Wife's Email

He faces 5 years in prison

(Newser) - A Michigan man faces five years in prison if convicted of felony charges for hacking into his wife's email. Leon Walker, 33, was busted after he accessed his wife Clara's account—and discovered she was having an affair. The affair was with her second husband, who was once arrested for...

Stories 141 - 160 | << Prev   Next >>