
Stories 81 - 89 | << Prev 

Top 10 Dating Tips for Rich Guys
Top 10 Dating Tips for Rich Guys

Top 10 Dating Tips for Rich Guys

Lose the PDA, don't mention the ex, and please don't hit on the waitress

(Newser) - Wealth can present its own obstacles to romantic success. Here are's dating tips for landing a woman who doesn't just love the money:
  1. Lose your PDA/Blackberry/etc. Whatever it is, it's not that important. Focus on the person right in front of you.
  2. Do pick up the check—it's

To Have, to Hold, to Cherish and Annoy

Spouses get more irritating as time goes by, study says

(Newser) - As people age, their relationships with other people gradually become smoother except in one area—their marriages, a new study has found. Researchers discovered that the longer two people are married, the more likely they are to find each other irritating and demanding. It's completely normal—and could even be...

Blige Airs Growing Pains
Blige Airs Growing Pains

Blige Airs Growing Pains

8th record a celebration of "hard-won happiness," says Boston Globe

(Newser) - Mary J. Blige has moved on from empowerment to soulful diva on her first disc in two years, the Boston Globe’s Joan Anderman writes. "A celebration of the artist's hard-won happiness," Growing Pains won Anderman over by "revealing her weaknesses." Blige still urges listeners to...

Sweet &lt;3, It's Not U, It's Me
Sweet <3,
It's Not U,
It's Me

Sweet <3, It's Not U, It's Me

Users comfortable with emails, texts, Facebook find breaking up EZ 2 do

(Newser) - Emails and text messages are becoming the dumping grounds for a new generation of lovers, with one in seven people saying they've been broken up with digitally. Moreover, survey results out today reveal that while face-to-face showdowns still beat Facebook as the preferred method for breakups, 1% of respondents would...

Bad Romance Can Break Hearts
Bad Romance Can Break Hearts

Bad Romance Can Break Hearts

People who clashed with partners faced 23% higher risk of heart trouble

(Newser) - Love-life troubles can literally break hearts, new research has found. People who reported frequent arguments, criticism, or other types of conflict with partners or close friends experienced a 23% greater risk of having a heart attack or chest pain. "A person's heart condition seems to be influenced by negative...

Don't Break Your Bank Account, Too
Don't Break Your Bank Account, Too

Don't Break Your Bank Account, Too

Divorce is never easy, but you don't have to go broke in the process

(Newser) - Don't let emotional pain cloud your judgment on financial matters—you may both end up the poorer for it. Here are five divorce pitfalls to avoid, from USA Today:
  1. Clinging to the house if you can't afford the upkeep.
  2. Not making a clean break on joint accounts.

Should Tonsil Hockey Be More Taboo?
Should Tonsil Hockey Be
More Taboo?

Should Tonsil Hockey Be More Taboo?

Perhaps public displays of affection go too far

(Newser) - Birds do it. Bees do it. Even Tipper and Al do it. Smooch sloppily in public, that is. A recent rash of public heavy petting has Miss Manners everywhere exasperated, CNN reports. The year’s most outrageous makeout may be Richard Gere’s caresses of a Bollywood actress, leading to...

Beau Better Than Hubby on Chores
Beau Better Than Hubby
on Chores

Beau Better Than Hubby on Chores

And they still have plenty of time for better sex: study

(Newser) - Live-in lovers are more likely to empty the dishwasher and take out the garbage than husbands, according to the latest research reported in Newsweek. In a study of 17,000 men, boyfriends reported doing more household chores than their married counterparts. And it gets better. Partners who share the chores...

It Really Is in His Kiss
It Really Is in His Kiss

It Really Is in His Kiss

Smooching sends different messages for men and women

(Newser) - Men and women rate kissing differently, according to a study of 1,000 American students published in Evolutionary Psychology. Women rated kissing as more important than men did, and continue to value kisses throughout long-term relationships. Men, who reported using kisses to increase their chances of getting sex, also preferred...

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