canine units

7 Stories

Florida Police Mourn Dog Who Died After 'Heat Episode'

Archer was chasing a suspect on July 4, when the temperature was in the mid-90s

(Newser) - A police dog in Florida succumbed to the heat while tracking a suspect on the Fourth of July, reports the Tallahassee Democrat . "It is with a heavy broken heart that I inform our community that K9 Archer has passed away," wrote Madison County Sheriff David Harper in a...

'Anderson Cooper' Bites Anderson Cooper

A dog, and the CNN host were involved

(Newser) - Anderson Cooper recently bit Anderson Cooper and pulled him to the ground. The Anderson Cooper doing the biting was a police dog in Norfolk, Va. The Anderson Cooper who was bitten was the CNN host. It was all thanks to his interest in Spike's K9 Fund , a nonprofit that...

Man Bites Police Dog
 Man Bites Police Dog 

Man Bites Police Dog

Maxx bites Delaware suspect back

(Newser) - A Delaware suspect who tried to bite his way out of a struggle with a police dog was charged with felony assault on a police animal—after he was treated for dog bites. Keith Glaspie, 22, who was wanted in connection with a shooting, was stopped by a two-year-old police...

Navy K-9 Unit Accused of Vicious Sex Hazing

Recruits were hog-tied, forced to simulate sex in Bahrain unit

(Newser) - A culture of vicious hazing and sexual abuse held sway at the US Navy's bomb-sniffing dog division in Bahrain for years, a Youth Radio investigation finds. Documents obtained under the Freedom of Information act state that incidents included "throwing hard balls at the groin" and "a dog attacking...

K9 Who Bolted Thunder Rumble Is Reunited With Partner

Chicago police dog ran off 4 days ago

(Newser) - A Chicago police dog is back home after disappearing four days ago amid a thunderstorm, the Chicago Tribune reports. A man spotted Bear, dirty but unharmed, near a cemetery yesterday. The 2-year-old German shepherd was likely hunting small animals in nearby woods, said his relieved partner, who has been chasing...

DVD Dogs Sniff Out Pirates
 DVD Dogs Sniff Out Pirates 

DVD Dogs Sniff Out Pirates

MPAA enlists canine crimefighters for battle against counterfeiters

(Newser) - Two dogs trained to sniff out counterfeit DVDs are so good at their jobs that infuriated pirates have put a bounty on their heads, Wired reports. The dogs—Labrador retrievers who were taught to detect the scent of polycarbonate—have helped locate millions of fake discs hidden in warehouses and...

Dogs Have a Nose for Pirates
Dogs Have a Nose for Pirates

Dogs Have a Nose for Pirates

Lucky and Flo are a trained to sniff out illegal DVDs

(Newser) - The NYPD's two cutest agents busted what cops say was a counterfeit DVD operation this week, heralding a new era in anti-piracy enforcement. Lucky and Flo, two black Labs trained to sniff out chemicals in DVDs, are just back from Malaysia, where they led authorities to 26 arrests on 35...

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