
Stories 21 - 37 | << Prev 

Nazi-Era Trove of 'Degenerate Art' Discovered

Subway diggers find stash of long-lost sculptures

(Newser) - A stash of sculptures that survived both the Nazis and Allied firebombing has been found by workers digging a new subway line in Berlin. The sculptures, all from early 20th-century artists, were on a list of "degenerate" artworks shunned by the Nazis for having Jewish or otherwise non-German influences...

Holocaust Survivor Defends Auschwitz Dance Video

Says dancing at death camp a celebration of life

(Newser) - A Holocaust survivor is defending his participation in an online video that shows him dancing to "I Will Survive" at the infamous Nazi death camp Auschwitz. Adolek Kohn, 89, and his grandchildren posted footage of themselves dancing at several locations connected to the Holocaust, as an art project celebrating...

Christians Boycott Beck for Church Bashing

Host says 'social justice' preaching is 'code word' for Nazism

(Newser) - For Glenn Beck, it may have just been business as usual when he compared “social justice” to Communism and Nazism last week and told parishioners to leave churches that espouse the doctrine, but the comments irked one leader enough for him to call for a boycott by all Christians....

Pete Doherty Booed Off Stage for Nazi Anthem

German crowd not up for drunken rendition of 'Deutschland über Alles'

(Newser) - British rocker Pete Doherty was booed off a Munich stage after crashing a concert lineup and singing the first verse of the German national anthem—the part associated with the Nazi regime. The Babyshambles frontman and onetime Kate Moss boytoy "sang Deutschland, Deutschland Über Alles four times,"...

Obama Haters Carve Swastika on 18th Hole

Link to President Obama on country club green stumps police

(Newser) - The Obama-equals-Hitler folks have left us a puzzle. Vandals carved "I swastika Obama"—with the swastika facing the wrong way—on, of all places, the 18th hole of a country club golf course 40 miles north of Boston. It's unclear who did it or even when, but a...

Town Hall Nazi-Talk Trivializes Holocaust

(Newser) - Comparing your nemesis to a Nazi has been a "staple of American T-shirt and bumper-sticker political culture," writes Michael Gerson in the Washington Post, and such Nazi-talk has becoming a recurring element of the health care protests. "Anyone with a black felt pen and the ability to...

Website Proves Obama = Hitler

(Newser) - Those convinced that health care reform is just a step away from invading Poland may enjoy a new website devoted to certain undeniable comparisons between Adolf Hitler and one Barack Obama, reports Gawker. Obama Is Literally Hitler shows how encouraging greener cars, holding giant political rallies, and holding beer summits...

Romanians Seek to Oust Mayor Who Donned Nazi Uniform

'I like the look of it,' he explains

(Newser) - A Romanian mayor is facing calls to resign after he and his 15-year-old son appeared at a fashion show wearing Nazi uniforms and goose-stepping down the catwalk. Jewish organizations have demanded a criminal investigation, CNN reports. But the mayor had no apologies. "The swastika was very small and I...

Formula 1 Execs Floored by Chief's Hitler Praise

Calls for boycott after Bernie Ecclestone hails Hitler for 'getting things done'

(Newser) - Executives from the firm that owns Formula One are scrambling to do damage control after their racing boss praised Adolf Hitler as a man who could "get things done." When told the World Jewish Congress was calling for his resignation, billionaire Bernie Ecclestone, 78, also said it was...

Neo-Nazi Crime Jumps in Germany

(Newser) - Crimes by the radical right jumped 16% last year in Germany, where officials are warning about a surge in activity by "anarchist neo-Nazis" who incite violence at demonstrations, reports Der Spiegel. The "neo-Nazi part of the spectrum" is also "gaining greater influence" within the far-right NDP party,...

Nazi Prosecutor Loved Zinging 'Fat Boy' Goering

Letters offer glimpse into Nuremberg

(Newser) - Newly released letters offer a glimpse behind the scenes of the Nuremberg trials of Nazi leaders, reports the BBC. The letters that British prosecutor David Maxwell-Fyfe sent his wife reveal a playful side—he refers to Reichsmarshall Hermann Goering as "the fat boy" and "slap-happy Hermann"—...

Berlin Statue to Honor Would-Be Hitler Assassin

Bomb-planting carpenter finally wins national recognition

(Newser) - Berlin is planning a memorial to honor one of the unsung heroes of the Nazi era—a humble carpenter who came within minutes of assassinating Hitler. Georg Elser planted a bomb in a Munich beer hall in 1939 that nearly killed Hitler just nine weeks into World War II—but...

Kristallnacht Remnants Found Near Berlin

Journalist uncovers wreckage dumped after Nazi assault on Jews in Nov. 1938

(Newser) - Weeks before Jews mark the 70th anniversary of Kristallnacht, wreckage from the Nazi pogrom against Jews across Germany and Austria has been uncovered. Acting on a tip from a local, an Israeli journalist bills as a “historic discovery” a dump site the size of four football fields near Berlin....

Germans Confront Nazi Legacy
Germans Confront Nazi Legacy

Germans Confront Nazi Legacy

75th anniversary of Hitler's rise prompts new memorials

(Newser) - As Germany marks the 75th year since Hitler seized power, the effort to come to terms with Nazi horrors is anything but over, the New York Times reports. The minister of culture yesterday green-lighted construction on two new Berlin-based Holocaust memorials, one to murdered Gypsies and one to gay and...

Navy to 'Camouflage' Swastika Building

Google Earth views revive old controversy

(Newser) - When it was finished in 1970, officials realized a building at a San Diego Navy base looked like a swastika, the Guardian reports. But after images of the building from Google Earth sparked outrage, the Navy has decided to do something about it. The Navy will spend $600,000 to...

Jewish Hate Grows in Jewish State
Jewish Hate Grows in
Jewish State

Jewish Hate Grows in Jewish State

Neo-Nazi arrests point to frustrations of Israeli non-Jews

(Newser) - Israel may seem an odd place for anti-Semitism, but as more immigrants claim Jewish heritage to gain citizenship through the loose "law of return," though they aren't technically Jewish, neo-Nazism is on the rise. Poverty, unemployment and social exclusion mark the lives of many non-Jews in Israel, reports...

Berlin Synagogue Reopens
Berlin Synagogue Reopens

Berlin Synagogue Reopens

Country’s largest synagogue survived century of strife

(Newser) - Germany’s largest synagogue has re-opened its doors after a major restoration, welcoming political leaders and Holocaust survivors to its unveiling. Built over 100 years ago, the Berlin temple was burned on Kristallnacht but the structure survived Nazism, Communism and decades of neglect. Architects re-created the original appearance with the...

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