Star Wars

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Force Awakens Has Already Broken Box-Office Records

Opening night was a global event

(Newser) - After months of secrecy and anticipation, Star Wars: The Force Awakens is thrilling fans and theater owners alike. The most anticipated film in the galaxy opened globally Thursday, setting international and presale box-office records and delighting moviegoers who've had opening-night tickets in hand for months. All over the world,...

Rebel Weather Reporter Sneaks in 12 Star Wars Puns

It's not a trap—she really does it, all in under 40 seconds

(Newser) - She didn't detail the climate patterns on Tatooine, but Sian Welby did the next best thing. The UK Channel 5 forecaster (or, for the purposes of this story, Channel 5 "Stormscooper") gave a quick weather update this week, and the Force was strong with this one, per...

Force Awakens Blows Critics Away
 Force Awakens 
 Blows Critics Away 

Force Awakens Blows Critics Away

JJ Abrams got it just right, reviewers say

(Newser) - The review embargo on Star Wars: The Force Awakens ended early Wednesday, leaving critics free to tell the world just how much they loved it. The majority had nothing but praise for director JJ Abrams' reboot of the beloved franchise, and even those who thought it was hit-and-miss say it'...

Fans Wowed by Force Awakens
 Fans Wowed by Force Awakens 

Fans Wowed by Force Awakens

'It was epic, awesome & perfect'

(Newser) - There's a review embargo in place for Star Wars: The Force Awakens until 12am PST Wednesday, but fans worried about a galactic flop can probably rest easy, judging by spoiler-free tweets from people who were at Monday night's Hollywood premiere . A selection, per the BBC and the Telegraph...

Force Awakens Has Gigantic Premiere

Droids, stormtroopers joined 5K guests

(Newser) - The next generation of Star Wars films kicked off with an elaborate debut for The Force Awakens in Los Angeles Monday that served as a proverbial passing of the lightsaber to new groups of fighters dueling in a cinematic galaxy far, far away. The premiere had familiar elements for a...

Amid Star Wars Craze, Jedi Church Awakens

Time to go to church, it is

(Newser) - In the fervor leading up to the release of Star Wars: The Force Awakens , some fans are finding new religion in droves. The Church of Jediism , which the Telegraph reports began "as a joke, ahead of the 2001 census, in which respondents were asked to declare their religion for...

School Forces Kid to Cover Star Wars Shirt

Dad Joe Southern claims First Amendment violation

(Newser) - A Texas school has gone to the dark side, at least according to the father of a student who attends it. School officials at George Junior High in Rosenberg made the first move last Thursday when they forced 7th grader Colton Southern to cover up his T-shirt depicting a Stormtrooper...

This Chinese Star Wars Poster Might Be a Bit Racist

It also doesn't think much of Wookiees

(Newser) - China is being accused of a little Star Wars-inspired racism this week after a Chinese poster for The Force Awakens drew the attention of social media, CNN reports. The Chinese poster very noticeably shrinks Finn—a character played by black actor John Boyega—and moves him to a less prominent...

Google Has Hidden Treat for Star Wars Fans

'A long long time ago in a galaxy far far away'

(Newser) - With just 24 days to go before Star Wars: The Force Awakens makes all the money, Disney's viral marketing campaign is working overtime to make sure that's not just comic hyperbole. Wired calls the most recent example of the fully armed and operational Star Wars hype machine possibly...

Star Wars Superfan Dies After Getting Final Wish
Star Wars Superfan Dies After Getting Final Wish

Star Wars Superfan Dies After Getting Final Wish

Daniel Fleetwood died of a rare cancer after private viewing of 'The Force Awakens'

(Newser) - Daniel Fleetwood, the Star Wars superfan with a terminal illness whose wish to see an advance screening of The Force Awakens came true last week, has died at the age of 32, Mashable reports. His wife, Ashley Fleetwood, announced the Texas man's death with a Facebook post early Tuesday,...

Superfan Gets Dying Wish, Watches Star Wars Early

He was given two months to live in July, six months before The Force Awakens opens

(Newser) - More than a month before the film likely shatters all box-office records, the makers of Star Wars: The Force Awakens took the time out of their busy schedule to screen an unedited version of the film for a dying fan, Mashable reports. Daniel Fleetwood, 32, was diagnosed with a rare...

The New Star Wars Will Be on Netflix ...Sort Of

If you live in Canada

(Newser) - After the new Star Wars movie leaves theaters, will you be able to stream it on Netflix? Yes ... if you live in Canada. That's the only place where Netflix has streaming rights for Star Wars: The Force Awakens, Variety reports, and as such, that's the only place you'...

Star Wars Trailer Airs, Awakens Chaos on Ticket Sites

Everyone's vying for tickets for December opening of JJ Abrams' film

(Newser) - The new Star Wars trailer debuted at halftime during ESPN's Monday Night Football, and immediately became a force to be reckoned with both on social media and ticket sites that crashed during presales for its Dec. 18 opening. Fandango and Movie Tickets both had issues after offering tickets even...

It's a Big Night for Star Wars Fans

Trailer for new film airs, and tickets go on sale

(Newser) - Diehard Star Wars fans might want to tune in to Monday night's NFL game on ESPN—or at least the halftime show. Lucasfilm says the final trailer for Star Wars: The Force Awakens will air at halftime, and advance tickets will go on sale afterward online, reports USA Today...

After First Dance, Newlyweds Duel With Lightsabers

The Force is clearly with these two

(Newser) - Lightsabers have a well-known reputation as a more elegant weapon for a more civilized time. Elegant? Civilized? Sounds like they'd fit right in at a wedding. At least that was the hope of screenwriter Robert Raven and his wife Rebecca, Tech Insider reports. According to the Daily Dot , the...

Got $28K to Spare? This Star Wars Watch Is All Yours

New nerdy time piece has a Darth Vader theme

(Newser) - Finally, a way to tell if you're late for your daily Sith teleconference. This month, Los Angeles-based watchmaker Devon released its limited-edition Star Wars watch, based on Empire-centric designs like Darth Vader's helmet and the Death Star's control panels, Fast Company reports. According to the AV Club...

&#39;Force Friday&#39; Has Arrived
 'Force Friday' Has Arrived 

'Force Friday' Has Arrived

Retailers hold one-day merch event for 'Star Wars: The Force Awakens' movie

(Newser) - On the fourth of every month, it's easy to find random "May the Fourth be with you" platitudes on social media from Star Wars superfans—but today's "Force Friday" may even lure Jabba the Hutt onto the Internet or into a store on Tatooine. Just after...

Disney Parks Reveal Biggest Expansions Ever

Disney promises two 14-acre fully populated areas

(Newser) - Nothing like piloting a "hunk of junk" or joining an epic sci-fi battle on your family vacation, right? Then Walt Disney Co. has you covered: CEO Bob Iger announced yesterday that Walt Disney World and Disneyland will each add a 14-acre Star Wars expansion, CNN Money reports. "We...

Han Solo Is Getting His Own Movie

Star Wars spinoff will follow character in his early years

(Newser) - May the Force be with you a little longer. After the release of Star Wars: The Force Awakens this Christmas, production will begin on an untitled movie focusing on the back story of Han Solo's character before all the space action you've come to know and love, reports...

5 Actors Who Hated Their Own Films

Channing Tatum is the latest to weigh in

(Newser) - Tell us how you really feel, Channing Tatum. The actor went on Howard Stern's show today and said of 2009's GI Joe: The Rise of Cobra, in which he played Duke , "I f---ing hate that movie. I hate that movie." He explained that as a young...

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