
18 Stories

Yale Reverses Course, Will Require Standardized Tests

It joins Dartmouth in the Ivy League in again focusing on tests such as the SAT and ACT

(Newser) - First, Dartmouth. Now, Yale. The latter has become the second Ivy League institution to reverse course and require standardized testing for incoming students, reports the New York Times . Both were among schools that ditched SAT and ACT requirements during the pandemic. Yale will allow students to submit scores from the...

Exam Ends 90 Seconds Early, Students Sue

39 South Korean students want government to pay for equivalent of a year of study for the 'Suneung'

(Newser) - At least 39 students are suing South Korea's government, claiming they were put at a disadvantage when a section of their college admission test ended a minute and a half early. To be clear, the annual College Scholastic Ability Test or "Suneung" is an important test. As the...

You Can Soon Practice Law Here Without Taking Bar Exam

In 2024, Oregon will offer an apprenticeship alternative to law school students

(Newser) - If you're a law school student who breaks out in a cold sweat at the thought of taking the bar exam, good news if you live in the Beaver State: A "more inclusive" way to becoming an attorney is here, according to the head of the Oregon Board...

Those Who Catch Cheating Cheated on Their Ethics Exams

Ernst & Young has to pay a $100M fine to the SEC

(Newser) - It's a scandal rich in irony. Auditors with the giant accounting firm Ernst & Young—the very people whose job it is to catch cheaters—themselves cheated on exams needed to keep their licenses, reports NPR . But the irony gets richer: The accountants cheated on the ethics portion of...

Student Fails University Exam for Not Wearing Mask Properly

They were told 7 times to cover nose

(Newser) - A student who failed to wear their mask properly failed their university entrance exam in Japan. Authorities say the student, one of more than 535,000 who took the standardized exam at 681 locations across Japan Saturday, was disqualified because they didn't wear their mask over their nose and...

Problem at Texas A&M: Test Qs Answered Too Quickly

Students suspected of using Chegg tutoring site to get answers to exams

(Newser) - Students in an online finance class at Texas A&M were starting to close out the semester when they received an email from the director of the Aggie Honor System Office. "I would like to encourage you in the strongest way to reclaim your personal integrity," read the...

20 Students Commit Suicide After Faulty Exam Results

Errors will be rectified, but too late for some in India's Telangana state

(Newser) - Since April 18, student suicides have been a daily occurrence in India's Telangana state. On that day came results of a state examination taken by almost 1 million 12th graders, per Fox News , and nearly 350,000 failed—supposedly. An independent panel has since found the software developed by...

China's Version of the SAT Is Kind of Insane
China's Version of the SAT
Is Kind of Insane

China's Version of the SAT Is Kind of Insane

The notorious gaokao is often a life-defining test

(Newser) - The SATs are notorious for putting undue amounts of pressure on US students, but the Guardian takes a look at the college entrance exam in China and suggests the American version is tame by comparison. In fact, China's gaokao ("higher examination") just may be the "world'...

You Almost Definitely Couldn't Pass This Indian Exam

Yet hundreds of thousands take super-hard test for jobs they know nothing about

(Newser) - Nearly half a million citizens converged upon 71 cities in India Sunday to try their hand at what's described by coaching expert PS Ravindran as "the mother of all written exams," the Global Post reports. It's the nation's civil services test, and it's not...

French Students Protest 'Impossible' English Test

Some 12K students not 'coping' well, have signed a petition

(Newser) - When teens in France recently sat down to take an English language test, they were asked a pair of questions about Ian McEwan's novel Atonement: "What are three of his concerns about the situation?" and "How is Turner coping with the situation?" That latter question was apparently...

50 Nabbed in Cell Phone Cheat Scam at Top NY School

One student expelled, probe continuing

(Newser) - A student has been kicked out of Manhattan's top public high school after using his cell phone to send test answers to at least 50 others, according to officials. The boy, a junior at the academically elite Stuyvesant High School in downtown Manhattan, used his phone to snap pictures...

Third of US Wouldn't Pass Citizenship Test

But 77% say we should be able to

(Newser) - Nearly all applicants for US citizenship pass the civics section of the naturalization test. But native citizens should be thanking their lucky stars they were born here. If they were to take the exam, more than a third would fail, a study finds—this despite the fact that 77% of...

FBI: Agents Cheated on Open Book Exams

Tip: Don't finish a 90-minute test in 20 minutes

(Newser) - A "significant number" of FBI agents and analysts taking an exam on guidelines for domestic investigations cheated, the Justice Department confirms in a report. Better yet, it was an open book exam. Agents and analysts consulted with others, shared answer sheets, and even exploited a computer system bug to...

Teachers Fret as Students Flock to Study Sites

Online answers spark cheating fears

(Newser) - Offering class notes, old exams, and homework answers, study websites are a big hit with students, but teachers are less excited about the technology, the Wall Street Journal reports. Instructors worry sites like Cramster, which has sold twice as many $10 monthly subscriptions in 2009 compared to a year ago,...

SAT, ACT Cheats Get Off Easy
 SAT, ACT Cheats Get Off Easy 

SAT, ACT Cheats Get Off Easy

Agencies under fire for canceling scores without exposing, punishing students

(Newser) - College hopefuls caught cheating on their ACT or SAT exams are likely to face few consequences, the Los Angeles Times reports, due to policies under which the administering agencies simply cancel suspicious scores on the college-admission exams. High schools and colleges are kept in the dark about potential wrongdoing, and...

Ruling Lets Students Pick Top SAT Score

Officials slam new policy as benefit to wealthy kids

(Newser) - High school students can soon pick which of their SAT scores are sent to colleges, the Los Angeles Times reports. Starting with the class of 2010, the College Board, which administers the exam, will reverse its policy of sending all results—good, bad, or indifferent. A spokesman said the change...

No Extra Exam Time for Nursing Mom
No Extra Exam Time for Nursing Mom

No Extra Exam Time for Nursing Mom

Judge rejects Harvard med student's suit, tells her to take test later

(Newser) - A Massachusetts court has denied a Harvard med student's suit demanding extra break time during a 9-hour medical licensing exam to pump breast milk for her 4-month-old child. Sophie Currier, 33, sued on grounds that she must nurse her infant daughter or pump milk every 2 to 3 hours or...

Average SAT Score Slips Again
Average SAT Score Slips Again

Average SAT Score Slips Again

College Board dismisses 'a couple points,' touts test-takers' diversity

(Newser) - The average SAT score for 2007 was the lowest in years, but that's not necessarily bad news. Scores from round two of the revamped college-entrance exam declined an average of seven points nationwide, which the College Board chalks up to greater participation, particularly among students who weren't on a traditional...

18 Stories
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