Bill O'Reilly

Stories 161 - 179 | << Prev 

O'Reilly Berates Frank in On-Air Shouting Match

Fox host, Mass. Democrat call each other names

(Newser) - Bill O’Reilly has called for the resignation of House Financial Services Chairman Barney Frank, so it was a predictably tense situation when the Massachusetts Democrat appeared on his show last night. A remarkable shouting match ensued, even by O’Reilly’s standards. The Fox host quickly began screaming at...

Maddow Is Sharp, But Still Just Another Partisan Pundit

Host only shines in clashes with the right

(Newser) - Despite all the hype and the glowing blogosphere reviews since she got her own MSNBC slot Sept. 8, Rachel Maddow’s program has turned out to be a clone of the Keith Olbermann vehicle that precedes her: “less a show than an annex,” Alessandra Stanley writes in the...

Hackers Break Into O'Reilly's Website

Subscriber passwords posted online in act of cyber-revenge

(Newser) - Hackers have broken into Bill O'Reilly's website and posted subscriber data online in an apparent act of retaliation, The Register reports. The hackers put screen shots of subscribers' names, passwords, and email addresses on Wikileaks, which reported that O'Reilly's condemnation of an attack on Sarah Palin's email inspired the break-in....

In Fox Interview, Obama Calls Iraqi Surge a Success

(Newser) - With the political spotlight on John McCain, Barack Obama made a trip into unusual territory tonight—Bill O'Reilly's show on Fox News. During the recorded interview, Obama acknowledged that the US military surge in Iraq has "succeeded beyond our wildest dreams," but he said Iraqis still haven't done...

Obama to Face O'Reilly During McCain Speech

Democrat's first visit to Fox News show follows Murdoch truce

(Newser) - It seems the "tentative truce" between Barack Obama and media mogul Rupert Murdoch is beginning to bear fruit, Politico reports, with the Democratic candidate set to appear on Fox News' The O'Reilly Factor tomorrow before John McCain’s speech to the Republican National Convention. It will be Obama’s...

(MS)NBC Generates, Draws Heat
 (MS)NBC Generates,
 Draws Heat 

(MS)NBC Generates, Draws Heat

NBC and MSNBC in culture clash

(Newser) - MSNBC's recent success is a thorn in the side of its competitors, the politicians who accuse the network of bias, and an unlikely third party—NBC News. The cable network's opinionated anchors and the broadcast sibling's more traditional approach are increasingly entangled, the AP reports, and critics don't share the...

O'Reilly Blasts at GE Coming From Upstairs

Fox-NBC vendetta brings execs' bile into your living room

(Newser) - Bill O’Reilly’s campaign against General Electric—the Fox News host has called CEO Jeffrey Immelt a “despicable human being” for doing business with Iran—is part of a feud with NBC that extends far up corporate ladders, the Washington Post reports. Fox News Chairman Roger Ailes apparently...

O'Reilly Interview: Clinton Glad Obama 'Finally' Spoke

She also gets in a subtle shot at Obama over his former pastor

(Newser) - In her first interview with longtime critic Bill O’Reilly, Hillary Clinton called Jeremiah Wright's comments “offensive,” “outrageous,” “off base” and “far out," ABC News reports. She also got a dig in at Barack Obama by saying she's glad he "finally" clarified...

Clinton Preparing For O'Reilly Factor Debut

Interview to air tomorrow and Thursday comes ahead of NC, Ind. primaries

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton will sit down for the first time with Bill O’Reilly tomorrow, the Los Angeles Times reports. After months of a virtual Democratic boycott of Fox News, and days after Barack Obama sat down with Chris Wallace, the former first lady will face the network’s most famous...

Speech Sparks Candor on Race
 Speech Sparks Candor on Race 

Speech Sparks Candor on Race

Churches, advocates, universities say race taboos have been lifted

(Newser) - While a verdict on the political wisdom of Barack Obama’s race address might be months in the coming, the speech has sparked a national conversation on the topic, the New York Times reports—with universities, churches and TV commentators chiming in. The Tuesday speech is the top video on...

She Shouldn't Stand by Him
She Shouldn't Stand by Him

She Shouldn't Stand by Him

Spitzer takes backlash for taking wife along; reactions run along gender lines

(Newser) - Eliot Spitzer is going up in flames, but Americans are wondering why his wife has to go with him:
  • The Los Angeles Times talks to angry people on the street, including one divorcee who insists, “She should’ve said, ‘This is your fight. ... You stand there and get

CNN, in Comeback, Tops Fox, Boosts Profits

Exec Walton has overseen ratings comeback, doubled profits at cable icon

(Newser) - Five years after CNN’s fortunes were so low that Time Warner considered selling it, the cable news icon topped Fox News among 25- to 54-year-old viewers for the first month since 2001. The upstarts had CNN running scared for several years, but a new president has streamlined management, increased...

Fox's Fortunes Fall With GOP's
Fox's Fortunes Fall With GOP's

Fox's Fortunes Fall With GOP's

Ratings are aching, talking heads are losing access and CNN has more than caught up

(Newser) - Fox News soared eight years ago by hitching its star to Republicans in general and George W. Bush in particular; now that the president’s in decline and its one-sided approach is no mystery, the channel has hit the skids. Democrats' refusal to debate on Fox damaged its reputation—and...

O'Reilly Frets Over Outing of Wizard

Anchor concerned that Potter pushes gay-straight 'parity'

(Newser) - Perhaps worried that JK Rowling has opened the closet too widely, Bill O'Reilly has made Albus Dumbledore's outing a frequent topic this week, bemoaning the promotion of “parity for homosexuals with heterosexuals.” Calling the Harry Potter author a “provocateur,” the Fox anchor says adults are worried...

O'Reilly's Rant Wasn't His Imus Moment

Comments were old-fashioned, sheltered—not racist, says Times blogger

(Newser) - The firestorm over Bill O'Reilly's statement that a Harlem restaurant was "exactly the same, even though it's run by blacks" may be overblown, writes New York Times blogger Mike Nizza. While liberal groups are gleefuly taking aim, Nizza says the conservative pundit was recounting a conversion and guilty of...

Gurus Rack Up Ratings With Love and Hate

Who is America's most-watched pundit? Not the politico that most might think

(Newser) - Pundits—political and cultural commentators with big opinions—are today's media darlings and Nielsen lightning rods.  Forbes picks the loudest, most volatile and incendiary, i.e.: the ones we love to watch:
  1. Roger Ebert
  2. Bill Maher
  3. Bill O'Reilly

Officer Resigns After Racist YouTube Rants

Columbus cop referred to blacks, Jews, Cubans, and illegal immigrants as "filthy"

(Newser) - The Ohio patrol officer who made racially charged comments in homemade videos posted on YouTube resigned yesterday, the Columbus Dispatch reports. Susan Purtee, who was reassigned to desk duty after the videos drew national attention, will resign effective Sept. 22 and seek retirements from an unnamed disability. “Clearly, she...

YearlyKos Gets Ready for Its Closeup

With big day tomorrow, Bloggers ponder their clout with Dems

(Newser) - Bloggers contemplating the off-again, on-again appearance of Hillary Clinton at tomorrow's YearlyKos convention can't quite get over how much more respect—would fear be an exaggeration?—they're inspiring in Democrats this year, compared to the last go-round. Joe Gandelman at the Moderate Voice asks whether it means the Democratic center...

O'Reilly: Time To Listen Up On Illegals

Research shows immigrants (legal or illegal) less likely to commit crimes

(Newser) - Last week's smackdown between Fox foes Bill O’Reilly and Geraldo Rivera entertained millions of YouTube addicts but shed little light on the issue that was the subject of their screaming fight:  Do illegal immigrants increase crime? In fact, Harvard sociologist Robert J. Sampson tells Salon, immigrants both legal...

Stories 161 - 179 | << Prev 
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