Bill O'Reilly

Stories 101 - 120 | << Prev   Next >>

Ann Coulter: Liberals Pissed Obama Isn't the Tooth Fairy

They feel betrayed because he can't fix things with magic

(Newser) - Ann Coulter is relishing the new line of attack on President Obama from the left. She told Bill O'Reilly last night that liberals are outraged because they viewed the president as the "tooth fairy or Santa Claus," someone who can magically fix things, reports Mediaite . “Reality betrays...

Critics Blister O'Reilly for Linking Gays to Al Qaeda

Will 'inclusive' McDonald's ads include terrorists?

(Newser) - If one of McDonald's new series of "diversity ads" involves gays, can one featuring Al Qaeda be far behind? That's what Bill O'Reilly wants to know after viewing a French ad featuring a gay teen and his dad, and now furious critics are demanding he apologize. "Bill O'Reilly...

O'Reilly to Prof: You Look Like a Drug Dealer

Prof: You look like a user

(Newser) - While chatting about immigration issues on his show, Bill O'Reilly turned to his guest, an African-American law professor, and told him he a drug dealer. "Say you're a cocaine dealer—and you kind of look like one a little bit," he said. To which guest Marc...

New York Times 'Hurting the Nation'

Bill O'Reilly guest Lt. Col. Ralph Peters condemns story

(Newser) - Lt. Col. Ralph Peters thinks the New York Times is hurting America. OK, so lots of conservatives think that all the time, but the Fox News strategic analyst has a particular bone to pick with the yesterday's front-page story about the US' expanded ground operations in the middle east, and...

Transgender People Are Like Ewoks: O'Reilly

Fox News host also implies they're scary

(Newser) - From the unfortunate comparisons department: Bill O’Reilly has likened transgender people to Ewoks. Yes, you read that right. The Fox News host was discussing a lawsuit against American Eagle, which allegedly discriminated against transgender employees by not allowing them to dress like the opposite sex, Gawker reports. He asked...

Campbell Brown Out at CNN; Spitzer as Replacement?

Brown bails on 8pm slot, citing weak ratings

(Newser) - CNN has released Campbell Brown from her contract, allowing her to step down from her gig hosting the network's 8pm show. Brown requested her release months ago, a source tells Mediaite , after the network denied her request to move to 7pm. She plans to stay on until CNN chooses a...

Palin: US Law Should Be Based on the Bible

'Our unalienable rights come from God.'

(Newser) - Sarah Palin was on the O’Reilly Factor last night talking about the National Day of Prayer, but she went a bit further than her usual party line of calling America a Christian nation. “I think we should keep this clean, keep it simple, go back to what our...

Goldberg: 'Clearly, I Got to' Jon Stewart

Bernie isn't even mad! At all!

(Newser) - As Bernie Goldberg’s nightly war with Jon Stewart continues, let him make one thing clear: “I’m not looking to continue any war with Jon Stewart,” he insisted last night on the O’Reilly Factor …while discussing his war with Jon Stewart. Goldberg doesn’t even...

Fox Pundit to Stewart: 'You're Just Leno With the F-Bomb'

But first, Bernie Goldberg admits Jon 'was right'

(Newser) - Fox News pundit Bernie Goldberg said the unthinkable last night: “I was wrong, Jon Stewart is right.” Goldberg was responding, via the O’Reilly Factor , to Stewart’s claim last week that Fox News makes generalized slams against liberals then hypocritically derides anyone who makes generalized claims about...

O'Reilly: Obama Should Have More Fun Being Big Dog!

Claims president 'not comfortable' exercising power

(Newser) - Bill O'Reilly thinks Barack Obama should enjoy flexing his muscles more. O'Reilly thought the president sounded like a wuss when he said, during the nuclear summit earlier this week, “Whether we like it or not, we remain a dominant military superpower.” Self-deprecating isn't O'Reilly's style—"I love...

O'Reilly Henchman Ambushes Al Gore

Former VP does not respond to climate-change 'questions'

(Newser) - What would you do if an obnoxious cameraman accosted you on the way to lunch and started peppering you with loaded questions? You might well walk away in disgust, which is exactly what Al Gore did when cornered by Bill O’Reilly’s henchman Jesse Watters before a lecture at...

Bill O'Reilly: The Mexicans Are Invading
Bill O'Reilly: The
Mexicans Are Invading
Call the national guard!

Bill O'Reilly: The Mexicans Are Invading

The US-Mexican border should be treated like that between North and South Korea

(Newser) - According to Bill O’Reilly, America doesn’t just have an illegal immigration problem, it’s under attack. “There is an invasion of the United States going on. We wouldn’t have 12 million illegal aliens if there weren’t an invasion,” O’Reilly said yesterday. “There...

O'Reilly Busts Blogger for Franken Ambush
 O'Reilly Busts Blogger  
 for Franken Ambush  
'you get more if you give a little'

O'Reilly Busts Blogger for Franken Ambush

'You were disrespectful,' Fox host tells Jason Mattera.

(Newser) - Listen up, Bill O’Reilly tells young conservative blogger/author/ambush interviewer Jason Mattera: We can’t help being disrespectful sometimes, but it’s no way to get a scoop, or even nail an opponent. O’Reilly was referring to Mattera’s videotaped altercation with Al Franken, in which Mattera claims the...

O'Reilly: I'll Pay Legal Bill for Dead Marine's Dad

Court ordered man to foot protesters' costs

(Newser) - Bill O’Reilly is opening his checkbook for the father of a Marine killed in Iraq after a court ordered him to pay the legal fees of protesters he’d sued for picketing his son’s 2006 funeral. “That is an outrage,” the Fox host said yesterday of...

Coulter Disses Canada, Defends 'Jokes'
 Coulter Disses Canada, 
 Defends 'Jokes' 
o'reilly, behar interviews

Coulter Disses Canada, Defends 'Jokes'

Ann makes the rounds with Bill O'Reilly, Joy Behar

(Newser) - Ann Coulter has made no secret of her displeasure after a recent appearance at the University of Ottowa was canceled , and she defended herself on a mini media circuit last night. She told Bill O’Reilly she finds it “funny that a lot of my most hateful speech are...

Bill O'Reilly Is Finally Calming Down

Or maybe Glenn Beck just makes it seem that way

(Newser) - Bill O'Reilly, moderate voice of reason? Maybe not quite, but a profile in the Los Angeles Times portrays him as mellower these days and less inclined to meltdowns or flame-throwing interviews. He's even asked conservatives to back off the personal attacks on President Obama, a man he personally likes. "...

Bill O'Reilly's New Target: Tom Hanks

 Bill O'Reilly's 
 New Target: 
 Tom Hanks 
karl rove piles on, too

Bill O'Reilly's New Target: Tom Hanks

Fox News host doesn't get why actor keeps saying we're racist

(Newser) - Bill O’Reilly's favorite new target: Tom Hanks. The Fox News host says the actor is unfairly claiming racism was behind our attack on Japan during World War II ... and behind the current War on Terror. The actor, while promoting his miniseries The Pacific, told Time that we “wanted...

O'Reilly Hearts Adam Lambert
 O'Reilly Hearts Adam Lambert 
odd couples

O'Reilly Hearts Adam Lambert

Host praises American Idol runner-up on O'Reilly Factor

(Newser) - You wouldn’t expect Bill O’Reilly to be a big Adam Lambert fan, but the American Idol runner-up got a shout-out from the pundit himself on last night’s O’Reilly Factor . The host applauded Lambert for, of all things, silencing a fan on a cell phone at one...

Palin Rips Fox's Family Guy on Fox

Talks to Bill O'Reilly about 'cruel, cold-hearted people'

(Newser) - Sarah Palin continued to chide Fox's Family Guy...on Fox. Speaking to Bill O'Reilly last night, she acknowledged "this world is full of cruel, cold-hearted people." Trig, on the other hand, has a "heart of gold," and while when "I look at Trig and I...

Bill O'Reilly Wants Jon Stewart as His VP
 Bill O'Reilly Wants 
 Jon Stewart as His VP 
Night 2 Hijinks

Bill O'Reilly Wants Jon Stewart as His VP

Hypothetical running mate 'vetted' on issues from global warming to Sarah Palin

(Newser) - Bill O'Reilly "vetted" Jon Stewart during the second half of his O'Reilly Factor appearance last night, quizzing his hypothetical future running mate on such issues as global warming, Iran's nuclear weapons, and Sarah Palin. Stewart played along, but made it clear that "I am not running with you....

Stories 101 - 120 | << Prev   Next >>