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Priebus' Bungling May Destroy the GOP

'Over his head,' writes Washington Post pundit

(Newser) - The last time a major US political party broke apart was 160 years ago. The issue: slavery. Dana Milbank predicts the GOP might follow in the Whigs' footsteps over a matter far less serious: Donald Trump. Republicans are split over "whether to embrace as their nominee a man who...

Trump Makes 2 Huge Moves
 Trump Makes 
 2 Huge Moves 

Trump Makes 2 Huge Moves

Plans major ad blitz, gains access to RNC voter files

(Newser) - Donald Trump has made a big to-do about spending next to nothing so far in his presidential campaign, but that may be changing. Sources in his camp tell Fox News he plans to kick off a major ad blitz, spending up to $2 million a week or more. This would...

GOP Candidates Plan 'Revolt' Over Debates

Most of the campaigns plan to meet Sunday to figure out strategy

(Newser) - Republican candidates aren't just ticked off about how the debates are being presented, they're planning what Politico refers to as a "revolt" against the networks—and the Republican National Committee. Representatives from most of the campaigns plan to meet Sunday evening to plot strategy on how to...

Priebus: Expect 'Elbows Thrown' at CNN Debate

And expect candidates to keep dropping out as they run out of money

(Newser) - The first Republican debate was a contentious affair , and don't look for the second one to let off the gas, says Reince Priebus. "One of the undiscussed issues is just, you know, controlling the debate," the RNC chair told host Jake Tapper, who will moderate Wednesday's...

GOP Formally Bans CNN, NBC From Debates

Unless they kill their Hillary productions

(Newser) - As promised , the Republican National Committee formally declared today that CNN and NBC will be blackballed from GOP presidential debates if they move forward with programs on Hillary Clinton, reports the Washington Post . “We’re done putting up with this nonsense,” RNC chief Reince Priebus told the group'...

RNC to NBC, CNN: Yank Hillary Shows or No Debates

Reince Priebus is not happy with 'extended commercial' for 2016 bid

(Newser) - CNN and NBC had better pull the plug on their plans to bring Hillary Clinton to the small screen, or Reince Priebus is threatening to take his 2016 presidential debates and find them another network home. In a sternly worded letter today to network honchos, the RNC chair calls NBC'...

GOP Turns to Silicon Valley to One-Up Democrats

RNC hopes to improve on Obama campaign's digital strategy: Washington Post

(Newser) - President Obama's 2012 campaign schooled Republicans in the art of digital campaigning—mining data about voters and tailoring pitches directly to them. Now, Republicans hope to return the favor for next year's congressional elections, reports the Washington Post . The multimillion-dollar plan involves opening a Silicon Valley office and...

Jindal to GOP: &#39;Change Everything&#39;
Jindal to GOP: 'Change Everything'

Jindal to GOP: 'Change Everything'

Louisiana governor repeats 'stupid party' line to RNC's face

(Newser) - Bobby Jindal delivered the keynote address at the Republican National Committee's winter meeting last night, a speech billed as a "rebuttal" to Barack Obama's inaugural address, but he took aim as much at his own party as Obama's. Jindal said that while Republicans should stick by...

Eastwood's Empty Chair Gets Place of Honor in DC

RNC boss keeps it in his office

(Newser) - The chairman of the Republican National Committee is taking his title literally. Reince Priebus now holds the best-known empty chair in the world—the one Clint Eastwood took to task onstage at the party convention. Priebus pointed out the prop to CNN at the start of an interview about his...

Eastwood Was Either 'Delusional' ... or 'Terrific'

Count Michael Moore as voting for 'delusional'

(Newser) - Clint Eastwood's peculiar speech at the Republican convention has left prominent liberals and conservatives smiling, albeit for very different reasons. Writing for the Daily Beast , Michael Moore thanked the actor for making his night by casting the GOP as "delusional and detached from reality." He added that...

Wacky Clint Chair Schtick Lights Up Twitter

 Clint's Wacky 
 Chair Schtick 
 Lights Up 
go ahead, make my meme

Clint's Wacky Chair Schtick Lights Up Twitter

'Invisible Obama' hit of convention

(Newser) - Clint Eastwood's decidedly odd convention speech with an imaginary President Obama sitting next to him taking questions and offering obscene suggestions has electrified the Twitterverse—and inspired an Internet meme . Within hours some 35,000 followers were eating up brand new Twitter account @InvisibleObama , notes Mashable . Invisible Obama apparently...

GOP Opens Convention, Immediately Adjourns

Hurricane may derail more than just first day

(Newser) - Republicans officially kicked off their convention today, but only officially. RNC Chairman Reince Priebus gaveled the convention to order before dozens of delegates in a mostly-empty hall today, the AP reports, but 10 minutes and a giant debt clock later he'd adjourned the proceedings thanks to Tropical Storm Isaac...

Ron Paul: I Don't Fully Endorse Mitt

Rebuffed at convention, he holds own rally

(Newser) - It's a good thing for Mitt Romney that Ron Paul isn't speaking at the Republican National Convention because ... he doesn't actually endorse the candidate. The GOP apparently tried to throw a bone to the popular loser by offering him an opportunity to speak. But the offer came...

'Dogs Against Romney' Crashing GOP Convention

Will rally in Tampa ahead of RNC start

(Newser) - The Republican National Convention will be protested by ... dogs. Yes, Dogs Against Romney is planning a Tampa rally Sunday, one day before the convention starts, The Hill reports. "Should we have a president that isn’t even qualified to adopt a pet?" asks the group's founder in a...

GOP Attacks Obama and His Hollywood Groupies

New RNC ad slams Obama for using Anna Wintour

(Newser) - Jon Bon Jovi, Lady Gaga, Jack Black, Salma Hayek: It sounds like a red carpet who's who, but in fact it's a shortlist of the celebs who are lending their star power to the president during this go-round—and Republicans are once again hammering Obama for the company...

RNC Slogan Tweaks Obama: 'Hype and Blame'

He's not the candidate of 'Hope and Change' argue Republicans

(Newser) - Hope and Change? Try "Hype and Blame." That's the message from the RNC, which unveiled its not-quite-rhyming variation on President Obama's 2008 slogan today. Going forward, both the RNC and the Romney campaign will start using the slogan (and selling $10 bumper stickers emblazoned with it),...

RNC Slams 'Obama’s War on Women' in New Ad

Attack focuses on Bill Maher comments, White House 'boys' club'

(Newser) - Democrats often slam the GOP's "war on women," but now it's the Republicans who are hitting back at "Obama's war on women" in a new attack ad, Mediaite reports. The Republican National Committee ad focuses on controversial remarks Bill Maher—who is also a...

Democrats Winning 2012 Money Race (Sort of)

But numbers don't include independent groups

(Newser) - Republicans appear to be on the ropes in the race to raise money for the 2012 election—depending on how you look at it. The Republican National Committee, Congressional Committee, and Senatorial Committee raised a combined $105 million through July—compared to $129 for their Democratic counterparts, Politico reports. The...

New MSNBC Talking Head: Michael Steele

Former RNC chief looking forward to 'spirited' debate

(Newser) - The unemployment rate just went down a bit: Michael Steele, the former chair of the Republican National Committee who stepped down in January, has signed onto MSNBC as a regular commentator. Steele was rumored to be in talks with CNN and Fox, but has also made several guest appearances on...

Bushies Illegally Billed Taxpayer for Political Trips

Office of Special Counsel finds widespread violations

(Newser) - A three-year Office of Special Counsel investigation has found that members of George W. Bush’s administration—including at least seven Cabinet secretaries—campaigned on the taxpayer dime. In the run-up to the 2006 elections, Cabinet members took many politically motivated trips, falsely claiming they were on official business, investigators...

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