Politics / Sarah Palin 2012 Sarah Palin in 2012? It's Looking More Likely Pundits are split on whether it's a smart move By John Johnson Posted Jul 15, 2010 1:55 PM CDT Copied A June 29 file photo of Sarah Palin. (AP Photo/Erik S. Lesser, File) Pundits watching Sarah Palin are smelling a 2012 presidential run. Here are two takes on her prospects: Mark Halperin, Time: In a piece headlined "Why She's for Real," he lauds her fundraising and improved media savvy (especially the Mama Grizzlies video). And much to her advantage, she'd likely be the only woman among the GOP boys. "As long as she leaves the door to a race open, she can freeze the field, prevent other GOP hopefuls from gaining much traction, keep the media in a perpetual will-she-or-won't-she frenzy and jump into the race whenever she likes. That would be impossible for an ordinary candidate, but Palin could splash in as late as November 2011." Mark McKinnon, Daily Beast: "Palin could win the nomination. But she cannot win the general election." And if she runs and loses, "she could leave the Republican brand in pieces." If she's smart, she waits another cycle but wields "enormous influence in 2012" and increases her "power and prestige." In short, "Palin isn't ready to run. And the country isn't ready for her to run." (More Sarah Palin 2012 stories.) Report an error