Teen Crashes on Driving Test —Into DMV Building

18-year-old suffers a bout of 'pedal confusion'
By Nick McMaster,  Newser Staff
Posted Apr 27, 2010 4:58 PM CDT
Teen Crashes on Driving Test —Into DMV Building
A man crashed his car into the DMV building during his driving test today.   (Shutterstock)

If you're going to fail, you might as well fail big: a California teen taking his driving test lost control of his car and crashed into the DMV office. Lucas Holliday had just begun his test when he rapidly accelerated, veered to the left, and crashed into a wall, the Whittier Daily News reports. His DMV examiner was taken to a hospital for observation.

"I was pulling out of the driveway and I must have sped up and I crashed," Holliday said. "Instead of slamming on the brake, he stepped on the gas," his grandmother added. "The officer called it `pedal confusion."'
(More car crash stories.)