Aubrey Plaza was set to present an award at the Golden Globes, but skipped the Sunday night awards show after the death of her husband, screenwriter and director Jeff Baena, on Friday. Baena's death has been ruled a suicide by hanging by the medical examiner's office, Deadline reports. The 47-year-old was reportedly found dead at his Los Angeles residence. Baena and Plaza, 40, had been linked romantically since 2011, People reports. They kept their relationship relatively private, the magazine adds, with the public only finding out they were married when Plaza referred to Baena as her "darling husband" in a 2021 Instagram post; media outlets later confirmed they'd wed the year prior.
They collaborated often, with Plaza starring in many of Baena's films, and they also worked together on Cinema Toast, a found footage anthology series created by Baena in which Plaza made her directorial debut in 2021. Us Weekly rounds up some of the things Baena has said about their collaborations, including a 2022 interview in which he said of Plaza, "She's insanely talented and so smart and obviously really good at producing. And she's writing. There are very few people who can wear as many hats as her, as elegantly as she does." E! Online, meanwhile, rounds up the many tributes that were pouring in to the late filmmaker. (If you or someone you know needs help, the national suicide and crisis lifeline is available by calling or texting 988.)