Travel / strange stuff Delta Flight Returns to Airport After Strange, Smelly Mess Maggots fell from overhead compartment onto a passenger heading to Detroit from Amsterdam By Newser Editors Posted Feb 15, 2024 4:25 PM CST Copied A Delta Airlines jet approaches Sarasota-Bradenton International Airport in Sarasota, Fla., on Monday, February 5, 2024 (AP Photo/Gene J. Puskar) A Delta Air Lines flight en route from Amsterdam to Detroit had to turn back to the airport about two hours into its flight for a bizarre—and gross—reason: maggots. Fox2 Detroit reports that the slimy creatures fell onto a female passenger, seemingly out of nowhere. Flight attendants soon traced the source: They came from a bag in the overhead bin that contained a not-so-fresh fish wrapped in newspaper. The pilot soon notified passengers that the plane would be returning to Amsterdam Airport Schiphol. "We apologize to the customers of Flight 133 on Feb. 13 as their trip was interrupted due to an improperly packed carry-on bag," said the airline in a statement quoted by People. "The aircraft was removed from service for cleaning." Left unexplained is how the man who brought the fish aboard the plane got through screening with it. (More strange stuff stories.) Report an error