Lifestyle / uplifting news Kindness and Miracles: 5 Most Uplifting Stories Including Target workers and a birth mom who went beyond the call of duty By Newser Editors Posted Feb 8, 2015 5:11 AM CST Copied A woman stands outside Target in Saint-Eustache, Quebec, on Thursday, Jan. 15, 2015. (AP Photo/The Canadian Press, Ryan Remiorz) A miracle birth, a miracle recovery, and some miraculously kind people make this week's list: Woman Born Without Womb Has Twins: Hayley Haynes was devastated at 19 to learn she had no Fallopian tubes, ovaries, or womb, but in 2007, doctors found new hope—and at 28, she was able to start a family with the confidant who once comforted her. Workers Shovel All Winter So Widower Can Honor Wife: Since Bud Caldwell's wife of 56 years died two years ago, the 82-year-old has been visiting a Wisconsin park bench dedicated to her every day to tell her about the previous day and leave a penny and a daisy in memory of their two favorite songs. When heavy snow last month left him unable to reach the bench, two park employees intervened. Doctor: Mom's Prayer Restarted Dead Boy's Heart: A 14-year-old boy was "dead for 45 minutes" after falling through the ice at a Missouri lake, his doctor says. But when his mom was called into the room to say goodbye and she started praying, what another doctor called a "bonafide miracle" occurred. Teen Mom Pumps Breast Milk for Baby She Gave Up: Kaleena Pysher, 19, gave up her baby for adoption, but there was something else the Alaska teen wanted to give: breast milk. She's been mailing so much of it to the adoptive family that she'll be able to make one more altruistic gesture with the extra supply. Kind Target Workers Prep Boy for Job Interview: How often do shopping expeditions in mega-stores lead to heart-warming moments that go viral on Facebook? It happened the other day when a teenage boy went to a Target in Raleigh, NC, looking for a clip-on tie. Click to read more uplifting stories, including a happy ending for the man who walks 21 miles round-trip to work. (More uplifting news stories.) Report an error